18 thoughts on “Are they effay?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Unironically yeah
    Much better than zoomer randomcore

    Better than soiboy ‘block of grey’ minimalistcore

    Better than rappercore

    Menswear will always be superior

    • Anonymous says:

      Except for the wonky colors.

      I think the black guys on the far left are.

      said, only the black guys look good as they don’t wear clownish colors. Tho i suspect this anon just wants their black cocks inside his oily gapping anus.

  2. Anonymous says:

    They think they’re unique and clever but really they’re all dressed exactly the same.
    >double monkstraps
    >short hem to show off socks
    >wacky beard
    >sunglasses and fedora
    >gloves in breastpocket
    >overcoat worn like a cape

  3. Anonymous says:

    It might just be my bias in that I prefer things that are genuine, but an extremely well groomed man who put way too much thought into his "dapper" fit will never look good to me. It shows me that they care way too much about what others think of them and are extremely fixated on appearances, which I know is ironic considering I’m browsing a fashion board, but it’s like when you see a guy with a high and tight with a really well trimmed beard with his hair combed back with grease.

    • Anonymous says:

      That picture was taken at Pitti Uomo. The whole point of attending is showing off flamboyant classic menswear inspired attires. It’s basically catwalk fashion for men.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’m in IT and dressing nicely has helped propel along compared to my more slovenly teammates. Plus it feels great to MOG everyone on the train. Is there a name for that bright colored style outside of dandy? I thought that was more African and less italian

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