You are on finasteride, right anon?

You are on finasteride, right anon?

You do realize that once you start going bald, the balder you become, the more invisible you become to women, right?

You do realize this isn’t an opinion but something that’s backed up by scientific fact, right?

You do realize that 1mg is the standard dose of finasteride and if you’re afraid of potential side effects, you can reduce that 1mg dose to as little as 0.5mg and it will still be as 80% as effective as the standard 1mg dose, right?

You do realize even if you have begun balding, you can still experience some regrowth with finasteride, right?

You haven’t given up and just resigned yourself to going bald, right?

Your back up plan for losing your hair isn’t hitting the gym and growing a beard, is it anon?

You do realize bald head + beard doesn’t work unless you have a nice shaped head for it, right anon?

You do realize even if you do have a head shape that can pull off bald + beard, you still will be less attractive than that version of you that went on finasteride, right anon?

You don’t want to be invisible to women, do you anon?

You do realize that baldness will make it extremely difficult for you to be /fashion/, don’t you anon?

175 thoughts on “You are on finasteride, right anon?

    • Vieo says:

      Don’t put this on women, anon.

      It’s evolution.

      Having a nice head of hair signals that you have good genes.

      When I was out and about yesterday, I had my hair pulled back into a curly ponytail. Normally, I wear my hair out and let it dance in the wind, but I underestimated how much time it would take me to get ready for my appointment, so I put it in a ponytail to save time.

      While I was out, I was kind of disappointed because it meant I wouldn’t get to show off my hair and get showered with compliments like I usually do because it was pulled back, but something amazing happened. Despite having my hair in a ponytail, I still got several compliments. The one I liked the most was when this woman told me my hair was "beautiful".

      Don’t you want to grow a head of long thick luxurious hair that will get you compliments, anon?

      • Anonymous says:


        What’s wrong with you?

        All I’m trying to do is save the people who will listen to me before it’s too late.

        I was well on my way to a Norwood 3 before I started fin.

        That was in 2018.

        Today, I’ve managed to recover my hairline to a Norwood 1.6.

        I grew my curly hair out long and now I get showered with compliments on my hair wherever I go, which has given me a massive confidence boost.

        Most men don’t think about there hair or notice it’s even receding before it’s too late.

        By that time, it’s usually too late because a lot will go "Well, I don’t need my hair for confidence. I’ll just shave it bald and own it.".

        But 100% of them will experience some disappointment over going bald, and a large portion will be insecure about it, especially when it comes to dating.

        Don’t make a mistake now that will lead to regret later.

        Save your hair, grow it out, and become the sexy beast you were meant to be.

        dont like you but you are exactly right when it comes to hair, and your hair looks much better

      • Anonymous says:

        Sounds like massive cope for having an ugly ass face and even worse body.
        I’ve been buzzing and lifting for years, and women love it.

        • Vieo says:


          Too bad it couldn’t save you from being butt ugly.


          >They’re calling me ugly but don’t realize I get hit on by more people in a single month than they do in an entire year.

          Haters gonna hate.

      • Anonymous says:

        You are a horrible attention whore and probably have many other traits that I would dislike intensely but I have to admit that your hair is impressive and I compliment black people with big afros all the time even though I know its racist for me to do so

  1. 01001101 01000100 01000110 says:

    I’m 35 and still have thick hair with the same hairline I’ve always had.
    I reckon I’ll be fine for another 35 years if I live that long.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m 25 and have a pretty bad widows peak, but not too bad to not be able to pull off long hair.

        I should probably start taking the stupid chemicals just for the chance it will work to prevent further balding. I am like just at the point between 3 And 4

        • Anonymous says:

          Anyone just gotten a transplant and not taken fin? I have a lot of money and I’m already at like a 4 or 5 on , at 25. I don’t like the idea of taking a pill everyday I’d much rather just have a doctor plant some new hair

          • Anonymous says:

            >I don’t like the idea of taking a pill every day so I’d rather have a doctor rip thousands of follicles from the back of my head and plant them to the front of my head while the follicles on the top of my head slowly continue dying
            Absolutely mental.

