33 thoughts on “Facial hair

  1. Anonymous says:

    As a bearded 24 year old I often have good looking decently fit male zoomers compliment my physique, look to me for advice, and just generally seem to perceive me as having some masculine status of wisdom.

    It taps into girls daddy issues too, they like touching it, rubbing their face on it.

    I understand the appeal of a nicely defined clean shaven jaw, I prefer this short beard look for myself.

    Medium to long beards look dumb, I use my beard to enhance and define my jawline, men with longer beards are hiding it.

    • Anonymous says:

      >I use my beard to enhance and define my jawline, men with longer beards are hiding it.
      you’re hiding your jawline, coping femmefag

      • Anonymous says:

        I could accept if you argued that I’m a frauding jawlet, but I’m not hiding anything, a short beard provides ares of contrast you can shape into dynamic lines that compliment your features.

        I’m talking a 2D drawing like effect to minor sculpting to the degree of a topical map, not a big bush hiding what’s underneath

  2. Anonymous says:

    I think a thick, richly colored, stubble to short beard is a sign of a male being in his prime. Zero facial hair spells youth but also naïveté, longer washed out or graying beards carry extra “wisdom” value, but signal a man who has exited his prime.

  3. Anonymous says:

    At 18 I rocked a beard, my mustache almost became a handlebar, and everyone thought I was 25. So if people think you are older than you are it won’t be cringe for a 18 yo to have a beard.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I started growing facial hair when I was 22 and I’ve had a lot more attention from women ever since.

    A lot of girls in my area write on their Tinder profiles they have a preference for beards and mustaches.

    Growing good facial hair is sign that you have healthy levels of androgens so it’s understandable why many women love it.

  5. Anonymous says:

    >grow beard (and hair) out since I’m done with the Marines
    >grey hairs in stubble and sides of head which have been either shaved or faded the last five years
    Funny thing is people will tell me it makes me look older but also say to keep it.

    • Anonymous says:

      >Is it true that I should try growing out my shit for a couple of months before deciding to shave it?
      Beards take 3-6 months to have enough mass to see what you are dealing with and being able to shape/trim it into something.
      sub 1 month is literally nothing.

  6. Anonymous says:

    When I shaved my head at 24 I grew my beard out because I felt a bit naked. Unfortunately I have shit facial hair so I didn’t look good that year but whatever.
    That’s what it comes down to though: if you have good facial hair. I had a friend in high school that was able to grow a decent beard and it suited him, so it’s not really about age.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I started too late to have a beard and now it has grey hairs already.
    The peak beard period is 25-35 years old.

    • Anonymous says:

      i legitimately am quivering with excitement to be an old man with a long white beard. i have a lightning bolt of white coming out of my chin so far on the one side but thats about it. only early 30s so got some time to go

  8. Anonymous says:

    >what age is it appropriate to have facial hair


    facial hair = no compromise or discussion

    Therefore mainly older guys have facial hair.

  9. Anonymous says:

    this is one of the most autistic questions i’ve ever seen here
    if you can grow facial hair then it’s appropriate to have it

  10. Anonymous says:

    Facial hair only works if the person growing it can grow it fully, keep it clean and orderly, and make it work. I’ve seen too many people with wispy or patchy beards, or facial hair they simply neglect. It’s embarrassing and looks unkempt

    • Anonymous says:

      >Facial hair only works if the person growing it can grow it fully,

      Not always the case. Jason Mamoa lacks density in the cheek areas but it still looks good on him.

  11. Anonymous says:

    How do I get my mustache to be darker? The hairs on my head are dark blonde, my chin has dark red hairs, but mustache has very light blonde hairs that are almost transparent. It looks good in some lightings but mainly looks meh at best. Do I just wait a decade or so?

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