Seriously, how do you dress to get these kind of chicks? Going to a goth club next month and need some inspo.

Seriously, how do you dress to get these kind of chicks? Going to a goth club next month and need some inspo. I’m jacked and got military boots, and I’ve listened to The Cure’s entire discography.

300 thoughts on “Seriously, how do you dress to get these kind of chicks? Going to a goth club next month and need some inspo.

  1. Anonymous says:

    call up joe for tips…worked for me

    U.S marine corp 1976-1978 SEMPER FI
    1967 Plymouth roadrunner “the beast”
    2018 Ford F-150 king cab-the daily
    2020 Buick Enclave- the wives 😆

  2. Anonymous says:

    The Top is a good and underrated, albeit hecking weird and drug-fueled, album. That’s all I’ve got to contribute to this.

  3. Anonymous says:

    tall, very skinny, dress like you’re homeless but in all black. messy hair. lots of clothing layers (hoodies, jackets)

      • Anonymous says:

        i’m average height and slight fit but a shirt like that will cover it all
        what’s the name of that type of shirt though? can’t find it online

    • Anonymous says:

      This shit looks like teenage cringe from 2006.

      If you’re not goth, then just wear some blacks jeans and a regular black or grey shirt or even t-shirt.

        • Anonymous says:

          So that’s a massive theme? And "mainstream" goth look, like the hot topic look you posted, has changed, and there are many different looks within goth. You’ll just look like a dork. The black metal look hasn’t change so much, and is much cleaner, simple, and aesthetic.

          • Anonymous says:

            I’m not the OP, most people on the place will look like they belong on some anime event
            I’m just saying that pre-2000 there were all sorts of nu-metal bands and either they looked like MCR or Limp Bizkit

          • Anonymous says:

            that look is actually perfect. i’ve never seen one of those guys with anything but those goth chicks as in OPs post (might be survivorship bias, because i’ve seen plenty of them without any girls).

            also, no dark/black jeans – those will instantly transform you into a metal boomer. you’ll look like you listen to metallica or some shit like that.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you wanna be bald and goth you tend to have to be older, buffer, have a beard, and play the drums in a band. It’s the only way.

        • Anonymous says:

          Hell no, I don’t want to be goth, I just want to be with goth women.

          I wear dark-framed glasses and I sport an Ivy League preppy style. I don’t do skin bald because it doesn’t look good on me. I just rock a balding buzz cut instead. I think women my age don’t mind that.

  4. Anonymous says:

    be the big tiddy goth gf you wish to see in the world

    if everybody is wearing enough black eyeliner, gender becomes irrelevant and we can all just be moody together

  5. Anonymous says:



  6. Anonymous says:
    Listen to their music. Not lil peep

  7. Anonymous says:

    honestly, everyone saying be confident is sorta right but i would say that its more like being in sync with who you are and that showing.

    however, exp has shown me that strangely you start off on a similar point with these girls but they end up cashing out for people that appear more plain and hyper masculine.

    my ex was really insecure when I was "out dressing" her. i wore the same not-rickowens shit everyday while she spent more than i ever have looking straight from the discount bin at hottopic.

    its quirky at first an then you realize is less about the fashion / culture and more about masking the severe lack of self care. but that just from me, i could have just had a bad track record with chicks but some of the partners my exes date came out of left field

  8. Anonymous says:

    I’d say go Mosleymode and add some tall military boots and maybe some slightly baggy jet black jeans. just remember that being a goth when you’re a man means wearing all black with military boots, anything more is incredibly cringe

    • Anonymous says:

      agreed. this is the look.

      Seriously, how do you dress to get these kind of chicks? Going to a goth club next month and need some inspo. I’m jacked and got military boots, and I’ve listened to The Cure’s entire discography.

      don’t overthink it and keep it simple. don’t overdo it. if there’s one thing that makes women dry up downstairs it’s men who put in too much effort. be a little nonchalant in ur approach.

      also, like others have pointed out itt, goth girls (and women in general) tend to go for masculine men in good shape, preferably muscular, so they at least FEEL as tho u can protect them. when women say they like skinny dudes or dad bods, don’t listen to them. higher bf% may be good long term, but only after a chick has been feeding u once u’ve sealed the deal and are actually dating exclusively for a while, as this is when u both gradually neglect ur looks and get comfortable looking a little shabby since u’re not on the market and "out of the game".

      what women say and do are very different things. women don’t know what they want, usually, or they miscommunicate their desires at least. maybe it’s a strategy to throw off and deter tryhards, maybe it’s them just being sadists who enjoy messing up our heads.

