People who have money but no style pissed me off

Is it jealousy? maybe. probably.
So I’ve been surfing through a Facebook group about luxury fashion/clothes and it’s just, most of them have absolutely no style, no value, no sense of taste. nothing. they’re the normies.

They seem to just buy luxury clothes just because it’s "luxury". so we’re talking about lame ass Louis Vuitton bag and lame ass Gucci.
They pissed me off so hard. How the heck do you have money but no taste. like how?!?!?!?!?


25 thoughts on “People who have money but no style pissed me off

    • Anonymous says:

      Like, is it jealousy that I feel this way? I mean, probably? most likely?

      But wow I’m amazed at how shallow these people can be. How do you have that much of money to buy a shitty bag just because it got big brand slap on it and then you have absolutely no style to actually back that up?
      it’s insane.

      Don’t get me wrong, if I have that much money, I’d definitely spend it on high end fashion too but I wouldn’t be that shallow with my choices of clothes, like jesus hecking christ.

      I suppose you can say that this is PEAK consumerism.

      • Anonymous says:

        Most rich people are just like anyone else. They just idolize trends with no extra thought put into it. Only difference is they can afford it, so they wear a 2.5k outfit that looks bad, instead of a $200 outfit that looks bad.

    • Anonymous says:

      But it is though and it shouldn’t be like that.
      I think I am superior than them. I do actually believe that.

        • Anonymous says:

          Because you have the access to luxury fashion, grand clothes. Yet you have no taste, no style.
          How is that even possible?
          Are you that much boring of a person? that NPC?
          That’s my point

          You need to be 18 to post here

          I don’t have exquisite taste and average fashionbros can easily mogged me in the term of taste but yes, compare to them? I am by far superior.
          Again, I do truly believe this.

          • Anonymous says:

            >Because you have the access to luxury fashion, grand clothes. Yet you have no taste, no style.
            >How is that even possible?
            Because they have matured enough to understand that ‘le friggin taste’ is literally worthless and irrelevant and they just get whatever they want at the moment because they can ,braindead teenager spergs like you go into a frenzy because of it so that’s a bonus

          • Anonymous says:

            if they’re matured enough they wouldn’t wasted their money on stupid "luxury" clothes.
            Why are you so offended? Are you one of those people? Stop spending that much clothes on useless shit dude, it ain’t gonna make you any cooler!

          • Anonymous says:

            I do understand that though, but at least fair percentage that I see, seem to understand why they spend money on that.
            At least they tend to have a proper taste and understand why they spend that much money on a garment.

            normies simply don’t.

    • Anonymous says:

      his taste probably is superior, some peoples taste is superior to others, is that like a crazy controversial statement or something

  1. Anonymous says:

    A face like that is a status symbol. The entire point is everyone knows it’s not natural and was bought with money.

    • Anonymous says:

      A perspective that I have not considered before

      Most rich people just want to fit in with their rich friends

      Good point

      idk man, I hate loud brand so I automatically hate LV bags. It seem to me a baby’s first luxury bag.

      Birkin sound WAY more interesting considering its history.

      History and heritage are marketing targeted towards midwits.

    • Anonymous says:

      That isn’t how women typically think, thoughbeit. Wouldn’t they prefer the "effortlessly beautiful" angle

  2. Anonymous says:

    just laugh at them or shake your head, why would you be angry that stupids exist
    btw she looks like she hit a wall, but in the literal sense

    • Anonymous says:

      idk man, I hate loud brand so I automatically hate LV bags. It seem to me a baby’s first luxury bag.

      Birkin sound WAY more interesting considering its history.

    • Anonymous says:

      What’s the target appearance? Disney princess? I’m not sure what they’re shooting for. At any rate, I don’t think women are trying to look like video game girls with this stuff. They’re being influenced by something else

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