67 thoughts on “Skinhead fashion

      • Anonymous says:

        In all fairness, that guy is middle aged, he used to makes shirts a while back. Too many people did take the name too seriously though and literally shave their heads bald, you dont have to, and it looks awful on most people


        the length of this lads hair was common back when it first started, a no 3 to 4 clipper guard. Skinhead was the name other people gave them, they didn’t come up with it, they were called that because nearly everyone else had long hair in the sixties and seventies.

  1. Anonymous says:

    You need a strong facial structure to look good with a skinhead haircut, especially when you’re young and your face is still a little soft. I would try out shortish hair first to see if it suits you. Also Dr Martens are overpriced these days – you’re better off looking for combat boots in your nearest military surplus store.
    The overall look is very powerful, but much of its mystique comes from its association with a particular strand of British working class culture which subsequently spread across underground subculture groups in Europe and North America. If you don’t have any connection with this culture it may come across as a gaygy hipster move.
    Also a lot of people will assume your politics are /pol/ adjacent. Not all skinheads are white nationalists of course, but you’ll have to be prepared for people to make that assumption. If you’re strong enough to handle that, then you’re worthy of the aesthetic.

    • Anonymous says:

      Definitely working class. I’m trying to modernize it a bit though, so will probably come off as a gaygy hipster unfortunately. I pretty much have the clothes but I’m too shy to try pulling it off and it’s gotten too hot where I live for the whole outfit. I don’t think I’ll look good with a shaved head either so I’m keeping it Hitler youth style.

    • Anonymous says:

      >Not all skinheads are white nationalists of course, but you’ll have to be prepared for people to make that assumption.

      Literally every single person I meet as soon as they feel comfortable enough they tell me I look like a nazi. It might be a little to much in some settings, especially if you want to portray a certain persona (ie charistmatic, urbane person at work.)
      Regarding women, it’s like everything-some dig it some don’t, but I tell you the ones that do will obsess over you, ask you to mandhandle them, will overlook infidelities, etc. It’s a very masculine fit so it activates something in their brains.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not outing myself on /fashion/, of all places. Dude in OP could very well be my brother, although I’m much taller.

      • Anonymous says:

        can confirm. last ex dressed very much like a skinhead with a shaved head and it was crazy hot. other women were also incredibly into it and he ended up cheating on me

        is this just a thing that happens with men with a skinhead aesthetic?

    • Anonymous says:

      IMO, yes.

      Not OP but thanks for the explanation. I also coming here to help expand my /pol/ through fashion. Am very interested in this British working class culture


      Definitely working class. I’m trying to modernize it a bit though, so will probably come off as a gaygy hipster unfortunately. I pretty much have the clothes but I’m too shy to try pulling it off and it’s gotten too hot where I live for the whole outfit. I don’t think I’ll look good with a shaved head either so I’m keeping it Hitler youth style.

      I am definitely trying to modernize it too. That picture you posted is amazing. Is that you? I am definitely considering a jacket like that, however, /fit/ takes time

      • Anonymous says:

        Not me in pic. I don’t have a bomber jacket yet.

        W2c pants?

        I have not been able to find high waisted slacks anywhere.

  2. Anonymous says:

    heck doc martens. I would never wear those due to how trendy they’ve become with art hoes and women in general.

    • Anonymous says:

      skins generally didn’t wear that button on braces, because they are what your granddad wore, with a waistcoat and flat cap, skinhead actually looked quite modern for the time(late sixties)I do like button braces now more though, not being a skinhead anymore, braces are just better at keeping high rise trousers up.

  3. Anonymous says:

    These are all traits society looks for in a fit. It ticks all the checkmarks.

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