39 thoughts on “What comes after being a twink?

    • Anonymous says:

      That ship sailed when I was 18, hecko. Get real or get out.

      i think thats when you should become buff

      I’m thinking about shaving my head, blasting some steroids, and LARPing as an ex con.

      • Anonymous says:

        Twinks aren’t failures until twink death. At that point you then become worthless, and you aren’t of any use to anyone. Too effeminate to be a real man yet too aged to continue being a twink. You may as well end it all tonight.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Most men cannot pull off being a twink in their 30s. And the few who can, usually get mogged by younger twinks.

    Once you hit 30, you need to try to attain a muscular look. Hit the gym hard, grow a beard, get a new wardrobe appropriate for your age.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you don’t have a personality, make enough money to replace that void. Bonus points if it involves physical labor, that’ll get you toned at the very least.

          • Anonymous says:

            replied to wrong post fuclkfuclkheckfuclkheck, see

            You’re the one talking about "getting pussy," and I’m telling you how to get it. Hustle culture is gay as heck, but if you’re (becoming) unattractive, lack personality to attract women, and have nothing else, money can help.


        • Anonymous says:

          You’re the one talking about "getting pussy," and I’m telling you how to get it. Hustle culture is gay as heck, but if you’re (becoming) unattractive, lack personality to attract women, and have nothing else, money can help.

      • Anonymous says:

        You need to stop attaching your self-worth to pussy. You’re 32 grow up nigga, you should already have your calling, your duties and passions in life figured out or at least a hecking wife and a family. It is not appearance that defines you as a "failure as a man" but rather your soulless-ness.

  2. Anonymous says:

    You guys know that with cosmetic procedures you can look young indefinitely, right? Unless you’re genetically absolutely hecked. But even then in the coming decades there will be newer, cheaper cosmetic procedures available.

    Get on any of the readily available solutions for that problem.
    >smile lines and forehead creases
    There are solutions to this. Ask any middle class European or Asian woman over the age of 30.
    >gray hairs
    That’s hot as heck.

    • Anonymous says:

      >gray hairs are hot as heck
      ive been graying since i was like 16, now i’m thoroughly salt and pepper at 27 and it’s concerning. not used to it…

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’ll bite. Competely hopeless on this website, but here goes:

    11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

    1 Corinthians 13:11

    Grow up, OP. Focus on adult matters and let your beauty (as it always should have been) shine from within based on the love you have of others. That or die a shell of a human riddled with regret at an old age with no hope of salvation.

    • Anonymous says:

      Alright, heckface. I’ll bite. What should I focus on? What “adult matters” are evading me? I have a fulfilling career, I own my own home, 2 cars, and a boat, I enjoy reading, gardening, and building birdhouses in my garage to classical music.

      What do I not have? What does me wanting to maintain my youthful vigor so I can heck 20 year olds on the weekends have to do with this? You gay.

      • Anonymous says:

        >What “adult matters” are evading me?

        Being concerned about vanity. Sure, come to /fashion/ to see what your generation thinks is popular and maybe some ideas on how to present yourself. Limit it to that. Age gracefully.

        >I own my own home, 2 cars, and a boat, I enjoy reading, gardening, and building birdhouses in my garage to classical music.

        You sound like a responsible adult until…

        >me wanting to maintain my youthful vigor so I can heck 20 year olds on the weekends have to do with this? You gay.

        the name calling and using your age/experience to pervert lesser mature people so that you can prematurely ejaculate and feel good about getting old. Find another way. Stop using people.

          • Anonymous says:

            You know what, you get what you deserve. In the end, that is nothing. You are aging poorly and it’s just the beginning. Get used to the word "no."

  4. Anonymous says:

    I feel you OP. Going on my thirties and it’s hard to switch from that young ephebe looks to something more my/your age.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Every twink I knew from highschool went one of three routes

    1. Go bald, grow beard, hit gym, start family, do some high paying blue collar work to support them

    2. Join a startup, never wear anything but menswear and v necks again

    3. Still twinkin, absolute manthot, hairline receeding and gut showing but somehow still at the same parties hecking 20 somethings on the regular

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