          • Anonymous says:

            Yes? Taking a pill that just disappears into your body and hecks with your hormones and shit is far less appealing to me than just moving the good hair around a bit. You should do some research on hair transplants.

          • Anonymous says:

            Are you aware that you’ll eventually end up with a tuft of transplanted hair at your old hairline, then a big bald space and finally behind it your remaining hair? Give it a few years and you’ll look like a literal clown. If you don’t want to take meds, just shave your head and be done with it.

          • Anonymous says:

            That’s crazy, how could I ever fill that space? I wonder if the doctors could somehow plant new hair right there…

            For what it’s worth my hairline has been very stable so I’m not worried about that. Just wondering if anyone has done this or really transplant experiences in general

          • Anonymous says:

            You don’t have infinite donor hair, stupid.
            Yeah, there’s plenty of old guys out there running around with ridiculous hair because they kept piling transplants onto a problem that can’t be solved without meds.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Does anyone know the average age of the women asked? What was the standard deviation, etc.?

    If these were mostly18 to 22 year olds in college, then that’s understandable.

    But if these were mostly millennial women, then that’s big trouble lol.

  3. Anonymous says:

    My dad had no trouble with women before marriage and women will still flirt with him today (just ask my mom) and he’s been bald since late teenhood. Stone Cold Steve Austin was one of the most sought after men in history, and that was after he went bald. Johnny Sins, Joe Rogan, etc. A lot of guys can pull it off and pull it off well and are just as fine if not better bald. More power to them.

    However, my skull and face is not conducive to being bald, so hell yes, after 2 years of not going on fin thanks to stupid internet FUD, I’ve been on it for 3 years. No sides. And no more anxiety because I know I’m doing the only thing that can be done in 2022 to keep as much hair on my head as humanly possible, short of transplants (which I am decades away from needing at this rate now)

    • Anonymous says:

      >And no more anxiety because I know I’m doing the only thing that can be done in 2022 to keep as much hair on my head as humanly possible, short of transplants (which I am decades away from needing at this rate now)
      I wouldn’t be so sure about that. DHT sensitivity can increase as you age and finasteride won’t be as effective.

    • Anonymous says:

      It took me 2 years to bring myself to a derm, then it took me a week after getting the prescription filled to take them.

      It’s been 3 years now, zero regrets, I actually switched to name brand (I chop up Proscar) because I felt zero side effects and wanted to be sure it was actually working. Pro-tip: just hecking take it. One of the biggest mistakes of my life was waiting those 2 years, nobody can tell my hair was thinning but I lost so much thickness in those 2 years. Take it now, you can never go back.

      >And no more anxiety because I know I’m doing the only thing that can be done in 2022 to keep as much hair on my head as humanly possible, short of transplants (which I am decades away from needing at this rate now)
      I wouldn’t be so sure about that. DHT sensitivity can increase as you age and finasteride won’t be as effective.

      Well, whatever, but if that’s the case at least I’ll know I did whatever I could and held off needing transplants for as long as I could.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’ve had my script for months. I think my biggest hang up is that I already have some health issues, and as a result I’ve gained a good amount of weight. If I were healthier, I’d be less worried. I’m trying to fix it but it’s difficult.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’m considering adding Rogaine to my daily dose of finasteride, thoughts? I heard somewhere that it accelerates aging, I’d rather keep my babyface than become a boomer faster but with slightly more hair.

    • Anonymous says:

      Same exact situation as you, and I don’t use it for that same reason. Although it’s probably the same FUD that kept me from getting on fin in the first place.

      That said my hair is thick enough where I don’t feel like it’s worth not just the possibility of looking older in the face, but also the annoyance of adding more shit to my routine.

      Also, Joe Rogan tried Rogaine when he was losing his hair and look how it turned out for him lol

      • Anonymous says:

        >Also, Joe Rogan tried Rogaine when he was losing his hair and look how it turned out for him lol
        He was also on finasteride. I guess it didn’t work for him?

          • Anonymous says:

            You might be right. I think he also may have been using topical finasteride but I’m not totally sure about that.

