64 thoughts on “Is laser hair removal worth it? I'm tired of having to shave EVERY SINGLE DAY

  1. Anonymous says:

    I mean if you have money for it, and are sure you at no point in the future want to grow any, sure. Mind that even if have have it all removed, ever years some of it will regrow and require more laser treatments.

    • Anonymous says:

      electrolysis can handle the few remaining hairs just fine

      i would do it, but i totally want to be able to grow a beard when i’m older so i’ll pass

  2. Anonymous says:

    Men are meant to have beards, it’s natural, it’s one of the things what defines a person as a male and differentiates us from women, your view on this goes against nature, that’s why you feel turmoil and frustration.

    • Anonymous says:

      true but if you have some patchy bullshit genetics and you’ll never grow it out because it looks like shit, what’s wrong with permanently removing it? shaving sucks ass.
      i also see nothing wrong with lasering off shit like neck hair, for some guys it grows way lower on the neck than you’d ever let grow out for a beard in the first place. and if you have a beard it becomes more of a b***h to shave.


      Is laser hair removal worth it? I’m tired of having to shave EVERY SINGLE DAY

      depends on your hair color. if you’re too blonde laser doesn’t work and it gets way more expensive.

        • Anonymous says:

          >If you’re blonde you don’t need laser because you won’t have a hecking shitty ass looking beardshadow
          You would still need to shave constantly no?

    • Anonymous says:

      Sure. The pain isn’t that bad. As a bonus you’ll look much younger.
      Here’s two gay twinks doing it:

      You can look up their latest videos they look quite young for their age. 27 & 32.

      Explain the men that don’t get it then. There’s plenty in Asia & North Europe. Blonds, the people this site jerks off, get the least body pilosity.

      • Anonymous says:

        >Explain the men that don’t get it then
        They do, nobody said they get them equally.

        true but if you have some patchy bullshit genetics and you’ll never grow it out because it looks like shit, what’s wrong with permanently removing it? shaving sucks ass.
        i also see nothing wrong with lasering off shit like neck hair, for some guys it grows way lower on the neck than you’d ever let grow out for a beard in the first place. and if you have a beard it becomes more of a b***h to shave.
        depends on your hair color. if you’re too blonde laser doesn’t work and it gets way more expensive.

        You are putting far too much stock in what others think of you.

      • Anonymous says:

        no hecking way one of them is in his thirties. how the heck is that even possible?

        >no hecking way one of them is in his thirties.
        The video is from over 5 years ago. Twink death coming soon.

        • Anonymous says:

          Twink death is a meme unless you’re on hormones like a stupid
          The self-care required to actually pull off the twink look doesn’t just magically stop being good past a certain age. You may not be a "twink" at 40 but you’ll still be fit with good skin so it’s win/win.

    • Anonymous says:

      >muh nature
      Take your nature-worship bullshit elsewhere, Abdool. Who gives a shit about what’s “nAtuRaL” when natural is often ugly and crude anyways. It’s about what looks better, and facial hair looks like shit on the vast majority of people.

      • Anonymous says:

        i would argue facial hair is the great neutralizer for men like makeup for women. It makes most average and softer faces more masculine. The problem comes from guys growing it out and its either unkept and nasty looking or they don’t have the right density for a beard to begin with.

    • Anonymous says:

      okay but what if the hair on my neck goes down to my hecking chest you stupid. what am i supposed to do then? thats not the beard you imagine in your escapist fantasy in your head

    • Anonymous says:

      Based. If you enjoy shaving knock yourself out, but if like OP you hate it then stop doing it. I have never once in my life put a razor to my face. When I get tired of my beard I just use clippers, I have no time for regular grooming.

  3. Anonymous says:

    i had really bad neck hair. like it wouldnt even come off with a hecking razor, so i had to get that shit lasered and now im not disgusting. really hecking hurts though.

