84 thoughts on “i am female and been wanting the emo cut since 2015 but i keep failing how the FUCK do i achieve it?

    • Anonymous says:

      from girl to girl you look really cute like this. of course you can do whatever you want but i think this hairstyle suits you

      • Anonymous says:

        My life would be solved if I live in the usa

        I would have gone to concerts
        I would have had a bf
        I would have had friends
        I would have perhaps autismobux or atleast autism support
        I would have been to themeparks
        I would have had all this food I can’t have here
        I would have visit all these forests there

        But no I am a neet stuck in athens

        • Anonymous says:

          >I would have perhaps autismobux or atleast autism support
          >I would have been to themeparks
          >I would have had all this food I can’t have here
          >I would have visit all these forests there

          Very wholesome and admirable anon.

          At least you’re not a man. You would be kicked out on the streets left to fend for yourself. You’d be the victim of police who are looking to beat up anyone who looks out of place, and you be on look out for other males in a constant alertness for threats and generally exposed to violence.

          But maybe that doesn’t help you. Maybe I’ll delete my post. I liked your post anon, cheer up.

        • Anonymous says:

          Let’s not kid ourselves. You would have been a cultureless hoe getting blown out by whatever SSRI ridden gay of the week decided to tolerate you.

          • Anonymous says:

            this tbh.

            Europoors think America is like those 90’s american sitcom movies. In reality it’s more like malcom in the middle or the middle, it’s not glamorous or fun (unless ya live in Florida).

          • Anonymous says:

            Yeah for America it’s just like an escapist television show, to europoors that’s reality lol

        • Anonymous says:

          Just e date on discord until some rich guy pays for your flight to whatever desired shit country you want to move to.

        • Anonymous says:

          There is absolutely nothing to worry about, you’re a young woman. If you to go out and do just about anything, guys will flock to you and want to do interesting things with you. Being an autist doesn’t have mean being a stupid.

    • Anonymous says:

      Couple things
      If you’re trying to go for early 2000s emo, go jet black for your hair. I was part of that crowd and everyone had black hair. Maybe once in a while someone would put a streak of color.
      Your current white is very zoomer egirl. Any color other than black is more egirl than just black (You wrote emo in your post so I’m assuming early 2000s emo)
      You have a different head shape so it’s not gonna look 100% same. Try parting your hair from the side more.
      You also need to do some eyelash and eye makeup.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ll marry you, bring you to America, take you everywhere you want and make love to you every single night and eat your pussy for breakfast and dinner, you won’t be sad anymore together we’ll be happy my queen

    • Anonymous says:

      The bangs part is a bit too short to get the effect from OP pic. Also the parting needs to be more on the side with the bangs going sideways harder, here’s where you will need to use the hairspray. You may then use the razor to shape the long hair to connect to the bangs better, it’s not hard and you get the iconic scene/emo shape this way. It’s a lot of work and you might spend up to 1 hour every morning to get the hair done but it will be worth it, emo hair very pretty and hopefully it will be back in style soon.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Destroying your hair was part of the process.

    I knew a scene/emo girl back in the late 00s. Her hair was fried from coloring it and doing so much things, she would say it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well, most girls hair look like ass compared to mens because of all the stuff they do to it. Seems like thats partly what causes that look. But who knows, dudes hair sorta looks like that but I assume he does shit to his too.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I can’t help with the cut, but for volume you need to blow it with your head down and use some clay or hairspray. Use k18 or olaplex to repair your hair. (Sorry for my bad english)

  3. Anonymous says:

    Your part is not far enough to the side. Line your part up AT LEAST with the outer corner of your eye (it can be farther over then that, but never less). Look at your thread pic, her part is nearly at her temple.

    I was in high school when this fashion was popular, a major key is a very deep side part.

    As a side note, the very extreme side part is responsible for the infamous hair flip motion, because your hair will constantly keep falling in your face, it rarely stays in place and is usually fussed with right before a picture is taken. Clips and hair spray are a must for everyday wear.

  4. Anonymous says:

    i don’t think you’re too far off.
    tbh i think it looks better than the pic you posted.
    the solid colour and less teased version you have looks like a more relaxed and less try hard version.
    i definitely think alt style when i see you. but idk if that’s what you’re going for.

    looks cool not cringe so i think it’s fine as is.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The thing that nobody really seems to consider is the fact that you have to style these types of haircuts every day in order to for it to keep looking like that.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Step 1: download a picture to your phone
    Step 2: tell the hairdresser "I want this cut"
    Is that too hecking hard?

  7. Anonymous says:

    that’s not emo that’s scene so your first problem is having egirl tier IQ. Secondly it’s easy to achieve it’s hot iron straightened I think they use chemical relaxer who knows (don’t do it though) and trim the bags side sweep it.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Your hair is thin
    Cut it shorter in order to decrease weight of the hair.
    This way you will get more volume.
    And never grow it below the shoulder line.