          • Anonymous says:

            Also, I did a quick Google and apparently he said it "made him depressed and killed his dick". I love Joe Rogan, but he’s also 100% the type of guy to hear about potential side effects, take one pill, then not be in the mood to jack off that night because of whatever drug concoction he took that day, or for a multitude of other random reasons, or maybe his dick was 2% less hard because he wasn’t as into the girl he was hecking that night, and immediately think it was the fin and just stop immediately, so I take his experience with a grain of salt.

            But he definitely started balding before 1997 and ’97 was the first year Propecia was available. In a best case scenario he would’ve started it immediately in 1997 but I’m not sure when he actually started, and in a best case scenario he would’ve been on it every day since then and we know he hasn’t.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s because when you use Rogaine your hair is still "receding", and when you stop using it you lose the hair you regained as well as the hair you would have lost if you didn’t take Rogaine at all. Ideally, you’d use it together with finasteride so that finasteride would stop your hair loss and Rogaine would recover what you lost already. But even then, you only recover a little bit, there’s a certain point of no return beyond which balding pills won’t help you enough anymore.

  5. Anonymous says:

    But this study states men who are bald are seen as more intelligent and dominant? I think it just depends on who you are op. Soys will remain as they are regardless of how much hair they are and the same goes for dominant chads.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s because bald people look older. And older people are considered wiser.
      Doesn’t mean they look good you donkey.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I was, it was starting to give me nipple pains and increased pec fat so I stopped though. I’d rather be bald than have moobs.
    It’s a shame though, I loved my hair.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I took it for nearly 4 years, but I had to stop recently. I couldn’t keep a hard-on and my cum was effectively water in consistency and color. Not a big deal when I was single, but now that I have a girlfriend, I have to heck like an animal to keep her around. Wouldn’t happen on fin. Killed my drive and ability.

    It’s criminal that I have to choose between my hair and my dick. It’s not fair.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I’m bald and only in my early 30s. Women no longer look at me like they once did.

    I regret not taking finasteride. I was scared away by all the fear-mongering I read online.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Yeah, and it’s done nothing. Been on it 6 months now. If anything, my temples look even thinner. 1mg a day

    • Anonymous says:

      >6 months
      Lol. Come back in a year or two. You’ve still got dead hair falling out from before taking fin.

      I also thought it wasn’t doing anything for me, since I have long hair and it still falls out in the shower. But 4 years in and my hairline and thickness is the same as when I started (even better in some spots where I had weird cowlicks that looked like bald spots that got filled in better)

      Also you can get proscar and cut it up if you’re worried about generic not being effective

        • Anonymous says:

          Preserves for most people. Strengthens existing hairline for quite a number as the follicles are no longer getting miniaturized and can go back to more or less their original size. Restores hairline for single digits because dead follicles can’t be brought back to life. If you want to get back those follicles, then estrogen is the only way but you can’t escape trannifying effects, even with topical estrogen as it has systemic absorption.

  10. Anonymous says:

    >£30 a month for minoxdil and finnasteride
    >if you stop taking them the effects reverse

    Seems like a steep price

    • Anonymous says:

      Just skip minox and it’s $10/mo. Besides, wanna know how much good hair transplants or hair systems cost?

      Wanna know how much most women would be willing to pay for an equivalent pill that halted the effects of skin aging?

      Wanna know how many times I’ve thought to myself “wow, this stuff lets me keep my hair way longer than I otherwise would be able to… but it’s a whopping $10/month, that’s really cutting into my OnlyFans budget, maybe I should stop”?

      Ya dingus

  11. Anonymous says:

    When did LULZ start allowing companies to blatantly advertise via threads? It’s an ongoing theme with these hairloss pharma companies and it’s clearly them, no real human being would ever make a thread this stupid

    • Vieo says:


      What’s wrong with you?

      All I’m trying to do is save the people who will listen to me before it’s too late.

      I was well on my way to a Norwood 3 before I started fin.

      That was in 2018.

      Today, I’ve managed to recover my hairline to a Norwood 1.6.

      I grew my curly hair out long and now I get showered with compliments on my hair wherever I go, which has given me a massive confidence boost.

      Most men don’t think about there hair or notice it’s even receding before it’s too late.

      By that time, it’s usually too late because a lot will go "Well, I don’t need my hair for confidence. I’ll just shave it bald and own it.".

