This topic again, but this time we will discuss side effects of your own personal use (so people who DID try Finasteride should reply).
I want to try using it, but reading the amount of side effects it can give I am VERY scared of taking finasteride. Did you personally see any side effects?

I would also want to discuss Minoxidil a little bit, well JUST BECAUSE YOU KNOW, just because…


  1. Anonymous says:

    I have been taking finasteride for 3 weeks along with an acne drug I take and I did bot notice any different behavior.

    Though I do I have a lot of moodswings and depressive episodes sometimes. Though I thought I was normally like that. :p

  2. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been using minox to try and increase my facial hair coverage for about a month and the worst that’s happened is a bit of dryness and ashiness at the application site that’s easily counteracted with some moisturizer

    • Anonymous says:

      I was going to do this until I read introducing minox into your system, even if it’s not on your scalp, can cause balding. some people said even after stopping minox it didn’t grow back so I got paranoid

      • Anonymous says:

        Hasn’t happened to me yet but I’ll keep an eye out and stop immediately if it does. I’d like to have Oscar Isaac tier stubble but if it’s that or hair, I’m keeping the hair

        • Anonymous says:

          I decided it wasn’t worth the risk. I have the shittiest, patchy facial hair and was eager to get on minox until I read the horror stories. I’m 25 so it’s probably not gonna get any better (maybe once I hit 40 or something) so I just stay clean shaven.

          • Anonymous says:

            I couldn’t grow great facial hair when I was your age. It got a lot better in my 30s and now I have a pretty decent beard.

          • Anonymous says:

            >25-30 year olds cant grow beards
            Are you guys ok? But maybe you are native american! Those guys cannot grow beards too I heard

            My facial hair isn’t so much patchy, it just doesn’t connect and I want better coverage. Frustrating because what coverage I do havw is quite dense, I can grow a Selleck-tier mustache if I want. I’m assuming that, closing in on 30, it’s gone as far as it will naturally.

            So far the Minox is working, albeit very slowly. I’ve got some new, lighter whiskers in my previous bare spots.

          • Anonymous says:

            I couldn’t grow great facial hair when I was your age. It got a lot better in my 30s and now I have a pretty decent beard.

            >25-30 year olds cant grow beards
            Are you guys ok? But maybe you are native american! Those guys cannot grow beards too I heard

          • Anonymous says:

            I’m first generation hispanic, you know, the specific group that’s known for having shitty facial hair

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been on both since November of last year.

    I’ve had none of the finasteride side effects listed in your image, but I have been slightly depressed. I was that way before getting on finasteride so I wouldn’t call it a side effect. It’s been working really well, I haven’t seen any hair loss in the past few months.

    I’ve been really underwhelmed by my minoxidil results, but it’s not advertised as effective for your hairline so I’m not too disappointed by it. It is very itchy and dries the area where it was used. I wouldn’t recommend it as much as finasteride.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I never had any issues with minoxidil despite having extremely sensitive skin. I’m currently trying to improve my lifestyle before starting finasteride, so can’t comment on that.

  5. Anonymous says:

    been on fin since september, minimal sides
    the first one i noticed was mild testicular pain, which is apparently the most common side. it started about a day after i took my first pill and it went away a day after and hasn’t come back.
    the only erection related side effect i’ve noticed is that i go soft if i get distracted easier. no difficulty getting there or maintaining it while i’m in the zone, but if i get distracted for a minute i’ll go back to flaccid.
    probably the most notable side effect for me is the reduction of load size – i am simply just shooting a lot less ejaculate than before getting on fin.
    as for minoxidil sides, i’ve been on minox for like 4 years and haven’t experienced sides for the most part. i started using it on my hairline in january and got a rash/irritation there but as i kept using it that stopped happening. i’ve been using it on my crown for years with no issue. and also no results – i am pretty sure i’m a minox nonresponder, i’m just too scared to get off the shit in case it actually is doing something, even something tiny. i want to try oral min but the side effects put me off. although the side effects put me off of fin for too many years, and that was dumb, so i might need to find a way to get some.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Tried fin for 2 years 1 mg EOD. I had low libido, trouble maintaining erection, and watery semen. For non-sexual sides, I had anxiety, depression, brain fog and trouble focusing.

