38 thoughts on “Just got this tattoo

  1. Anonymous says:

    cringe and bluepulled
    i wouldve said to remove yourself from the gene pool but i dont think i have to worry about you polluting it

  2. Anonymous says:

    I love berserk but man all berserk tattoos are just sóy. Especially your ugly rape tattoo.
    >uh yeah this is from my favorite mango called berserk and this is the part where se gets RAPED hahaha. Anyways it’s cool and interesting and i hope you read it and think I’m interesting as well and totally not a hecking weirdo

  3. Anonymous says:

    infinitely better than the played out brand of sacrifice tattoo. really good work, very aesthetically pleasing, extremely ballsy. no matter how you look at it it’s /fashion/

  4. Anonymous says:

    I respect the balls to get that tattooed on yourself. However I categorize that tattoo on the same level as getting a giant throbbing cock and balls tattooed on you. Uncomfortable to look at, hard to explain, and just strange. What the heck is your plan to explain it? Say it’s hentai? Just tell people it’s a rape scene from an anime you really like? How do you explain that a rape scene has significant enough meaning to you to have it immortalized on your skin? Did you even think this far ahead? Do you make good decisions? Probably not, you decided getting a woman being raped was a good tattoo. hecking weirdo.

    • Anonymous says:

      You’re giving too much credit to normies in public actually caring. A lot of people at my gym have tattoos, even I have tattoos. But I couldn’t tell you a single one of the tattoos at my gym
      >At very best I think some guy had a swan on his leg. I think

      No one cares. No one pays attention for more than half a second. Just like blading gays. But that’s another story

    • Anonymous says:


      he did it just to spite guts cause he’s obsessed, he tried to force himself on her before but she pushed him off of her just prior to the eclipse

    • Anonymous says:

      Nah bro despite watching her comrades get sacrificed in some hellish dimension one by one, and having an established romance with guts. She just could not refuse to pass the opportunity to have griffiths dick in her despite him turning into a literal demon king

  5. Anonymous says:

    No, she looks like she’s enjoying it or just indifferent. You’ve completely neutralized what is supposed to be the most provocative moment of the series by taking it from Femto raping a woman to him just having sex with her. I fail to even understand why you would choose this scene if you’re just going to do that. That’s like camping in your backyard or taking an airplane to the next city over.

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