46 thoughts on “I'm 26 and I feel like I'm too old for sneakers. What does?

  1. Anonymous says:

    >I’m 26 and I feel like I’m too old for sneakers
    >What does /fashion/ think?
    I don’t give a shit about how you feel
    >This hecks me for gym shoes though so my only option are $200 running shoes that look like shit and are for rich white people
    Not my problem

  2. Anonymous says:

    >I’m 26 and I feel like I’m too old for sneakers.
    Alright, why not try on some shoes that interest you and think it over before buying anything.
    >What does /fashion/ think?
    I’m only one 26 year old guy but I only wear sneakers for exercise, so yeah.
    >This hecks me for gym shoes though
    No, there is literally nothing wrong with wearing sneakers at the gym.
    >$200 running shoes that look like shit and are for rich white people
    Then don’t buy them, you don’t need one pair of shoes that do everything.

    • Anonymous says:

      >I’m 26 and I feel like I’m too old for sneakers
      >What does /fashion/ think?
      I don’t give a shit about how you feel
      >This hecks me for gym shoes though so my only option are $200 running shoes that look like shit and are for rich white people
      Not my problem

      t. both dress like redditors

  3. Anonymous says:

    Depends what kind of sneakers you’re talking about.

    The kind you posted? Yeah they would look juvenile on a man. But there are many different kinds of sneakers that look fine, especially in casual outfits. And at the gym of course you’re gonna wear sneakers. Not sure where you’re coming from

  4. Anonymous says:

    >Baby thinks he’s too old for normal human shit
    If you don’t want to dress casual then don’t, thinking you’re “too old” for anything but graphic tees that say shit like “all my friends are imaginary” is stupid. You’re just barely not a child.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you have a white collar job obviously you need menswear too, or in general if you want to come off professional.

        But if you wear that shit to get a burger or some shit you will look 100% stupid

        • Anonymous says:

          I agree, by menswear autists I mean the guy who tell you to wear dress shoes as soon as you’re 18. Obviously there’s a time and place for a suit and I do like them, but I also like my sneakers and just dressing casual to go to the bar to get some drinks or to go to the park with my friends.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I don’t understand why guys reach a certain age in which they feel pressured to dress a certain way and stop wearing certain things. Its like when we’re pushing 30 there’s this entirely internalized pressure to drop sneakers, shorts, and hoodies. There’s no reason to do this. I don’t know when it happens, but there comes a time when you revert and stop giving a heck and just go back to wearing whatever’s comfy and realize that you were being a goof.
    Also, just get some all black sneakers. No one cares but you.

    • Anonymous says:

      OP here, was not expecting so many hecking reddit takes in this thread LOL

      >anon doesnt understand growing up

      Hmm, yeah why dont you wear racecar pajamas and bionicle t shirts? do you now hate racecars?

    • Anonymous says:

      From my totally anecdotal experience, the internal pressure to dress more "adult" hits most dudes by their mid 20s. Some earlier. From what I can tell, one of the biggest factors causing it is young men entering the workforce and trying to start a career.

      For me personally, it happened when I turned 20. I was very successful despite being a college dropout, and I wanted my subordinates and higher-ups to take me more seriously. Even if I was off the clock. I wanted people to look at me and immediately think I was a professional. The reversal hit me when I turned 28. I suddenly realized I’ve been over dressing in my time off and felt a bit silly. I’ve since found a balance, and I hope OP does, too.

      >t. 31 year old, here forever oldfag.

  6. Anonymous says:

    oh look it’s time for the daily shut-in fedora lord thread where teenagers play dressup with thrifted suits trying to look "timeless"

    • Anonymous says:

      Logical fallacies do not dismiss and argument

      Not at all.
      I’m well aware there is some people who look good in sneakers. Most of the time however people just dress lazily and like giant versions of their 11 year old self.
      When in reality a pair of loafers and slacks seems like such a better option

      • Anonymous says:

        >Logical fallacies do not dismiss and argument
        >it doesn’t matter if what I say is nonsense, my argument is still valid

        • Anonymous says:

          Yeah, that is true
          Logical fallacies can be hyperbolic and therefore wrong even if an element of truth is there

          You literally have bugman thinking
          Imagine screaming ad hominem at someone LOL

          • Anonymous says:

            Except there’s no element of truth there. You’re comparing something worn only by prepubescent children to something worn by every person from 7 to 99+

  7. Anonymous says:

    I don’t like the silver buckle on the air forces, but sneakers are fine. You wear them when it’s appropriate and it’s fine.

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