      either way, don’t take their word for anything; pay attention to their ACTIONS, as that’s the only thing that counts, at the end of the day – especially in ur case, since u wanna seduce them w/ an approach that gets u the results u want.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Depends if you are talking about actual goth chicks or zoomer nu-goth posers.
    I have no clue about actual goths, I rarely meet any, but they either strike me as autistic virgins or giga sluts.
    As for zoomer posers, just have a good music taste and shit on their (often) garbage taste, then show them some good shit with mixtapes or playlists, they are all insecure posers so they will eat it up.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I hecked a goth girl once. Good lord she was hecking amazing. Like I’ve hecked around quite a bit and she’s still on my mind amazing. She was also into poetry and philosophy like crazy ( actually made her read me some while I was hecking her ). Incredibly hecked in the head though.

  11. Anonymous says:

    some girl that looks just like this added me on insta after I went to a metal show, I don’t even know how she found me
    just go out dude and have ur own style brah

  12. Anonymous says:

    You need just a hint of this style on you to show that you know what is this all about and you’re not some random perv. Weird hair is a big plus because it shows some dedication; at least don’t comb it (but you cannot be just dirty).

  13. Anonymous says:

    holy heck lmao. if you need to ask shit like this don’t even try. also you’re better off being seasoned on Deftones discography rather than the cure. zoomy tik tok goth sluts only listen to 90s nu metal garbage

  14. Anonymous says:

    if you dress yourself in an authentic and stylish way some portion of goth chicks will love it. in the real world, their romantic partners aren’t all dressed in all black and combat boots or whatever. sometimes its a gay in a champion hoodie. sometimes they look like tyler the creator. just follow your taste.

    • Anonymous says:

      this is very true. i remember coming into the fashion board at the age of 16-17 trying to find a dark/goth-ish style because i loved chicks who dressed like that. now i dress like i want, mostly sleaze and thrift store core, but always with the intention of looking dark or mysterious. my gf is super goth looking even when not wearing all black, and her friends have said to me the same thing.

      honestly, i think it is kinda cringe trying to replicate the look of the people you try to date. most of the time, all you need to do is be yourself and hint at the style of the people you want to be around, hope you get a goth gf and treat her with respect 🙂

  15. Anonymous says:

    Just be slim, have some hair and wear black shirts, it can be a band shirt, they like clean, if you got tatoos that is a plus, but not exactly necessary, my hair isn’t too short nor too long, and girls in goth clubs love me even though I don’t have tatoos too.

  16. Anonymous says:

    As long as youre into whatever theyre into and can have fun with them thats about all you need, especially in clubs where what matters the most is vibing 2 da music

  17. Anonymous says:

    make a playlist with pierce the veil and bring me the horizon, some nu metal and send it to her. it works
    >dressing in black
    >wearing boots
    >being tall
    >being skinny
    >long hair
    I look like this and the only women that want me are bisexual alt girls in their early 20s

    • Anonymous says:

      >the only women that want me are bisexual alt girls in their early 20s
      Same but the only thing you and I have in common is that we’re both skinny.

  18. Anonymous says:

    >Seriously, how do you dress to get these kind of chicks?
    I just exist
    Seriously the weirdest women get attracted to me

  19. Anonymous says:

    these girls don’t exist outside, they are purely a makeup exercise and will age into a significantly more boring attention whore just like the rest

  20. Anonymous says:

    If you’re a twink, rock victorian goth stuff.
    If you’re jacked, ditch the gaygy look and go full rivethead. I wear Crye multicam black, a fishnet shirt, a 3M mask and welding goggles. I never go home alone.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Serious answer: don’t stray that far from what you normally wear comfortably. I’m not saying roll in there dressed preppy, but don’t massively alter your normal look.

    This isn’t a "just b yourself c:" spiel, but Women can totally pick up on the subtle insecurities and inconsistencies in the way you carry yourself. If you aren’t normally goth, don’t overdo it or you’ll come across as a tryhard insincere gay basically. Just wear a darker colored version of more or less what you usually wear.

    They tend to go for conventionally masculine men tbh so you’ll be fine if you’re jacked.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I did not read every comment closely but what I did read would make any goth cutie scoff.
    "Dress masculine, have tattoos, etc. etc."
    Man heck that shit. What you need is a pair of BALLS. I’m talking some big ol heckin NUTS in between those legs. A couple billiard balls tumbling around in that sack! Some jingling sleigh bells! (metaphorically of course).

