18 thoughts on “ITT post the piece of clothing you wasted the most money on

  1. Anonymous says:

    The most expensive item I own is a $900 wool cot, which is great but I didn’t know it was slim fit when I bought it. If I had, I probably wouldn’t have bought it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    i didnt waste them myself but i have in my closet a leather bomber with real wolf fur around the neck that my father got made in the 80’s i cant really wear it for obvious reasons but it must have costed a leg

  3. Anonymous says:

    regret buying these sneakers completely.
    hot in summer, let water through easier than anything else, get wet even from snow, hard to dry. and the midsole rots if not dried fas which causes it to smell like cat piss, quality terrible, can see glue and shit around seams, little strings etc, the shoelaces get untied if you dont tie them twice.
    not buying nigke ever again.

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