22 thoughts on “What is it about this fit that makes it so bad?

  1. Anonymous says:

    backwards or backwards-looking corduroys
    too high waisted, looks like he’s smuggling a TV dinner in those urkel pants – front pockets look odd and belt looks skinny. tightness of pants and length/pointiness of shoes make it look like a bad Jetsons cosplay
    above the waist, the unbuttoned and tucked in button up looks atrocious – the velvety texture of the top coupled with the cords isn’t enough of a match or a contrast and just looks cheesy and uncomfortable. the t shirt has too sloped of a neckline, haircut is bad, posture and physique are not ideal. even the facial expression he gives is uncanny and uncomfortable
    looks like he rooted around at a thrift shop for 30 minutes and put this together thinking it would be a breezy cool 60s fit and is smug about it
    in reality looks quite bad and makes me feel a little bit upset
    some of this could be that the guy is just kind of doughy and can’t pull off tight fitting clothes

  2. Anonymous says:

    I won’t comment on the clothing other than to point out the pointy shoes and high waist are giving the illusion of a comically short torso.

    • Anonymous says:

      this is what happens when stupids who have zero clue of fashion fundamentals such as rule of thirds blindly follow trends like "high rise" without any understanding whatsoever.
      high rise cropped pants are lol tier
      then throw them on a guy who’s body clearly is meant for mid/low rise and its painfully visibly obviously off to everyone regardless if they understand why.

      the pants are doing it too. https://www.google.com/search?q=rule+of+thirds+fashion

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you think this dude’s balls are in pain?


      this is what happens when stupids who have zero clue of fashion fundamentals such as rule of thirds blindly follow trends like "high rise" without any understanding whatsoever.
      high rise cropped pants are lol tier
      then throw them on a guy who’s body clearly is meant for mid/low rise and its painfully visibly obviously off to everyone regardless if they understand why.

      the pants are doing it too. https://www.google.com/search?q=rule+of+thirds+fashion

      Is there an easy well to tell what kind of pants look good on your body?

      • Anonymous says:

        take a timer shot pic of yourself full body in your underwear from a decent distance. don’t use a mirror selfie for this they distort the image.
        open up photoshop & count the pixels. rule of thirds. you can go outside the boundaries set by the rule but it needs to be done with intention.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I think that simply untucking the shirt would make it look better, doing that with high rise pants hecks up the proportions here. Still wouldn’t call it that fashionable, but at least it would stop catching attention with its awkwardness.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Looks like he’s trying to dress like some gay anime character with badly hecked up proportions. Or like that frog in the fatgirl jeans meme.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Wtf OP is the guy who makes the "why is this fit bad?" threads always with asian men. I haven’t seen him post in some time. Anyway I suspect he has a gay asian humiliation fetish so everyone going "it’s shit!!!" is helping him jerk off. Just thought you guys should know that.

    • Anonymous says:

      I also noticed there’s always some dude pointing this out every time there’s this type of thread made. It’s like you and OP are a set

  6. Anonymous says:

    skinny pants don’t look that good that high waisted and I believe that those pants are not that high, he simply pushed them way too high creating that effect. Additionally that tucking looks weird, I bet that is creating that weird bulge at the top of the jeans.
    Tldr those pieces are nice, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are saint laurent/haider ackermann, he simply shouldn’t do that tuck nor pushing the pants that high, sure he wants to create that super long leg look that slp models have but its not working on him.

  7. Anonymous says:

    pants look too tight and too high waisted which hecks up the male torso:legs proportion. the waist of the pants does not lie on the natural male waist line which is usually a bit lower. the jacket thing looks tucked in and i think tucking it out would help balance the said proportion. also the neckline seems a bit too big so i’d change that too. i can see the vision but it could be executed better. overall my main issue is with the pants so: lower waist and more loose fit

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