      But 100% of them will experience some disappointment over going bald, and a large portion will be insecure about it, especially when it comes to dating.

      Don’t make a mistake now that will lead to regret later.

      Save your hair, grow it out, and become the sexy beast you were meant to be.

        • Vieo says:

          It does, but you just can’t see it and cameras don’t do a good job of picking it up, but you would notice it in person.

          Also, in that picture, the one of the left is from about a year into finasteride, but I hadn’t yet gone on HRT.

          In the picrel I’m posting now, the left picture is my hairline before minoxidil and finasteride and the left is what it looks like today.

          Notice the top-most line on my forehead and how far back my hairline used to be.

          It looked like Vegeta before I started, but it filled in.

          I went from an M-shaped hairline that people dread, to more of an n-shaped hairline.

          And those little short hairs have been getting thicker and growing longer (becoming "terminal hairs") each time they fall out and grow back over the years.

          And as it stands, I don’t have any crown balding and if I would of had crown balding eventually, I won’t now because I intervened by going on fin.

          Annnnnd, if I ever decide to get a hair transplant, it will now be a lot less expensive and look better because fin kept more of my hairline from receding and I have frontal hair that will add to the overall density.

          • Anonymous says:


            Thanks for calling me a "tranny" and the nword.

            It signals to me that you’re so far up my ass that I live in your head rent free.

            The hecking state of this creature.

          • Vieo says:

            Have you ever even had sex?

            >good genes
            >has facial deformation

            That’s cute.

            They’re trying to insult me.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’d feel sorry for you, but your personality is just as toxic and derelict as your appearance.

          • Vieo says:

            Why are you telling me this?

            Did you think it would make me feel bad about myself?

            Better yet, why do you think your opinions are so important that you think random Internet strangers would care about them?

            Isn’t that narcissistic?

          • Anonymous says:

            >why do you think your opinions are so important that you think random Internet strangers would care about them?
            I ask the same thing of you.

          • Anonymous says:

            How does it feel to popular enough to be recognized but so disliked you could never profit from this?

          • Anonymous says:

            Not only that.

            They make threads trying g to get my attention.

            Vieo is not the person in the images posted, Vieo is a troll. Vieo, if you are actually the guy in the pictures, post a picture with a time stamp.

          • Vieo says:

            I’m not posting any time stamps.

            This is, like, the 5th time you asked.

            You probably want a time stamped picture so you can photoshop it and use it for some nefarious purpose.

          • Anonymous says:

            Ok so basically you’re admitting that the person in the pictures is not you? You seem to post the same pictures constantly with no variation, and I’m fully convinced that no one with the mindset and personality you’re posting with exists.
            Regardless of if you’re the person in the pictures or not, which I’m almost 100% certain you are not that person, you are truly a plague on this board and we’d be better off without your posts, even though this board desperately needs participation considering it’s on the brink of death.
            I genuinely don’t know how this is even enjoyable to you. Do you truly have nothing better to do than to pose a some unattractive black person on a fashion board? Can you not find a single other hobby to occupy your time with? Are you truly that pathetic of a person? Are you trying to make yourself feel better about your lowly existence by making fun of some random person who you find unattractive and cringey? Shit, you’ve been doing this for quite some time, so that’s basically the only conclusion you and I would be able to come to based on the fact that this literally seems to be your hobby.

          • Anonymous says:

            >You seem to post the same pictures constantly with no variation,
            If you weren’t a stupid and stubborn newgay you’d notice that Vieo posts different and new pictures from the same ugly angles

          • Anonymous says:

            I usually ignore Vieo’s postings, and I would imagine he’s getting these pictures from an instagram or some shit, so regardless there’s truly no proof that he’s posting genuine pics. There’s also no evidence that you aren’t literally Vieo without his trip, as he’s definitely known for doing that.