    These women are basically putting their entire social acceptance to the wind and you think they’re just looking for some guy who’s conventionally handsome? If they really wanted that they would go the "party girl" route every other girl who’s hecking male model wannabes did.
    You gotta match their confidence and emotional energy. You have to not give a heck and have some grapefruits for testes. Ideally this translates into what you wear but it is honestly less important than your attitude. Obviously don’t be a dickhead but be excited to toe the line of what is socially acceptable with the underlying message of "I think you’re hot. I don’t give a flying shit if you turn me down or if I embarrass myself, and I think you need to go out/come home with me."
    Honestly don’t even be so afraid to say something like that out loud.

    You have no idea how many times I’ve seen beautiful goth women be with the least physically impressive dudes ever because they had some courage and gusto.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nah man don’t toe the line, just walk right over it.
      Toeing the line is for pussies who want to think they’re hot shit, just do whatever the heck you want. What are people gonna do, kill you, put you in jail? b***h please, who cares?

    • Anonymous says:

      Yeah, this.

      Plus those girls can smell bullshit from a mile away. Attracted some goth cuties walking home by myself at like 2AM.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Slim black jeans, preferably ripped
    Good metal band tee. Vintage/pre worn feel. High cut arms if you actually have nice arms.
    Tattoos like nobodies business
    Lip and nose piercing. Never eyebrow.
    Nice black slip on work boots
    Smell amazing. No bodyspray. Shower, deodorant, good quality cologne.
    Black flannel. Can be worn as accessory around waist or however. Also girls love to wear it.

    Pretty much how I was 99% of the time through my 20’s living in a major city. Playing in a band, bartending, going to metal shows. And picking up goth/metal chicks was almost too easy.

    It’s a good look, but you have to actually have a good body, tattoo’s and other stuff to pull it off. The idea is a grunge/metal head who actually takes pride in themselves.

  24. Anonymous says:

    why would you want this? they all smell bad and 9/10 have shit personality

    anyway just have drugs on you and tell her you like diablo or something, worked for me

    • Anonymous says:

      btw, you are not supposed to ever wear a hat indoors; that would be a faux-pas. Only the artists during an ongoing performance may be given exemption from basic rules of a cultured society.

    • Anonymous says:

      So lomg as you are 2 of those you’ll be fine. Last time I checked you are able to make yourself fit and outgoing.

    • Anonymous says:

      No shit
      Can you get a degree without opening a book? Can you get hired without a decent curriculum? No, so why should you get girls without having the bare minimum qualities of an average human male?

  25. Anonymous says:

    so, my italian gf has naturally goth features (stunning black hair, hazel eyes, lily white skin and red lips), and she’s told me she has no real ‘style’

    can i convince her to become a hot goth girl, and if so, how?

    • Anonymous says:

      You can’t convince her just show her the music and if she likes it take her to some concerts. The rest is up to her. That’s the thing with people you can only make suggestions trying to force something will lead to too many problems.

    • Anonymous says:

      >so the one thing about my life that isn’t lame as heck, yeah I need some help hecking that shit up right quick

  26. Anonymous says:

    For the millionth hecking time.You don’t,you can year a wifebeater and cargo pants,give them drugs and they are all over you.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Aside from a few of their earlier albums, The Cure is a shitty and overrated band.

    Also, ignore the gatekeepers who only recognize 80s post-punk era bands as "real goth."

    You’ll find that goth chicks listen to plenty of other stuff like Type O Negative, HIM, Molchat Doma, and many other bands that are a hell of a lot better than The Cure.

    • Anonymous says:

      ok you can stop now, it’s one of the few mainstream alt rock albums that is as good as people say it is

  28. Anonymous says:

    The Cure has sure produced a lot of crap but that seems to be the destiny off all bands going mainstream. Here is the remainder of their creative days:

  29. Anonymous says:

    >Seriously, how do you dress to get these kind of chicks?
    You don’t need to dress gothy to attract them.