    • Anonymous says:

      hey i still think the usa is a shit place to live but i still reckognise that my life would be better in some regards there

      Your hair is thin
      Cut it shorter in order to decrease weight of the hair.
      This way you will get more volume.
      And never grow it below the shoulder line.

      rather add extensons besides this is a bang issue

      Step 1: download a picture to your phone
      Step 2: tell the hairdresser "I want this cut"
      Is that too hecking hard?

      they dont do it

      • Anonymous says:

        All this LARPy dreaming of being born a true ‘Merican patriot isn’t going to get you anywhere, OP. Most people live more plain lives. You can’t change your past, but you can do things now to make sure you have a better future. Talk to your family and people around you and realize that even if you’re shy and you say the wrong things, it’s a step forward to becoming a socially competent person. Do things. Go to museums, join a club, get a job, go to school, learn a martial art. Create the future you want.

        • Anonymous says:

          i mean thank you but i cant keep a job or school cause i am too deppressed some days to get out of bed so i am not reliable and i cant easly leave my ouse cause i live in the ghetto so ia scared of getted bodied again(and no peper sprays are illegal here)

          • Anonymous says:

            Violent crime is worse here and I still get my ass up to do a job I hate in hopes of things getting better. If you want to keep making excuses and don’t want to put in the work, stay in your cage and don’t complain. You can be as useless and worthless as you choose to make yourself.

          • Anonymous says:

            So I get bodied again for nothing, I am not longing for the USA I am just pointing it out since anon mentioned me being in the NY .

          • Anonymous says:

            Living in constant fear of getting bodied isn’t mentally healthy, you stupid. If you want use that as a constant excuse to not get a life, be my hecking guest.

          • Anonymous says:

            That’s none of business. Stay inside and rot. You have to save yourself. You’re not a child anymore. Prince Charming doesn’t want a stupid autist.

          • Anonymous says:

            She has a point, the world is actually a dangerous place. If you went outside you’d know this, as a man. I go out and speak to people all the time, there are people who are near animal, to think otherwise naive.

            There’s all kinds of bullshit. Granted its no where as bad if you dont live in a ghetto, but still there even mildly.

            OP, are the dudes in your area even sociable? Like if you went to a park or where people gather at a week ends, they may talk to you. Try that if it isnt a complete shithole.

            But then again i suppose that would rely on the guy being sociable so ai guess the burden is on the guy.

          • Anonymous says:

            I get asked if I “got a G pipe” or if I can “spare any tinfoil” or if I “got any blues” every hecking time I go out. I know firsthand that my environment isn’t all sunshine and daisies but it doesn’t stop me from living a normal life. If you want let her continue be an autist, you are worse than scum.

          • Anonymous says:

            But you and me are men. We can walk outside and at the end of the day we can kill or fight whoever we need to. We can start it at any moment.

            A woman will just get her brains beat if she does the same. Unless you even up the score and carry a gun or a dagger, even then its still looking for trouble.

          • Anonymous says:

            While true, OP has unhealthy constant fear of getting beat. What other options does she have? Legitimately learning how to defend herself should be her first priority. She might even meet a dude at the gym. She can’t do that if she’s too scared to go outside in the first place.

          • Anonymous says:

            I mean yeah. But a woman isnt necessarily going to beat a man in hand to hand combat if thats what you mean.

            I know I’ve boxed for 10+ years. Lived in a shithole too, at a point I realized I couldnt fight everyone of every block I went down. There was just too much idiots. And also just because you beat someone in a fist fight that doesnt mean they wont come back with a weapon or friends to try to win back their broken ego. They may even kill you.

            The cops will kill you if they want, they get away with the law. This world is based on killing.

            Thats what it comes down to, an animal without morals will kill you. There is no honor in a shithole. And thats also when I realized an honest fight means nothing ultimately, but weapons of killing are the bottom line at the end of the day.

            Does that mean it will stop me from going outside? No. But I know where Im at and the right choices to make.

            Maybe OP can try going out in the day time when other normal people are out, or taking a ride to a non shit part of her area.

          • Anonymous says:

            Thank you, captain obvious. Avoid shitholes and don’t hang out around midnight. You sound like you live in constant fear. Maybe you’re autism might just help OP since she’s in a similar boat.

          • Anonymous says:

            Kek, if it was obvious why are you sperging out, stupid. You just voided your entire argument.

    • Anonymous says:

      I can tell your IQ is in the double digits.

      Anyways, thanks, captain obvious. You just said a bunch of nothing

      You’re over here sperging out on girls online, and then ironically calling others autist. I can just tell youd get your ass beat in real life, pussy.

          • Anonymous says:

            Kek, resorting grammar policing on the internet.

            Glad to know you’re a gay and it got to you. Good game.

          • Anonymous says:

            At this point I’m honestly just trying to get an emotional reaction out of you. Be less emotional with your reaction and you’ll be a valued shitposter here, anon. Don’t get too attached. This is the internet. Best of luck. I trust that you’re competent enough to help OP and I hope you have a nice day. Best of luck with your issues, OP.

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