60 thoughts on “Is it still acceptable to wear streetwear in your mid twenties? When do you become too old for it?

  1. Anonymous says:

    just tuck the tshirt inside the pants, switch the cargo pants for normal jeans/chino and there you go you’re an adult

  2. Anonymous says:

    Over 21 you should start migrating towards casual menswear. Now in my mid-twenties, everyone I went to highschool with who still stunt their streetwear fits look incredibly out of place and goofy

  3. Anonymous says:

    Do you think when you reach a certain age you gonna get stopped if you are wearing these clothes and asked for ID or what? Why couldnt you wear what ever you like?

  4. Anonymous says:

    I didn’t have the money until recently to even consider buying streetwear at 26, and I’m going to wear what I like, I don’t care. To be fair I look younger than I am so that might be a part of it, but you should be able to enjoy basically whatever you want at any age. Also for the record, mid 20’s is not old by any means. At 26 I’m starting to realize that I am getting older and that I’ve gotta get my shit together, but even still I’m in my youth.

  5. Anonymous says:

    >hurr now i’m 25 i have to start dressing like a pensioner
    protip: old people didn’t suddenly start dressing old, they just wear what they wore most their lives

  6. Anonymous says:

    Dress however you feel the most comfortable, also you don’t have to reduce your wardrobe to a single style.
    This might be a bad example but pic related is streetwear with a guy in his 40s.
    So no it’s not weird or out of place. It’s only weird if you follow trends and not build your own style then it’s kinda cringe.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I’m 27 and I don’t think anyone minds, but I look much younger than I am. I only wear a suit to work, on my own time I wear whatever the heck I want.

  8. Anonymous says:

    If you’re cool you can wear whatever you want at any age. I saw an old asian lady at the mall dressed like a hype beast the other day and it was pretty kino.

  9. Anonymous says:

    only going to become more normal in my opinion, i dont think people dress drastically different at 70 than they do at 25-30.
    it depends on your lifestyle anyway, if you look at middle aged men who were pro BMXers, Mat Hoffman or Chris Moeller for example, they dress casually and similar to when they were in their 20s, even at 50. Same with skaters like Mark Gonzales or Daewon Song.
    If you work in law, you’ll wear a suit. If you’re an English teacher you might dress smart casual at work but dress in whatever at the weekend, if you’re a PE teacher you’re probably going to wear sportswear constantly. a 30 year old who dresses like an ‘e-boy’ when it was at its height would look like an idiot in a choker and stripey top or whatever it was they wore, but there’s nothing wrong with a 40/50 year old in a Stussy sweat and Carhartt trousers, especially when it was that age group who started that trend in the first place

    • Anonymous says:

      When are you too old for a chocker? I have one I like and still feel like I have a depressive b***hboy look but i’m 27.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I’m nearly 30 but always get ID’d in pubs and shit so I look a bit younger. Recently I’ve become more aware of my age and how it should factor in how I dress so I’m torn between going for a more mature look and sticking to what I know and like, streetwear.

    No matter what you do you’re going to look like a stupid cunt to someone. Dress more conservative/maturely and you’ll look boring and dowdy, dress loud and you’ll look like a manchild attention-whore. There are certain looks that are more childish, like tacky hypebeast fits, that I think look kinda dumb on anyone but especially someone who’s a bit older. Ultimately if you dress tastefully and your fits actually work you can pull any style off as you age.

    Streetwear is such an umbrella term too, it encompasses a lot of shit. Even if you want to dress more age appropriate there’s probably some streetwear shit you can pull off. Also, I think this depends heavily on where you live. In London at least (and probably other major cities) I see people of all ages dressed in "streetwear" and tbh I don’t think I’ve ever thought "you’re too old for that".

