25 thoughts on “flat hair

  1. Anonymous says:

    my hair looks weird when i try to part it to either side. It either goes too high/too much volume and the side falls to the other side, or if I part it in the natural way it bends into, then it looks too flat.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I’m in the same boat as you OP and wasn’t able to find an answer for years as everything I tried would work temporarily at best before falling flat again. Now I have my hair layered and throw some clay in my hair (not too much though because I think it can weigh down your hair).
    I’m still looking at trying some sea salt spray but I haven’t yet. I’m also interested in getting my hair permed a bit (not a stereotypical zoomer way, but just to add some waves to my hair).

        • Anonymous says:

          Right? Sprinkle a dime in your palm, dump it across the scalp, fluff the hair a bit. Do that throughout until the desired texture is reached. Can overdo it though. Ive used it for years on all lengths of hair. I have ~1.5" on top and short sides now and it is enough to keep it up and/or forward all day and not look greasy at the end. Also good to put in after hair is dry from a night shower, then sleep with it on and wake up ready to push into shape. Add a tiny sprinkle to live it up and it’s an all day style.

  3. Anonymous says:

    >use a good pre-styler (pic rel is my favourite)
    >blowdry (try blow drying your hair upside-down if you’re not getting enough volume)
    >use a good pomade (reuzel is good but I use stickmore clay fiber or arcadian matte paste)
    if your hair is still flat after all that then it just wasn’t meant to be

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