0 thoughts on “thinspo thread

  1. Anonymous says:

    What the heck happened? I’ve been eating 1000 calories daily since June and I’ve been counting calories correctly, using a food scale, and never picking at anything before or after my daily meal. Today I weighed myself and the scale says that I’m ten pounds heavier than I was last week, I’m thinking that I am bloated but idk. I also caught a stomach bug so I’ll probably weigh myself after I finish a 36 hour fast.

    • Anonymous says:


      thinspo thread

      That stuff is too low on the basal metabolic index. Being that skinny is putting your life at risk. There’s a pretty high chance that if you’re this skinny you could die.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Does fasting somehow give you more energy? I have been extremely restless these past two days. Falling asleep is so difficult and I’m sleeping for less time than I normally do. I haven’t had any caffeine, it’s just a water fast.

    • Anonymous says:

      Fasting would only give you more energy if you were previously overeating and subject to fatigue and food comas after every meal.
      Many people will try fasting and then think they feel so much better in a fasted state but in reality, they’ve been punishing their body for decades eating so much and so regularly that their leptin levels are hecked up and their digestive system has been working pretty much nonstop, never taking a break.
      Once the digestive system is actually allowed to take a break, the body stops diverting so much energy on digestion and more can be allocated to the brain, which is why "brainfog" and other mental fatigue symptoms go away in the fasted state.

      • Anonymous says:

        The human body evolved to tolerate periods of fasting because early humans did not have the luxury of finding nourishing amounts of food more than once every few days, eating 3 times a day and having every macronutrient in every meal is a relatively modern innovation and humans simply aren’t built for it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    >56kg 189cm
    crohn’s got me shitting more than I eat, so unless it gets better I wouldn’t even be able to gain weight if I wanted to

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