18 thoughts on “Pic related irritates that absolute fuck out of me. What brands of t-shirts stay tight on the neck?

      • Anonymous says:

        How wet are your clothes when you hang them? Ideally your washer’s spin cycle should get most of the water out, but sometimes they don’t work too well. Clothes should be damp, but not soaked. If they’re too wet the water weight pulls it down and makes it sag.
        If they’re too wet, throw the clothes in for another spin cycle. Or tumble dry for a few minutes on low/no heat before hanging. Or dry flat.

        • Anonymous says:

          it’s actually a case where "both sides are bad"

          t shirts actually "need" a little bit of agitation to retain their shape as the movement causes the fibers to coil back into their "natural" shape. if you only ever hand wash and line/flat dry they’ll end up saggier than if you machine washed and tumble dried them. but if you overdo it, then they’ll also sag and become "toughened" as the natural water content of the fibers is burned off

  1. Anonymous says:

    this is sort of a hood/swap meet brand but they’re famous for their tight necklines because they make their collars out of lycra


    this is only in their heavyweight tee though, they have thinner options that do not have the lycra collar
    but if you’ve ever seen a west coast music video and everyone is wearing a clean white tee, it’s very likely pro club
    i will personally vouch for the collars, i’ve even tried on a size xxl (i’m a twig, true size is more like a medium) and the neck was tight

    • Anonymous says:

      Seriously though I can vouch for them and they stay tight on the neck even after washing them 15 times on hot water and like 90 minutes in the dryer, i treat them like beaters and they still are tight on the neck.

      • Anonymous says:

        fair warning though, to the point of this anon, if you do treat them like beaters, regardless of what the site and reviews say, these tees do shrink heavily the first wash/dry
        the reason i actually picked up xxl’s was to account for this, so they fit more like an xl post-heck it-washing
        otherwise me too, i always keep a stack of these in white and black, short sleeve and long sleeve, and never hesitate to wash em if i’m traveling and have to use a laundromat or hotel

        • Anonymous says:

          Yep, in true swap meet, hood rich fashion you would wear em once or pick one up from the corner store . I would suggest ACNE or APC for anon if he’s going for a more high end option that’s durable.

          • Anonymous says:

            you have based taste anon have a good rest of your day, ty for adding credence to the pro club campaign i lowkey champion

  2. Anonymous says:

    Abercrombie & Fitch has best quality/price available. Honestly their entire selection of clothing is severely underrated in terms of quality, design, & price.

    • Anonymous says:

      I also buy Los Angeles Apparel shirts and haven’t had this problem. The sizing is a little strange but that’s all.

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