    Topical minoxidil also gave me a weird reaction. I had Rogain foam and the shit gave me a fast heart rate after applying it. I might’ve put a little too much in, but I’m still never touching that shit again. Topical minoxidil can easily be systemically absorbed.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Been on finasteride since February, however I’m splitting up the 5 mg pills into 1.25 mg and taking it on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (so 3.75 mg a week rather than the full 7). The bad hair loss stopped pretty quickly, after about a month or so. Zero sides so far, other than an increased libido for the first few months which then dropped off to normal levels (though that could be placebo, not sure). So far no issues, no complaints. My hair loss was really pretty minor so I haven’t felt the need for minoxidil, but if it picks back up again I’ll consider it.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Tried fin, minor sides for the first month, minor dick pain, and also more watery cum, I do have extremely slight brainfog but the anxiety that got lifted from not worrying about hair made it a general boost mentally. my hair has gotten noticeably thicker and hair is falling a lot less, I’m fairly young so I don’t have any bald spots but I do hope I can get some regrowth down the line just to cover up my thin areas and get back to 100%

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh yeah more stuff I forgot to mention, been on fin for 2 months now, my libido decreased slightly but I’m already a cum monster so it really hasn’t affected me negatively in any way

  9. Anonymous says:

    Haven’t experienced anything on the left. As for the right, hard to say, I already felt like I had rather little fuel in my tank but I feel like maybe it’s a little bit moreso? Might just be placebo, which should tell you about the degree anyway.

    That’s just my personal experience though, you never really know. If it did then it’s still well worth easing my anxiety, but YMMV of course

  10. Anonymous says:

    I have been on fin for 2 years. I didnt really noticed much difference before/ after. No sides either. then after 2y, my hair loss seemed to continue at an alarming pace and I started to panic because fin didnt seem to work for me. It was a batch made by the pharmacy itself, so maybe it was a shit batch or maybe my DHT was just too hot.

    I could convince my doctor to prescribe me dutasteride. I take 1 every 3 days since it has logn half life time. Hair loss dramatically decreased and hair thickened a bit, although the damage at my temples is permanent. still at a norwood 1.5. No side effects on duta

  11. Anonymous says:

    I have been on fin for about four years. I feel no side effects. It was kind of weird the first week I took it because my cum was watery, but it went away and everything is normal. One of the greatest decisions I have ever made. Stopped my recession in its tracks. My hairline hasn’t budged since I started. I do .5mg per day

    I’ve just ordered oral minox, and will start taking 2.5mg soon. I’m about a month into dermaneedling. I honestly don’t need to, but it would be nice to recover some hairline and look fuller. I’m fairly optimistic about it. Even just 20% regrowth would be a big difference. It’s gonna be about a 6 month process before I know if it was worth the effort or not.

  12. Anonymous says:

    1 year on fin
    6 months on min

    i feel like my hairloss stopped. Some days I cant even tell.

    I have had no side effects and i am in a happy relationship. I see my girl every 2-3 weeks and we have sex 2-3 times a day when we do. no problems

    • Anonymous says:

      most people don’t get phenomenal results like this.

      the hair follicles eventually die out and there’s no way to revive them

  13. Anonymous says:
    The makers of rogaine lied about how bad the side effects really are

    • Anonymous says:

      looks like a gimmick, probably much more expensive than doing it properly. take low dose generic fin and if you want to push for regrowth up the dose and add topical min plus derma pen

  14. Anonymous says:

    You do not want real information.
    You either want
    a) people to scare you with made up stories
    b) people to tell you it’s totally safe and nothing ever happens
    I repeat you neither give a heck about how it all actually pans out, or about your looks and how to actually look presentable. Slit your throat. All the information you need, including studies, opinions of not so anonymous stupids on the interwebz are out there. But thats not what you want. KYS. Slit your throat. You do not belong here, you are on the same level as shills, troons and other creatures that do not belong on this board.

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