43 thoughts on “nike just released the new SFB B1 aka the latest version of the iconic "shia boot". Thoughts?

  1. Anonymous says:

    I prefer the original Gen 1s, but these are neat. too bad they only come in coyote tho, the USAF phased out sage green, absolutely tragic imo

    • Anonymous says:

      They’re ok. I love tac boots, and it’s nice to see a more subtle "watered-down" version that doesn’t make you look like an active shooter in public. Still though, I’d prefer something actually service-worthy. The soles look like they would not work for serious terrain that’s jagged or sharp/thorny.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I’m a footgay and these don’t arouse me much for some reason.
    I think they seem too lightweight.
    Like they’re nylon and foam or something.
    I need some heft and weight and mass in my male feet I guess.

  3. Anonymous says:


    I just clicked the site and it’s a dead link, no longer available. How long ago was this and why is /fashion/ committed to only talking about shit after it sells out?

  4. Anonymous says:

    >Avoid all mil boots, gaygy larper core
    Air Force/Other branches but with office worker/lazy gay MOS
    Actual soldier
    >Issued boot, summer only(even in winter)

  5. Anonymous says:

    look super goob. all of the "modern" little design flourishes on it are gonna look so stupid in a few years

  6. Anonymous says:

    why the heck is it so hard just to get basic leather or sneakerboots that don’t have goretex and bullshit in them?

    • Anonymous says:

      They are these choinase pair https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256802592197711.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.7aef1f808ZNoRt&algo_pvid=49fe064f-29ef-433b-8d21-680db67b41d4&algo_exp_id=49fe064f-29ef-433b-8d21-680db67b41d4-47&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000022147050358%22%7D&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%21%2118.73%2118.73%21%21%21%21%402103399116562479195588729e599a%2112000022147050358%21sea

  7. Anonymous says:

    I got the jungle boots because they were a lightweight midpoint between a sneaker and leather combat boot and and i wanted something taller than a hiking boot.

    I got some tactical research ones but when i tighten them they make the leather on the top of the toe cap bubble up above the foot, which looks like the same problem the Vietnam boots would have. The Nike version leaves less room above the foot near the toes so not only does it not bubble up but it can be worn unlaced which is often seen.

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