          • Anonymous says:

            Ok so basically you’re admitting that the person in the pictures is not you? You seem to post the same pictures constantly with no variation, and I’m fully convinced that no one with the mindset and personality you’re posting with exists.
            Regardless of if you’re the person in the pictures or not, which I’m almost 100% certain you are not that person, you are truly a plague on this board and we’d be better off without your posts, even though this board desperately needs participation considering it’s on the brink of death.
            I genuinely don’t know how this is even enjoyable to you. Do you truly have nothing better to do than to pose a some unattractive black person on a fashion board? Can you not find a single other hobby to occupy your time with? Are you truly that pathetic of a person? Are you trying to make yourself feel better about your lowly existence by making fun of some random person who you find unattractive and cringey? Shit, you’ve been doing this for quite some time, so that’s basically the only conclusion you and I would be able to come to based on the fact that this literally seems to be your hobby.

            >no proof! Prove it to me! You can’t because you have no evidence lololol

          • Anonymous says:

            Literally no one benefits from you posting on this board, not even yourself. Find a hobby, make some friends, I don’t hecking know, but this is so hecking degenerate and cringe to post almost daily larping as some random person you find unattractive. What a genuinely weird thing for a person to do.
            It makes me wonder what the person in the pictures did to you.

          • Anonymous says:

            The best look here is age 38 with it pulled back. No glasses works wonders for you srs you look deranged in most of your later pics and I am not saying that to be mean but so you can do something about it.

          • Anonymous says:

            congratulations, but consider yourself a lucky hyper responder. most people can only maintain (which still is better than nothing), but in order for them to get their hairline back, they have to do a hair transplant, which will never look natural.
            I‘m genuinely more interested about your skincare routine, are you on tret?

          • Anonymous says:

            Don’t put this on women, anon.

            It’s evolution.

            Having a nice head of hair signals that you have good genes.

            When I was out and about yesterday, I had my hair pulled back into a curly ponytail. Normally, I wear my hair out and let it dance in the wind, but I underestimated how much time it would take me to get ready for my appointment, so I put it in a ponytail to save time.

            While I was out, I was kind of disappointed because it meant I wouldn’t get to show off my hair and get showered with compliments like I usually do because it was pulled back, but something amazing happened. Despite having my hair in a ponytail, I still got several compliments. The one I liked the most was when this woman told me my hair was "beautiful".

            Don’t you want to grow a head of long thick luxurious hair that will get you compliments, anon?

            sorry, I meant you.

      • Anonymous says:

        Your hair looks great but at the same time you have the head shape to pull off a bald/buzzcut look. Then again black people tend to bald more gracefully that white people

    • Anonymous says:

      >hair loss pharma companies
      We are literally talking about a solution to hair loss that is a drug made by 3000 different generic pharma manufacturers in India and costs people $10.

      Why don’t you go to the skincare thread where people are fawning over $75 bottles of miracle face lotions by random internet meme Asian leddit companies that don’t do jack shit?

  12. Anonymous says:

    i haven’t been to a doctor in like 15 years so I have no idea how to even get it, but I’ve been considering it. I started balding at ~17. 27 now, started minoxidil a while ago and that certainly slowed it compared to my siblings who were totally bald by 23. i hate women so if a broken dick is all there is to worry about, i guess ill give it a shot

    • Anonymous says:

      My doc’s knowledge of finasteride is the original use of it: for old men with enlarged prostates. He wouldn’t prescribe it to me and told me to get transplants when it gets bad lmao.

      So I went home and called the receptionist a week later and asked for a derm referral and after a 15 minute evaluation she sent the fin script to my local pharmacy and I picked it up on the way home.

      You can also do GoodRX for fin prescriptions now which I might’ve done if it was an option years ago.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Yes. just under a month now. My cum is watery which doesn’t matter, and I think my libido has doubled, if not tripled, maybe it’s just a coincidence or I’m imagining things though.
    Obviously no changes in hair either way yet. I went to the derm not even sure if I was experiencing hair loss for real, or just psyching myself out.

    • Anonymous says:

      I forgot about that potential side. I kinda wish mine turned watery but it didn’t

      so finasteride is more of a hair preservative rather than a restorer?

      Exactly. Most you can hope for is growing back what you lost within the past 6-12 months and that’s best case scenario. Fin just “freezes” where you’re at right now, tho you’ll still continue to lose some hair just because it’s not able to block 100% of the DHT your body produces (75% tops I think), which might not be a good thing anyway.

