Will i look like a boomer wearing slim pants in 2022?

Will i look like a boomer wearing slim pants in 2022? I just cant get on the loose fit wave, i look so much better in slim shit but i dont wanna look like im stuck in 2015

51 thoughts on “Will i look like a boomer wearing slim pants in 2022?

  1. Anonymous says:

    I think so. My pants wore out and I needed a new pair for work, dug out some old 514s and there was just no way I was going to go out wearing those.

  2. Anonymous says:

    As long as it doesn’t verge on skinny, you should be fine. Slim can still work if it suits your frame. Skinny though, to the trash it goes.

    Balance it out maybe with roomier clothes elsewhere. Slim piecemeal could do, but slim everything would be a little too much 2015 tier.

    • Anonymous says:

      This, OP is confused. It’s only skinny jeans that have been relegated as a distinctly millennial phenomenon. There is nothing suggestive or charged about wearing slim-straight.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Am i crazy or does literally nobody really rock the loose fit look? I feel like every zoomer and millennial i see still rocks slim pants. Im sure in nyc or La people do though

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s what people here don’t really get. What’s in style where you live might not be the same as where I live. I’m sure if you live in NYC or LA the fashion will be way more "current" because that’s where all the high end stores and designers are, but where I live in rural Georgia everyone is still wearing slim fit everything or those extremely tapered cotton joggers that show off your swag shoes. At least, young people are doing that. People 30+ usually wear workwear and always have.

        If you dressed the way 99% of the people who post fits here you would get either laughed at, beat up or robbed for wearing here. People would see these giant high waisted pants and woolen shirts with like 4 buttons undone and think you’re having a psychotic break with reality. Parents would watch you to make sure you don’t come near their kids.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s cyclical. It’s probably going to take more than 5 years, but it will return when generation iPhone or whatever is old enough to make fun of zoomers.

        • Anonymous says:

          The best thing about Gen A going online will be seeing how utterly despised zoomers have been. Millennials, surely, caught flack from GenX when that was the big brother / little brother dynamic of the day, but that’s been forgotten if ever it was a thing. Zoomers on the other hand have all their accused sins inscribed for posterity.

  4. Anonymous says:

    What is the difference between skinny and slim jeans? I’ve been trying to find a replacement for my dads favorite jeans. The classic or traditional fit make it look like overalls without the straps, the slim straight look like he’s got his legs in tubes. The price limit is how good they look. He picked up a pair of George jeans from Walmart that were leagues better than the piece of shit ~~*levi’s*~~ he bought from Kohls which had garbage stitching and warped seams. Is there a brand that replaces Levi’s for the quality factor?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Do you think Ryan Gosling likes fashion or he’s forced to wear the latest trends like a costume on a mannequin because of his job?

    • Anonymous says:

      Ryan Gosling doesn’t care about fashion, but he knows how to dress himself. He is what 97% of the board’s current userbase wish they were.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Context. Your build. Quality of the clothing. These are things that matter, not what’s the current thing.

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