22 thoughts on “God, you all look like SHIT

  1. Anonymous says:

    >dresses like a christmas tree/paint factory explosion
    >neon colors, busy patterns, shiny metal spikes/sequins/other garbage
    >asserts dominance over others by triggering other people’s photosensitive epilepsy by just walking on the street
    >covered in graphics and brand logos to the point where is no longer recognizable as a human being
    >all clothes are either Shrek’s nightgown, or a literal straitjacket
    >gets in here and criticizes me about actually caring about dressing in an aesthetically pleasing way
    Absolute state of zoomers.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pic related is 90% of their "asthetically pleasing" fits.

      Just look in the waywt thread. You hecking redditors legit go onto a fashion forum and want a pat on the back for wearing plain coloured tshirts and pants from Walmart.

      That’s called the bare minimum of clothing yourself. This is a fashion forum.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Daily reminder zoomers are the seed of Satan and will be thoroughly be sacrificed to him.

    They despise anyone older than them and hate the elderly, a sign of society decay and self hate. They hate and feel insecure around old people (a rather odd thing for people in their prime to spend time on). The men do not act like men and are weak. Women will not heck them. Lowest recorded testosterone in the history of man. Highest autism rates and diseases from vaccination. They don’t go outside. The men dont know if theyre men or women and are abominations.

    They will continuously proceed to be annihilated both mentally and physically untill they are sacrificed to the forces that course through them.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I hate business casual and I hate the lazy boomers who invented it. Thanks to boomers the world laughs at us because we dress like children. Some millenials and gen x think a vest and tie is a suit and a shirt and black tie is a tuxedo. We are now reaping the everlasting rotting crops from what your generation as sown.

    I will be on your death bed, with my best and tie silently staring at you until your final moments. Just so you can see that your fashion statement was never going to remain.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I feel like there’s subsets of zoomers though. Ones that were kind of closer to millenial fashion but with a perm, and now the ones that brought back floor sweeping baggy pants

    • Anonymous says:

      I think the issue is that fashion trends no longer develop naturally, they jump jarringly from one aesthetic to the next and zoomers throw different stuff together without being able to fully differentiate and identify why certain things work together and other things don’t. The internet and online shopping for zoomers is like someone dumping several decades of catalogs and magazines in your lap and telling you to take your pick.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I mean, zoomers are just the process of irony and nihilism enabled through technology to its clownish, sexless, mentally ill conclusion. If anything, millennials are a foot note between boomers and zoomers.

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