      Minox restores… but the hair is still going through the death process in the background so it should never be relied upon by itself

  14. Anonymous says:

    I’m balding because of my genes
    You’re telling me, I should pump some artificial medicine developed by some hebrews in a lab into my system to make my body work in a way it isn’t supposed to? Because some study says being bald = bad? Because women think bald = bad?
    Sorry chief, just doesn’t sound right to me.

        • Anonymous says:

          b…but. if you don’t start looksmaxxing now you will never disappear up your own ass and become a tranny in 5-6 years and have a nice day in 10!

        • Anonymous says:

          You can stop doing fin at any time. DHT is a trash hormone anyways, literally no other reason than to assassinate follicles of grown men.

          • Anonymous says:

            it’s also in part responsible for gains and for maturing the rest of your body hair.
            latter would be a mixed bag, i guess. wouldn’t want to be a chest hairlet but i don’t much like having to trim nose hair.

          • Anonymous says:

            >it’s also in part responsible for gains
            No it’s not. Pseudo hermaphrodites that don’t naturally produce DHT have more lean mass than normal men.

          • Anonymous says:

            >DHT is a trash hormone anyways
            No, it’s not. Stop repeating Kevin Mann’s mantra. He’s not a scientist and he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

            Also, inhibition of the 5 alpha reductase enzyme doesn’t just lower DHT levels. It also stops the production of 10 neurosteroids and their metabolites.

  15. Anonymous says:

    >You do realize that once you start going bald, the balder you become, the more invisible you become to women, right?You do realize that once you start going bald, the balder you become, the more invisible you become to women, right?
    Oh no, how could I ever live with that

    • Anonymous says:

      use a pill cutter, and just get 1.25 each.

      put whole pill in. cut it into half
      stick half in and cut into 1/4

  16. Anonymous says:

    I unironically shaved my head and grew out my facial hair and have been getting attention from women ever since. I lucked out with a good skull shape tho. If you can manage being attractive in spite of being bald, it actually has a weird boomerang effect in terms of attraction.

  17. Anonymous says:

    been on fin for about 9 months now
    my hairline has recovered so much it’s crazy. it’s not perfect but it’s such a massive improvement that i can’t complain at all.
    my crown, which was the reason i started taking it, has improved, but not as much as i was hoping. for. i used to have a thinning patch all over my crown, now most of that has filled in but there’s still one area that’s super noticeable. i’m also microneedling every other week and pumping min on it 2x daily and, even though there is hair there (it’s not slick bald) it’s just not improving as much as the rest of my hair. in the pic, green was what was filled in, and red is above what is still too thin for my liking.

  18. Vieo says:


    Thanks for calling me a "tranny" and the nword.

    It signals to me that you’re so far up my ass that I live in your head rent free.

  19. Anonymous says:

    I was taking minoxodil and finasteride for about a year. i didnt have any side effects but it didnt really change anything, I think it may have helped me stop thinning but my hairline still continued to recede.

    I had to get off of it about a year ago for military reasons, but I may go back on it and see if anything changes.

    I’m still mentally preparing to have to buzz it if it gets much worse.

    It’s not that big a deal, you can go bald and avoid looking like a basedboy.

    First and foremost, stay fit.
    Cut it very short
    dont do the beard and glasses thing.
    Being fit or muscular means you will look better than being fat or skinny.

    Its just unavoidable for many people, its genetic, so stop worrying about it like its somehow your fault. unless you’re doing roids or hard drugs its not your fault.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Finastride doesn’t truly help and adding it to your daily schedule is hell.

    The truth is you’ve been hecked genetically and there’s not much you can do about it. The good thing is that there will be women out there that will like you for other reasons than your looks and will eventually find you attractive, as does any person who falls in love with you, but I won’t lie, the dating game once you go bald is rough. You’ll truly be invisible if you don’t have some of your shit together, like personality, fashion sense, outlook on life, job, hobbies, etc but when you finally do get some of these you’ll no longer be the guy who they look past, you’ll be a guy they want to be around with but most of the time it won’t be in a sexual way.

    I can’t tell you how degrading it is to lose to manlets who have a full set of hair and are 2/3 of my height with a trash personality (boring). You really have to up your game so much and you’ll still lose to guys much worse then you in ever single aspect except hair.

