Advice on eating the bare minimum without feeling incredibly sick?

Advice on eating the bare minimum without feeling incredibly sick? I can deal with hunger and tiredness (I work from home so it’s not like I need much energy to do anything) but I can’t deal with feeling like I’m going to throw up all the time. I’m depressingly fat though and want nothing more than to be bone thin. I’m aiming for 1000 calories at the maximum, and would preferably do way less if possible.

What are some very, very low calorie meals/foods you can eat and feel somewhat fullish

18 thoughts on “Advice on eating the bare minimum without feeling incredibly sick?

    • Anonymous says:

      this lol
      I abused focalin for like 3 months and went from 195 to 129 at 6’4"
      shit was cash money
      back up to 150 now though we’re good

    • Anonymous says:

      Vegetables, rice and admittedly the fattier types of meat (Pork shoulder steak and chicken thighs, both for taste and cost), about 1200 calories a day. I often crash every other day though. I’ve tried the gradual process before but i just want to starve myself now instead, or at the very least do intermittent fasting before.

      About five years ago I managed to get my calories down to 600 calories a day and somehow stuck at it and felt fine? All I ate every day was a single apple, some rice and chicken breast. Somehow I’m not able to do the same now, probably because I’m even fatter now than I was pre-weight loss back then (I went from about 12st to 8st then, and now I’m 14st- I’m manlet btw hence why it’s a lot of weight despite not seeming it maybe)

      • Cecil "CHAD BALDWIN" Drake says:


        I will assume you’re English from this. Go to Iceland, buy a large whole chicken. £6.50 for 2 days, 2k calories a day, 250 grams of protein. Zero carbs. Fat on the thighs.

        It is LITERALLY that easy, and that cheap. But fat cunts tend to look for excuses.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Keto maxing is the way to go if you’re starting with a significant weight problem. As opposed to cutting calories per se, cut down to <20g of net carbs daily and ease yourself into the process. Once you start to get used to it, you can then cut calories if you want, but you probably won’t even need to because your body will be in ketosis and burning stored fat as its primary fuel source instead of carbohydrates.

    >About five years ago I managed to get my calories down to 600 calories a day and somehow stuck at it and felt fine? All I ate every day was a single apple, some rice and chicken breast. Somehow I’m not able to do the same now, probably because I’m even fatter now than I was pre-weight
    That is exactly why. You’re going through withdrawals not unlike you would be if you were quitting drinking or smoking. This will be especially true if you eat a lot of sugar and simple carbs. The first three days are the worst, you just gotta power through it. Drinking a lot of water helps.

    Also, do you drink a lot of soda/energy drinks or any other source of caffeine that is high in sugar? Because that’s going to be the absolute worst. The caffeine withdrawal on top of sugar withdrawal is hecking gnarly

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks, I have thought about doing keto but wasn’t too sure about the side effects and so on. In all honesty it sounds ideal as I really, really just want to lose fat. I don’t mind losing a massive amount of weight to do so but as a skinnyfat person who just wants to be skinny you get a ton of ‘advice’ thrown at you about doing weights, eating lots of protein, and actually eating MORE food in order to bulk first then cut, when all I want to do is be very skinny.

      And yeah I have a terrible soda addiction that I am eager to stop as soon as possible. Sugar + caffeine withdrawal at the same time is probably the problem, you’re right.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah, sounds like the way to go. Also, you can ease yourself off the soda with a cup of black coffee in the morning. Not too much, but just enough to keep the craving at bay

  2. Anonymous says:

    >can stand the hunger and chills
    >but have a stomach that goes apeshit with acid reflux if I try to fast
    Sucks giga hard, because instead of just eating less, I have to basically plan my diet around trying to think about what foods I can eat to physically sate my stomach while still keeping calories low. Would be so much easier mentally to just go OMAD than to eat oatmeal and equivalent low-calorie filler as an offering to my heckwad stomach.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Sure. I’ve lost 45lbs so far this way, aiming for 15 more.
    1: Drink way more water. If you’re hooked in soda, switch to zero calorie version
    2: Eat more bulky vegetables. Potato’s, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, lentils, etc. Low calorie, very filling.
    3: Have protein with every meal. Protein is very filling.
    4: Try adding hot sauce to things. I don’t know why but when I add a legit spicy hot sauce to my meals I fill up faster.
    5: Get a couple jars of "Better than Bouillon" paste in a jar. Get vegetable, beef and mushroom. If you’re still starving after a meal, mix 1 teaspoon of this base with 1 cup hot water. Makes a fantastic broth than is very low calorie and tastes great,better than canned soups. Drink a glass of water when you’re done the broth.
    5: Vape, get nicotine gum, etc. Nicotine is an amazing appetite suppressant.

  4. Anonymous says:

    >I’m aiming for 1000 calories at the maximum
    Get an ED. I’m bone thin and I don’t even think about food or my diet or what I eat. I just forget to eat/never have a real desire to. And when I do want to eat most the time I can only eat half of the serving because of the mental anguish and now sensorily it just feels all fuzzy in my mouth that I have to stop. I think this would be the best way to proceed if you really wanna maximize weight loss

  5. Anonymous says:

    fpbp tbh but dont over do it, take it long enough to get to your gw then be diligent in maintaining it with OMAD.

    clean water fasts will make you feel less miserable than restricting cause you are constantly spiking your ghrelin when you restrict while if you do a clean water fast after you beat the hunger pangs the first 1-2 days, it feels like nothing, it’s gets easier. I dont really recommend anything over a 96hr fast and anything under 48hrs tbh 72hrs is the sweet spot for most.

  6. Anonymous says:

    but if you are too weak with no willpower for clean fasts (ngmi) and MUST eat, look into r/volumeeating for max amount of food for low calories recipes. but i still recommend water fasting over restricting for painless and quick results

  7. Anonymous says:

    shitloads of water
    1-3 gallons of water per day
    so much water you’re pissing constantly and you can’t wait to get another sip
    peanut butter sandwiches (add banana for a fruity time)

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