>tfw male. >have like 2000s fashion styles I would try out if I were female

>tfw male
>have like 2000s fashion styles I would try out if I were female
>can’t find a single male style that looks interesting to me
Anyone else? Why is male fashion so boring?

26 thoughts on “>tfw male. >have like 2000s fashion styles I would try out if I were female

    • Anonymous says:

      NO not a tranny thread. I want to dress eccentrically as a male who feels nostalgic for the early 2000s. But I have a white collar office job so I can’t get dreads or anything like that. Need some male fashion ideas.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Menswear isn’t boring, you are just ignorant and or a tranny and despise everything that’s associated with men and can’t be saved.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Just be as feminine as you’re comfortable with. Some things will be harder to find or pull off without being made fun of by family. But you start slow like with anything. If you wear glasses start there, a good haircut too. Femme perfume helps too.

    • Anonymous says:

      My whole life I have dressed very boring, safe, and never exciting. Suddenly in my late 20s now I feel like I want to dress better and I’ve been working out. I watch a lot of music videos with women in them and like the way they dress. But never really anything interesting about the men.

      • Anonymous says:

        Menswear can be really fun and interesting too, it’s all in the details though. There are a lot of rules to men’s clothing and playing with them is a lot of fun.

        That said, if you feel like trying more androgynous/femme styles, you should do so. You’ll regret not doing it while you have the chance. Start small and find accessories or individual pieces that you can integrate into what you already own rather than buying a whole ass outfit you’ll never wear. Makeup is fun too but it’s a lot of effort.

        I’m a musician so I have a lot of opportunities to dress up and go to parties and shows wearing edgy/outlandish stuff. You might need to get out there more if you want a reason to wear stuff like that for reasons other than just taking pictures or whatever.

        • Anonymous says:

          I mean it’s more like pop styles from women. Like something a kpop star like Hyuna would wear in any video. I just think it looks pretty good.

          My entire life I have literally only worn jeans and t-shirts, and dress shirts, basically. I’m now married with a kid and I’m 28. But I’m so bored I want to start dressing in a way that will get some attention or something. Not gay though, and not necessarily even femme, just something that looks more stylish than the classic jeans-t-shirt combo.

          So I watch a bunch of kpop videos and they all seem like they have a distinct style (the women), almost cyberpunk at times. Hell even something like this:

          She looks awesome. I have no idea what the equivalent is for a guy.

          • Anonymous says:

            When I say "more stylish" I mean the slightly more outlandish/edgy stuff, almost cyberpunk-like, not "stylish" in a formal, traditional sense like suit and tie.

          • Anonymous says:

            Just get a harness and wear it over your dress shirt with a suit. She’s wearing a traditional style dress with a boob window and a semi-gay signalling harness which was popular a couple years ago. The mask thing is a little weird. Emulating people like this is difficult because they have entire teams of costumers.

            Is your wife into fashion at all? Might be something fun you could do together. Couples looks are always a good time.

          • Anonymous says:

            >Is you’re wife into fashion at all?
            Fun idea but no, not really. Anyway I think I just want to dress like I’m in a video game or something out of boredom. I looked up "harness for men" and it’s all super BDSM gay stuff lol. I can get what you mean though. Thanks for the advice

          • Anonymous says:

            Good luck my man. Have fun most of all, wear what you want because you want to and you’ll never lose.

        • Anonymous says:

          >You might need to get out more
          How would you recommend doing this?
          I work an office job from home, am married with a kid, but I’m only 28 and I live in Seattle.

          I have plenty of free time because my wife mostly watches the kid and my job isn’t too demanding, so how would you recommend getting out more? I was thinking about buying an expensive camera and just going somewhere to take pictures. Either way I am so tired of wearing t-shirts and jeans everywhere. Would be nice to dress more outlandish/edgy like you said.

          I’m jealous you’re a musician because I love playing music but resigned myself to a desk manager job.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’m not a full-time artist, it’s supplementary income unfortunately, I wish it was my only occupation. I usually just hear of parties or shows from friends, but I also pay attention to fliers I see around town and check the websites of popular venues.

            I’d say just looking around at venues or seeing if artists you like are touring? There’s fashion meetups and things like that in basically every city but that’s not my kind of thing.

          • Anonymous says:

            Oh like going to concerts. yeah that’s something I’ve been meaning to do since I live in a "big city" now. I’ll try that

  3. Anonymous says:

    Wear colourful shirts, stuff with patterns for variation, stripes, diamonds, etc. Try different clothing materials and experiment. Accessories with things like belts, scarves, overcoats, etc.

    I share this view as well, men’s clothing is generally very drab and boring, but you can get it to look nice if you’re going for a certain aesthetic. It’s worth looking at buying women’s clothing anyway, you don’t have to necessarily dress up as a woman or cross dress, but there are women’s shirts and trousers that look nice on men as men. As someone who does dress up fully in skirts, dresses and all, there is much more room to play with and experiment with looking fashionable, but I understand not everyone wants to do that.

    There are nice outfits out there, you just need to take some inspiration, really think on what kind of look you’re going for, maybe even draw out the basic look that you want and play with colour schemes.

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