    • Anonymous says:

      >but I won’t lie, the dating game once you go bald is rough
      depends on your age my dude. im bald and I match with plenty of beautiful women in their late 20s and 30s on dating apps. it really hasn’t been that big of an issue

      but if you’re one of those dudes who just wants to heck tight fresh out of high school 18 year old pussy, then you’re shit out of luck.

    • Anonymous says:

      >adding it to your daily schedule is hell.
      how is popping a pill before you go to sleep difficult even remotely?

  21. Anonymous says:

    Did you just start a prescription? This is written like some desperate gay who got his hands on some holy salve. Be more humble you little weirdo

    • Vieo says:

      >Be more humble you little weirdo

      I have to get my point across.

      There’s people right now going bald and don’t even realize how miserable they’re going to be once their hairline has receded.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Guys stop trying to insult Vieo
    People who are ugly often know they are ugly and engage in reaction formation

  23. Anonymous says:

    at least don’t wear glasses and a beard. Everytime I see someone bald with glasses and a beard I think of a loser

    • Anonymous says:

      But I’m too lazy to put on contacts! 🙁

      Seriously, I’m a hassle-free kind of guy. I don’t want to deal with that shit.

  24. A says:

    Does it really work? I don’t trust chemicals and refuse to put artificial biased science nonsense on my head
    Is there a natural hair regrower?

  25. Anonymous says:

    >You do realize that once you start going bald, the balder you become, the more invisible you become to women, right?

    Thank hecking god

  26. Anonymous says:

    need some advice fellas
    i have 16 fin pills left from my prescription. i take 1 mg a day. my dermatologist wouldn’t remotely renew my script via phone. i have to see her in person for her to renew the script, but she doesn’t have an open appointment until a little over a month away. i won’t be able to get more fin until then. what should i do?
    my current options are
    >half the pills and take 0.5 mg a day
    >take 1 mg every other day
    >go to some indian pill mill or meme subscription service (rather avoid this one if i can)
    fin has really helped me recover a good amount of hair. still not where i want to be but i want to make sure i at least preserved what i’ve gained in this next coming month.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Some autist on reddit came up with a recipe: dilute 5mg tablet of fina in a 60ml minoxidil solution overnight and then apply it topically like usual. I am doing this for now.

  28. Anonymous says:

    I am on fin. I am a norwood 3 though. Started on fin as I was approaching norwood 3 at 19.

    Sucks. Sometimes I think its wrecked me. My dick only gets 80% hard. I consider just quitting fin to fix my body but I cannot commit to going bald knowing theres no going back if I change my mind so I carry on.

    It seems like its not worth it at times though. a NW3 heckling sucks. But when I hit NW7 I would kill for a NW3. I could always get a hair transplant in a couple years I suppose.

    • Anonymous says:

      >My dick only gets 80% hard.
      yikes. if you’re serious that you can only get your dick 80% hard, it’s really not worth it bro. life is so much more enjoyable when you can heck women with rock hard boners (and they enjoy it more too)

      NW3 honestly looks like shit. also, even if you get a hair transplant, you’re still going to have to stay on the fin because the native hair is still going to continue falling off if you don’t

    • Anonymous says:

      You can use topical finasteride and avoid all of the sexual side effects + it’s more effective than the pill. Most people are too stupid to know this exists, including you.

      • Anonymous says:

        if that was true then everybody would use topical fin
        topical fin still goes systemic, you still get the same sides if you’re susceptible to them

        • Anonymous says:

          The actual studies on topical vs pill show far higher serum levels of DHT on topical so it doesn’t have near the side effects. Your dick isn’t going to stop working because you rubbed in on your hairline.

          The only reason people don’t use it is because it’s not FDA approved and so you have to compound it. Also most doctors are too dumb to prescribe it.

    • Anonymous says:


      not everyone is a dysgenic gay that needs to take tranny pills. I’m 35 with no hair loss at all.

      also, if need medication to hold onto your hair, please at least tell your significant other. she has a right to know she would be passing on your shit genes if she decides to have kids with you

  29. Anonymous says:

    a lot of people with small dicks have low levels of DHT.

    it’s common to have a 5 alpha reductase deficiency in individuals born with a micropenis

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