52 thoughts on “What is?

    • Anonymous says:

      i have type 1A hair and used to shampoo daily and would end up with greasy oily hair by the evening (showered in the morning)

      took my scalp maybe 8 months of nopoo (water only) to adjust

      all i did to help mitigate the oiliness was use a boar hair bristle brush and suck up the flakes (not dandruff, dry scalp) by not wearing dark tops

      been nopoo for around 4yrs now and i only shampoo maybe once a month, hair is much more voluminous, doesn’t look oily even after 72 hours, no product required for light styling

  1. Anonymous says:

    The chick on the right actually just looks dirty, her hair doesn’t look better or healthier at all it just looks greasy and unwashed.

  2. Anonymous says:

    my hair gets really greasy after a few days, i have to use shampoo every other day, cold water rinse doesn’t cut it. any tips?

    • Anonymous says:

      Warmer water removes oils more easily than cold water. The whole idea behind no-poo is that your oil production adapts after a while and slows down. No idea though, I shampoo every couple days too

  3. Anonymous says:

    Haven’t used anything other than water on my head for over 2 years. Frankly it’s crazy that everybody is using 20 products in their hair and then washing it off constantly.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I workout up to 2 hours a day at this point

    I feel like if I don’t shampoo my hair it will come out greasy as heck still

  5. Anonymous says:

    Don’t try this if you have a shit diet/lifestyle.

    The premise of this regimen is that your body is healthy and will take care of your skin and hair better than topical chemicals. If you already eat and breathe a large load of chemicals (if you live in a city this is you) and don’t exercise (exercise helps produce good and remove toxic chemicals) then stick with the shampoo.

    • Anonymous says:

      >The premise of this regimen is that your body is healthy and will take care of your skin and hair better than topical chemicals.
      Lol works for me, not for others. Would be funny if this is the reason.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I went without shampoo for months, and my hair never lost the greasy, waxy feeling. I tried it again, that time using baking soda and vinegar and shit, and it still was waxy.

    Verdict: For me, it’s a meme.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I started no poo almost two weeks ago and honestly I feel terrible.
    I think I may have to give in and take a shit pretty soon

  8. Anonymous says:

    Tried no poo for 4 months since people say it was good "yeah bro your hair will start regulating your oil production after a while and it wont get as greasy’

    It never stop being greasy as shit and some no poo gays believe on it like they belong to a cult

    It doesnt work for everyone like almost everything on life, give it a try and see if you like it, my sister had a good experience with it but came back to using stuff since she dyed her hair

  9. Anonymous says:

    I did it for a couple of years. Worked while I kept my hair short, once I started to grow it out it looked like shit.

  10. Anonymous says:

    i stopped years ago, didn’t notice any difference but i’m male with short hair so maybe other people might notice /shrug
    always seemed like a stupid thing to put something in your hair and the rinse it out with water minutes later…

  11. Anonymous says:

    How do you guys get past day 3? Should I stop eating a few days in advance? Even then I don’t see myself getting past the first week. Will it like just get easier at some point?

  12. Anonymous says:

    I’ve tried it before, did not work for me, even cowashing was not working well.
    I have started using a pine tar soap all over my body, washing hair twice a week and just rinsing the rest of the days.
    Improved my scalp health, no dandruff. Can easily style hair and it’s not dry or greasy.
    Hair is still short right now, only down to eyes. Might buzz it before I can give any advice on longer styles though.

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