42 thoughts on “is taking men's fashion advice from women a stupid idea?

    • Anonymous says:

      Literally all you have to do is be attractive and anything will look good to women.

      This, women are hecking stupid. She will try to dress you like some KPOP idol she finds attractive or something even if you’re a fat white guy

  1. Anonymous says:

    >those recs in the thumbnail
    They’re just giving superficial advice. Real niggas know fashion comes from within.

  2. Anonymous says:

    How difficult is it to just look on the item sales page to see what the model is wearing it with and if you like it buy something similar.

    >I need to take how to wear stuff advice from useless cunts

  3. Anonymous says:

    Remember that the smart person will judge the advice from arguments and personal experience, wont bother from who is it coming from.
    The fool will need some form of authority to accept or not the advice.

    • Anonymous says:

      No. It’s much easier to look up styling guide for men written by men. Women either dress you like chad (and can look stupid) or dress you in something extremely outdated.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’d also like to add to this by saying that asking women to dress you is liking asking women for tips to get dates with other women: they don’t hecking know and will give you terrible advice. And looking like a girl dressed you is pussy repellent

    • Anonymous says:

      how the heck do you work on ugly? i lost 60lbs over the last 9mo, but I’ve still got inconvenient moles and freckles, and my nose is uneven. hecking plastic surgery costs a ton in this country.

      • Anonymous says:

        Get a good haircut, hygiene, diet, hitting the gym, getting enough sleep. Moles and freckles aren’t a defect. Start with that and you obviously won’t got to 10/10, but will improve guaranteed

  4. fatty-bo0m-batty says:

    Not being open-minded as to what they might have to suggest is a stupid idea, but emphasizing their opinions just because they’re a woman, and not because of their merits as a fashionista/designer/etc. is definitely a stupid idea.

    • Anonymous says:

      They have a women’s mind and a women’s body. Women are usually better with women’s fashion and men are usually better with men’s fashion. There are are exceptions but these two are by no means exceptional.

      • Anonymous says:

        >men are usually better with men’s fashion
        men are better at building bridges that don’t fall down
        women are better at buying clothing and knowing the names of colors

  5. Anonymous says:

    Yes, women giving advice to men take upon a motherly role, they will make you dress like they’d dress their child. In general, taking advice from women on how you should dress or act is hecking stupid.
    It’s the equivalent of dudes who drop all their emotional baggage on a girl because she said. "men can cry too" and then act surprised why the girl left them.

  6. Anonymous says:

    No, but always get second opinions. Women know what clothing choices women find appealing on men, and as such are a natural choice for finding what will look good on you. The same applies for women. If they want to know what looks best on them, they should ask men.

    However, the best choice will be a gay man, as the gay will both know what looks good on you AND what will fit and wear well.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I exclusively take fashion advice from gay men. You get the best of both worlds: the opinion of somebody attracted to men, and the opinion of somebody whose brain isn’t handicapped by being female.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Whenever they show you these images it’s always Chad modeling. If an average guy walked in the same clothes they would probably think it looks terrible. Just saying to keep that in mind.

  9. Anonymous says:

    No. They don’t understand what works for men’s bodies. You will look like an idiot.

    So in general don’t take the advice, or like other anon’s said listen but still think for yourself. I’ll add to that that women aren’t attracted to men who need women to tell them what to wear, or do. Men need to always be able to take care of themselves. Women don’t want a clueless boy as their partner.

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