    • Anonymous says:


      Is laser hair removal worth it? I’m tired of having to shave EVERY SINGLE DAY

      I had enough laser on my entire face that it doesn’t grow hair at all anymore, and it seriously wasn’t that bad

  4. Anonymous says:

    yes it’s great, I basically only get a dozen colorless hairs on my face now after like 12 sessions
    but if you’re on testosterone it’ll probably come back

  5. Anonymous says:

    that being said i would definitely try TRT before lasering off your beard, unless you just have a shit face for beards in the first place.
    if you laser your beard off then go bald you’re kinda hecked.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I’ve had 10 sessions or so, my beard is almost gone. Only a patch in my shin and sides of mustache left. Honestly, the best decision i’ve made about my appearance, ans I wish ive made it sooner.
    I have a serious case of babyface so facial hair on me always looked ridiculous, and my skin is super sensitive so it always gets irritated when i shave so it has saved me a lot of irritation and bumps. The pain is bad yeah but is only for half an hour every month. The hairs get darker after each session but that goes away after like 3 or 4 days, along with the damaged hairs that wont come back. Its pretty fun not shaving after a session for a couple of days and then seeing them fall out in your hand with no effort. after you only caress your face. It also made me look younger obviously, and people complement my skin.
    It’s been honestly hecking amazing.

    • Anonymous says:

      I feel that brother I’m a baby faced heck and my usual go to androgyny facial hair hecks that shit up so quick

  7. Anonymous says:

    >Is laser hair removal worth it?
    I could understand cleaning up the line of your beard but no more than that.

    Worse part of it is that it leaves blocks of hairy skin where the treatment didn’t overlap. Within five years regrowth will be significant. It’s expensive as heck and whatever does grow back is going to look unnatural. Also doesn’t zap lighter hairs and barely zaps hair on joints and bones for some reason.

    It’s best to clean up unwanted growth in isolated area’s. Not for full body cuz the results too messy

        • Anonymous says:

          and yeah obviously its also really uncomfortable after shaving, itchy, gets red and whatnot. i hecking hate shaving my balls, especially behind the back making sure you dont leave parts is such a pain

          • Anonymous says:

            literally the most important part, im tired of shaving my genitals, i sometimes even cut my balls

            i dont care about balls, those are essy,for me is the pubis and sides of dick where the v line is where i get the stupid red bumps, its awful

    • Anonymous says:

      I did full body laser but kept only the main beard line
      It’s not awkward, it’s her job and you’re a customer

  8. Anonymous says:

    Yes. I used to be super hairy, started the process and now it’s a lot more manageable. I have a few sessions left, but shaving it off takes like 15 minutes whereas it used to take hours.
    It cost me about a thousand dollars. Doesn’t hurt, feels like an ice cube gliding over you, but it’s warm. It is a very slow process, though. You have to space each session by like 8 weeks.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Anyone got handheld IPLs they recommend for the face? I got a no-name, but it comes with an auto mode and a metal plate for cool downs, to make the sessions easier. Also, how high do you crank yours up in wavelength?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Had crazy thick black facial hair from nearly my eyes to an inch from bottom of neck. was always super irritating for skin every 2 days shave to not look like crap – got my neck and upper cheeks lasered like 8 times.
    It stings but not bad I was able to tell them to crack it (they do different power levels) so I got more for my money & it worked quite well. need to do more for permanent removal but the hair is much thinner and doesn’t grow as fast making shaving a breeze less irritation.
    Gonna finish it soon well worth it.

    • Anonymous says:

      crank it*
      Stings like many instantaneous hot pins without the stabbing. like an electric little burn. kinda satisfying in a way lol.
      pain doesn’t last either just a sunburn feeling.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not me, but I want to get it done this year. I got a friend who did, no regrets. Shit just works and back hair is so unappealing

      • Anonymous says:

        im just starting to get back hair and my genetics (french) seem like theyre gonna give me a whole lot more backhair in the future. i cant reach my hecking back to shave it. its such hecking bullshit

  11. Anonymous says:

    I’m a chink and I can’t even grew a proper beard. Best I can do is the 25 yo uncle moustache & goatee combo look.
    Wish I have your problem.

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