45 thoughts on “Who has the better style?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Himmler looks like a germoid-japanese hybrid who wouldn’t know fun if it sat on his face. Goering seems more laid back.
    Himmler wins because his ensemble is more risqué and still works though.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Left is still wearable today, right looked larpish even back then and would’ve never been worn outside of a government and military role. You can never go wrong with a well fitting three piece suit as a man.

    • Anonymous says:

      >even back then
      It wasn’t uncommon for returning soldiers to continue wearing their uniform, after WWI. The NSDAP recruited mainly from such people, thus it is a show of tradition.

      • Anonymous says:

        They wore bits of their uniform as a necessity because most of them were dirt poor after ww1, but suits were generally the outfit of all social classes of europe. Your average german wasn’t going dressed like himmler on a daily basis unless he was actually in the military or freikorps.

        • Anonymous says:

          >Your average german wasn’t going dressed like himmler on a daily basis unless he was actually in the military
          You know that, practically, all of Europe had conscription for WWI, right?
          Thus your average German-man WAS a soldier.

          • Anonymous says:

            >You know that, practically, all of Europe had conscription for WWI, right?
            >Thus your average German-man WAS a soldier.
            So what? doesn’t mean they would be always wearing their old uniform after demobilization, does it? if anything they would probably of wanted to get out of it as soon as possible, you think tommies kept wearing their full uniforms when they came back home to the local coal mine?( i have seen them wearing army jackets as work jackets but that is out of neccesity)

          • Anonymous says:

            >doesn’t mean they would be always wearing their old uniform after demobilization, does it?
            Yes, it does.
            I jest, but, yes it does.
            Okay, maybe around fifty percent of them.

            Clothes were a lot more expensive back then (polyester being non-existent so all clothes were 100% natural, excepting for maybe bakelight buttons) and Germany was dirt poor (a wagon of money needed to buy bread).
            If they were homeless, and I presume many were, then, yes, I would say they kept wearing their uniforms.

          • Anonymous says:

            …..they would’ve had their clothes from before the war or hand me downs from friends and family, yes clothes were expensive, but they also lasted a lot longer and people didn’t wash them as often or themselves as often.

            You also have to think, they wouldnt have wanted to continue wearing uniforms that reminded them of a nightmare war they survived.

          • Anonymous says:

            >they wouldnt have wanted to continue wearing uniforms that reminded them of a nightmare war they survived.
            Sure they would have, as a sign of comradery with the other men who wear it.
            Keep in mind, the average German soldier believed Germany didn’t need to surrender just yet, so they were not of the opinion of wanting the war to end.
            Sure, war is hell, but when you need a wagon of money to buy bread and your country has its balls cut of, you’d rather go to war.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you explain me the logic of a clothing actually worn in a certain period being labelled as larpy even during that same time period?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Göring had a natural born Junker swagger that all while Himmler was larping as a soldier despite never having served

  4. Anonymous says:

    Sometimes I genuinely wonder how anyone was attracted to Himmler

    He looks so hecking stupid in every picture

      • Anonymous says:

        Göring today would have been an e-celeb who scams his fans with crypto and NFTs
        Himmler is just sad


      • Anonymous says:

        I thought he was at the very least competent, seeing as how he turned the SS from a few hundred guys to an incredibly powerful paramilitary organization.

        • Anonymous says:

          Heinrich Himmler the man whose escape plan was to… shave his mustache and assume the alias Heinrich Hitzinger. Don’t worry he cleverly switched out of his SS uniform and donned the uniform of the secret police… another organization that was suspected of war crimes. The guy was a bit of a clown and thanks to his wacky beliefs he’s the reason the trope of Nazis being interested in ancient occult artifacts and paranormal superweapons came about. Good with paperwork tho.

          • Anonymous says:

            ‘War crimes’ are farce. Every country commits them in war, only the loser has to pay for them.

            ‘Killing Japanese didn’t bother me very much at that time… I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal…. Every soldier thinks something of the moral aspects of what he is doing. But all war is immoral and if you let that bother you, you’re not a good soldier’.
            – Curtis LeMay (killed 800,000 civilians, got into no trouble)

  5. Anonymous says:

    WTF is going on with Goering’s eyes in this picture?
    Has this been doctored?
    It looks like his pupils are black and his iris is glowing white.

      • Anonymous says:

        it was Wilhelms stupidation and insecurities that put Germany in the miserable state which allowed for someone like Hitler to take over in the first place
        monarchy is great until some inbred bumbling mongoloid sits on the throne

      • Anonymous says:

        Wilhelm II? Didn’t he flee Germany after surrendering to the Entente?

        >Wilhelm greatly admired the success which Hitler was able to achieve in the opening months of the Second World War, and personally sent a congratulatory telegram when the Netherlands surrendered in May 1940: "My Fuhrer, I congratulate you and hope that under your marvellous leadership the German monarchy will be restored completely." Unimpressed, Hitler remarked to Linge, his valet, "What an idiot!"[94]

        >Upon the fall of Paris a month later, Wilhelm sent another telegram: "Under the deeply moving impression of France’s capitulation I congratulate you and all the German armed forces on the God-given prodigious victory with the words of Kaiser Wilhelm the Great of the year 1870: "What a turn of events through God’s dispensation!" All German hearts are filled with the chorale of Leuthen, which the victors of Leuthen, the soldiers of the Great King sang: Now thank we all our God!"

    • Anonymous says:

      Hindenburg exuberates such pure authoritative, masculine energy. Hitler looks like a mere child in comparison.

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