  11. Anonymous says:

    Look, if you need a board of dubiously adult ngmi’s to tell you that you can wear whatever you want…I don’t know what to tell you

  12. Anonymous says:

    No, it looks laughable and tryhard as heck. This doesn’t mean you have to start wearing dadcore but please just steer clear of pyrex, BAPE and Nike AF1s if your age starts with a 2 or more.

  13. Anonymous says:

    The real question is whether it’s still acceptable to wear streetwear in the 2020s to which the answer is no.
    I’m sure somewhere in central China this trend is just catching on but streetwear should’ve died when COVID hit.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Vintage is where it’s at in 2022 and that shit will never go out of style, get some good sneakers, jeans/chinos and comfy jacket or hoodie, that shit works well into your 30s
    This really grungy 90s street look is reserved for under 20s though

    • Anonymous says:

      This. I pick & mix my wardrobe with the best items from the last 50 years and for me it looks great. Floral shirts, vintage coats, Adidas sambas, some nice thick t-shirts, longsleeve polos, etc.
      Streetwearers look laughable past highschool

  15. Anonymous says:

    >that sounds hecking terrible, imagine dressing like a kid from The Goonies and thinking you’re le mature

  16. Anonymous says:

    >im a real fashion guy, i like to mix and match. n-no it isnt ill fitting, damp shit that was thrown away for good reason, i-its vintage! I look mature in my bird shirt and Adidas sneakers, not like a 6 year old with special needs. maybe i will buy some pit vipers too and then ill be a REAL man finally

    • Anonymous says:

      Wouldn’t want to be found dead wearing those pit viper glasses but it’s telling that you feel like the only alternative to your full BAPE outfit is going clowncore.

      • Anonymous says:

        and it’s also telling that you have to resort to full BAPE and some shitty 2015 Instagram brand to make a point when not even the OP image has anything to do with that

  17. Anonymous says:

    im 33 and starting to rock all my clothes from 2002.

    the shell necklace. the blonde highlights on my hair. the vintage skate t shirts….

    im becomngin nostalgic for it all

  18. Anonymous says:

    /fashion/ virgins hate streetwear bc its easy and it actually brings them female attention, which at their core, all /fashion/gs want.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Theres an age where its acceptable to dress "young and it lasts well into your 30s. Kind of depends where you live too. Oldhead niggas in big cities still be dressin. Gavin mcinness’ video on this is good and must watch

  20. Anonymous says:

    Mid-twenties is generally still perfectoy acceptable to wear streetwear. Setting is important too tho. After 30, you must consider some things. Do you live in a dense city? Then it’s totally fine. Do you live in the suburbs? Maybe somewhat cringe. Also, if you’re fat, people will see you as a lazy manchild, not /fashion/. But if you are skinny, they might think you’re admirably /fashion/. There are more things to consider that i cant think of now.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Honestly I’m only 21 and I don’t see people dress in streetwear. Maybe because I go to uni. Streetwear is more of an uneducated peoples thing

  22. Anonymous says:

    >Is it still acceptable
    It’s not 1980 or even 1990 anymore. There is no "acceptability" when it comes to fashion. You are seeing people with neck tattoos hired in managerial positions. The norm for fashion and age has long been destroyed. You can wear streetwear into your retirement. In 20 years you will see 80 year olds wearing the exact fit in OP.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Hypebeast tier streetwear is cringy at any age imo. Scandinavian minimalistic streetwear that was a meme like 6 years ago would look good even on middle aged dudes.
    heck anybody who says that you need to wear corporate drone shit all the time.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I know I should be dressing "smarter" at my age and not wearing hoodies, graphic tees and sneakers everywhere, but I don’t have a white collar job so it feels like a pathetic larp to walk around in a button up shirt and slacks with dress shoes.

  25. Anonymous says:

    You’ll look like a gay if you’re not wearing streetware at 25. 30s is when you’re supposed to start dressing classier.

  26. Anonymous says:

    barely streetwear. uncuff the pants lose the chain and swap the forces for workboots and this is what the average construction worker is wearing

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