22 thoughts on “When and how did this become the default shoe?

  1. Anonymous says:

    This shoe alone probably got many many people into fashion. It was a cheap starter shoe as it "went with anything." Fashion youtubers and instagram people really shilled it for a bit that this was the shoe to get and now honestly its a bit of a joke and no one wants to admit its an npc tier shoe now because everyone wore them or still does. It’s a shoe for people who don’t wear shoes.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I still wear them, what’s the problem? Does everything have to be some obscure "that’s a kind of shoe, I bet you’ve never heard of it" hipster flex? They’re neutral, they go with a lot of things, they don’t cost a fortune, and they hold up to frequent use pretty well.

    • Anonymous says:

      No need to get defensive. I literally just want to know what (or who) makes so many people go for this *exact* shoe. They’re as common as Chucks were in the mid 00s and seeing everyone and their dog wear them just made me wonder why.

      This shoe alone probably got many many people into fashion. It was a cheap starter shoe as it "went with anything." Fashion youtubers and instagram people really shilled it for a bit that this was the shoe to get and now honestly its a bit of a joke and no one wants to admit its an npc tier shoe now because everyone wore them or still does. It’s a shoe for people who don’t wear shoes.

      >Fashion youtubers and instagram people
      I guess that makes sense. I sometimes forget how much influence smartphones have over the majority of the population.

      • Anonymous says:

        Chucks are cool too.

        I can only tell you why I go for them, aside from the reasons given I also:

        -Like the fact that I can likely get the exact same shoe later if I want
        -Like that they’re common enough that it doesn’t come off as any kind of "statement"
        -But if it is some kind of "statement" I’m ok with the statement I’m making (normcore/normie, generally oblivious to trends and obscure internet arguments, but more towards the left side of the normie spectrum, aka 100% on board with athletes taking knees and mainstream issues like that)
        -Like that they’re neutral enough that I can wear them with shorts or jeans or even a tucked in shirt and casual blazer if I want to go to a daytime concert at lincoln center and it doesn’t look too slovenly
        -Like that I can get them online if I’m lazy, or just walk 10 minutes and literally buy them on 125th street right now
        -Like that they make me look a little bit taller relative to the average shoe, because I’m a manlet
        -Like that if I step in a puddle or something I can just wipe them off but if they get destroyed I can throw them out and buy another without a second thought

        I will always have a place for the "shoe of the moment" (or a few moments ago) in my wardrobe. I was wearing stans for a while but they just look too busy, whereas af1s you don’t even notice. I assume btw we’re talking about af1s in general and not that specific colorway right?

        • Anonymous says:

          >that specific colorway right?
          Not OP but he probably means that exact colorway. My zoomer nephew wanted af1s and was very adamant that they had to be all white. I later noticed that all his friends wore the same exact af1s in all white. My conclussion is that even if they’re not a statement shoe for you, they are for zoomers.

          • Anonymous says:

            Lol @ "adamant", yeah I am not a zoomer how could you tell

            I guess come to think of it I haven’t noticed older adults in all white af1s, only zoomzooms. But I’m not paying that close attention, I just remember after I got my current pair, seeing this kid on the subway in ratty sweatpants and a cheap t shirt and pristine af1s and he was sitting in a way that almost looked protective of them, and thinking "he must have saved up for those" and I felt a little self conscious at that moment

          • Anonymous says:

            You just described my nephew, his friends and roughly 90-99% of zoomers at my local mall or anywhere around my city.

        • Anonymous says:

          >af1s in general and not that specific colorway right?
          honestly, 3 out of 4 times i see them, it is that *exact* model. which is why it’s such a mystery to me, but probably something very obvious to those who own them.

          >-But if it is some kind of "statement" I’m ok with the statement I’m making (normcore/normie, generally oblivious to trends and obscure internet arguments, but more towards the left side of the normie spectrum, aka 100% on board with athletes taking knees and mainstream issues like that)
          lmao my sense of dress probably radiates "I hate Black folk" then

  3. Anonymous says:

    >white sneakers
    >brown leather sneakers
    >brown penny loafers
    >black oxfords
    Is there a need for any other type of shoe in a man’s wardrobe?

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