27 thoughts on “How do you dress this way in real life without looking too goofy?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Be a very good looking man with high success and a nice career. Also age like fine wine.

    you’ll never be all that

  2. Anonymous says:

    The costume design in this show was really exceptional but you almost certainly cannot dress like Hannibal without looking like a clown unless you’re obscenely rich and handsome.

  3. Anonymous says:

    >How would you dress it down to be more casual for daily wear?
    Ditch the tie, keep jacket unbuttoned.
    As other posters said, there is basically no way to wear this as non-wealthy man without being perceived as tryhard, but you know what, heck it, go for it, kill the classcuck in your brain, why should the rich hold monopoly on dressing nice.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well you’re going to have to have a certain level of wealth to afford clothing like that if you don’t want black mannequin chinkshit, not to mention the tailoring.

      I don’t know exactly what the cause is, but rich people today are too gaygy to set themselves apart with their clothes, they try and blend in with the plebeians.

      • Anonymous says:

        >but rich people today are too gaygy to set themselves apart with their clothes, they try and blend in with the plebeians.
        Celebrities do. Managers and upper class professionals have to conform to the workplace dress-code, while the super-rich owner class dresses like an unemployed NEETs (just in order of magnitude more expensive brands) because thats what they effectively are, they dont work in any way, just collect paychecks.

      • Anonymous says:

        >I don’t know exactly what the cause is, but rich people today are too gaygy to set themselves apart with their clothes, they try and blend in with the plebeians.
        Seems new money finally got some class and learned from the old money. You dress nice, casual, however you want, but if you are rich your clothes just cost 4x as much. It’s called stealth wealth.

        • Anonymous says:

          Imagine spouting a bunch of factoids you learned from tik tok and tv series thinking you are teaching something lmao
          >It’s called stealth wealth
          How can you type this without wincing, hilariously low self awareness

        • Anonymous says:

          >but rich people today are too gaygy to set themselves apart with their clothes, they try and blend in with the plebeians.
          Celebrities do. Managers and upper class professionals have to conform to the workplace dress-code, while the super-rich owner class dresses like an unemployed NEETs (just in order of magnitude more expensive brands) because thats what they effectively are, they dont work in any way, just collect paychecks.

          This is a meme, look at the gentry from the victorian period. It wasn’t just nicer fabrics it was a whole different world of fashion. Also you learned about stealth wealth last year from articles written about succession you hecking gay.

          >they try and blend in with the plebeians.
          people are less likely to ask you for money if you look poor. Also, few people get rich by blowing money on frivolities like expensive clothes.

          i’m talking about the level of rich where you could never possibly buy enough clothes to bankrupt yourself, generational stuff.

      • Anonymous says:

        >I don’t know exactly what the cause is, but rich people today are too gaygy to set themselves apart with their clothes, they try and blend in with the plebeians.
        I do. It’s because a significant percentage of the global population hates and vilifies rich people. If you don’t value your sanity go browse Reddit and you’ll see hundreds of posts per day about how the rich should be killed or pay 99% in taxes.

          • Anonymous says:

            I don’t know if you’re trolling or just a moron. Excessive estate taxation has been codified in many countries and has been a major talking point in the Democratic party for the last two decades. It is a strategic move to not flaunt your wealth to avoid political and social scrutiny.

          • Anonymous says:

            They do flaunt their wealth all the time, just not to common folk, because they dont mingle with us. The super rich dont shop in supermarkets, or get stuck in trafic, they have their own places and infrastructure. Jeff Bozos bought a yacht bigger than an aircraft carrier, clearly his wardrobe isnt supposed to be a sign of humility.

      • Anonymous says:

        >they try and blend in with the plebeians.
        people are less likely to ask you for money if you look poor. Also, few people get rich by blowing money on frivolities like expensive clothes.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The lighting is doing a huge amount of the heavy lifting here, it wouldn’t look nearly as good directly lit.

  5. Anonymous says:

    When some anon asks what to wear in everyday normal life, it’s always a dead giveaway that they don’t have a life.

    OP couldn’t list out one single hobby or daily activity that they partake in, or list their profession (if you they even have one).

    Without any kind of context, you can only assume that OP is a neet who only leaves his house to get gas, groceries, and occasionally run an errand for his parents.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Clothes reflect your lifestyle. If your lifestyle isn’t "rich businessman" then this won’t work for you, you will look out of place.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Fashion is culturally related.
    This man would look weird walking around today, but looked very respectable 100 years ago.

    Suits are just old hat and by wearing them you look weird. They get away with it in a movie because of lighting, tone, storytelling, etc basically they’ve constructed a fictional world where even realistic costumes don’t stand out too much. But I assure you, as good as Mads Mikkelson looks, he too would look out of place in real life dressed like that.

    • Anonymous says:

      But what you can do is not care

      Ask yourself. What do you want to wear?
      Do you want to wear jogging bottoms and graphic tees? Do you want to wear jeans and checkered overshirts?
      You’ve only got one life, why waste it caring about what others think of you and your clothes? Do you really think their opinions are worth caring about? Will they not be your friends simply because you dress funny? Such people aren’t worth being friends with.

      You can’t dress it down either and you know it.
      If you remove the tie, remove the padding, change the shoes etc, all you’re doing is making it look worse. It looks best when all put together, and removing a couple items doesn’t make it look any less formal. If you strip it down all the way to just a shirt and slacks, you will still be too dressed up, but now you don’t even look impressive anymore.

      • Anonymous says:


        I knew a girl at college who dressed like this everyday.
        Pinned hat, black and white makeup, platform heels, the works.
        Every single day.
        It was weird, everyone stared at her, it was out of place, most people knew her as "that one girl who dresses all gothic"

        But she was doing what she wanted to do. She liked those clothes, and so she wore them everyday and she doesn’t have to care or listen to people who don’t approve of that.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The whole old money thing doesn’t actually exist
    Most rich people dress like this if anything.
    Having money or even being born into money doesn’t give you any kind of magical fashion knowledge.
    And no, they’re not buying "stealth wealth" items like $500 tshirts that look like just plain white tshirts but with magical fibres… they’re just buying the same $5 tshirt you are, and it fits just as poorly on them as it does on you.
    They don’t pay attention to their clothes, they never have. Just like most people, clothes are a means covering ones body.
    At most… the especially rich are taught not to indulge in fashion because it draws attention to you which could get you kidnapped. This doesn’t mean dress quietly but with rich people dogwhistles.. this means dress exactly the same as everyone else.

    • Anonymous says:

      Kind of. Having heck-you money means people can indulge their autism with nobody telling them no. For some, it means not giving a shit and dressing like a manchild as in your pic, for others like pic related it means wearing whatever piece of clothing they like everywhere, regardless of social setting.

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