    I see plenty of preppy guys with glasses holding hands with goth girls. The dude in the pic is a perfect example.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Choose a few hardcore/emo/hyperpop groups to talk to her about (these girls don’t generally listen to actual goth music). Find a music or meme related facebook group where they congregate. Then start friending these girls, talking to them about music, and making sure to let them know that you’re addicted to heroin and have emotional trauma. The goth girls will be on your dick in no time

  31. Anonymous says:

    you go as a normal person in a polo and blue jeans and you find the hottest goth girl and ask if she can give you a goth makeover.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Women care more about your apartment than your clothes because you’ll be nude most of the time you spend with them

  33. Anonymous says:

    I appreciate fashion as artistic expression but if you’re just using it as a means to an end to get casual sex and you’re also a man, all the rules go out the window.
    Do NOT lean to hard into any aesthetic if you want pussy.
    The hottest fashion accessory a man can have is friends or people who fear him.
    If you’re going for alt girl pussy, obviously you don’t want to look like a total square boy scout or frat douche but at the same time you really don’t want to look very heavily invested in the scene either.
    Though they will seldom admit it, girls know fashion scenes are superficial and childish and, as a man, if you look too heavily invested in a scene (even if it matches the girl’s style), you implicitly are NOT getting social status with all that time an energy you’re devoting to an aesthetic.
    They don’t want a fanatic, rather a normal-ish guy who is just open minded enough to appreciate their eccentric appearance but not as much as one of their girl friends.
    They will want their aesthetic to be "their" thing that you appreciate but don’t take the lead on ever.
    I realize that was vague but I am trying to be helpful.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m doing good and I guess I am? I love goth music especially the more post-punk death rock side of things. I’ve never been apart of the scene though just a baby bat. The closest I get to looking the part is black shirt and jeans. I just listened too Londen After Midnight it’s pretty gud.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Mostly bad advice in this thread.

    My advice would be to derive inspiration from Voltaire if you are masculine enough.

      • Anonymous says:

        Jordan is far more goth than most of you. Did horror game reviews, making dark comedies and skits, and not just sit around moping. Your shallow brain only saw his hairstyle and immediately calling him emo is the reason why /fashion/ is failing.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Aim for the zoomie nu-goth girls, actually goths can smell a poser from a mile away while the zoomers ARE posers while having zero self-awareneas, just tell them you like deftones or "phonk" or some shit and you’ll be all set

  36. Anonymous says:

    >how do you dress to get these kind of chicks

    there should seriously be a pinned disclaimer forbidden these kind of stupid incel threads

  37. Anonymous says:

    If you really want bone white skin like that why don’t you just get a sex doll mate. You know that kind of skin isn’t real irl unless she has a weird illness that turn her skin like that (so far the closest is silver skin)

  38. Anonymous says:

    they’re all stalking someone. the key is to find the one stalking you then pretend you have no idea, and court them like anyone else. this angers them into taking responsibility for the relationship.

  39. Anonymous says:

    unironically be chad quarterback. goth isn’t a lifestyle type thing anymore for chicks like this, it’s just a look zoomers rip off because all they have is mumble rap bullshit for "culture". chicks like this are normalfags now, the preppy girls that wore abercrombie i grew up with are weirder than her.

    • Anonymous says:


      every rap concert ive been to in the past 5 years had a bunch of zoomer goth chicks there.

      and most of them had athletic chad boyfriends

      this thread is full of cope. if you’re not chad, wearing black clothing is not going to make you magically attractive to these sort of chicks.

  40. Anonymous says:

    A glam metal look has worked for me before. Tight leather pants, black heeled boots, animal print shirt opened halfway down, and a tight leather or jean jacket. Also big hair, hebrewelry and cheap cologne.

    Glam metal is somewhat within the ballpark of subcultures, yet it’s much more rare, letting you stand out from the rest of the greasy, edgy dudes in the scene. Reeks of sexual energy, if you have the confidence for it

  41. Anonymous says:

    Step 1: As others in this thread have said. Goths don’t actually date goths, don’t dress goth.
    t. Goth.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Honestly, just match up the colors and only wear black/depressing greys, and white. It helps if your skin is naturally light complected.

    It’s not hard at all either. Black suits to the office with black or charcoal ties, or dark noir striped ties and/or black suspenders, and then dress down using the same colors.

    Best bonus about this wardrobe is that black is a bit commanding so there’s a touch of added respect in dressing this way as well. People will however ask you: "why are you dressed to go to a funeral?" when they see you wearing black so often, and to this you should reply either with a simple "I feel that it suits me well" or ask them what they think you should be wearing, and be friendly about it and make them feel like they’re genuinely giving you some solid fashion advice that’s going to change the way you buy clothes from now on, and then of course, don’t change a thing. If they bring it up just say that you just can’t see yourself wearing any other color.

    P.S. If it’s a boss or someone that has control over your payroll and if when reading between the lines you can tell that they’re making it clear that they’d prefer you lighten it up a bit, then heck the goth girl and dress appropriately.

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