281 thoughts on “Best haircut for a Norwood 3?

        • Anonymous says:

          Min doesn’t grow back miniaturised hair follicles.
          I will also point out I have been on both since April 2022

          • Anonymous says:

            bro you can grow hair on the inside of your eyelids with minoxidil, you just lack the genetics for it

          • Anonymous says:

            what you call "genetics" is nothing but having hair follicles under a certain skin area.
            Do you think minoxidil generates hair follicles out of thin air?
            No, it merely activates inactive follicles that are already there, if you don’t have them minoxidil won’t do shit.
            When you see great beard results with minoxidil it basically means the guy had lots of follicles in his face but they were all dorment, minoxidil activated them and they started growing. That’s why some people can only achieve a shitty mustache, some pubes in the chin and some sideburns, shitty "genetics" i.e. not having the hair follicles for minoxidil to activate in the first place.

          • Anonymous says:

            You can get a hair transplant, balding that minor shouldn’t need a lot of hair you’ll be fine

        • Anonymous says:

          Min only works for 50% of men who have the correct enzymes and fin is too weak for a lot of men and they continue balding, everyone fails to mention this

        • Anonymous says:

          >minoxidil regrows
          hecking bullshit, mino just extends the growing phase of the follicles, using it on a bald head is like watering a flowerpot without a plant, you are just wasting water

    • Anonymous says:

      nigga just shave your head and wear a hecking wig.
      you can have a different hair cut like every other week and people will never think you’re bald, they’ll just think you’re in a fashion sphere inaccessible to them, like wearing leather, animal furs etc. Being so out there that no one will ever think you’ve got something to hide.
      I mean femme flashy clothes have being the stable for gays before they ever come out and continue to act as a bright warning signal to normal people.

    • Anonymous says:

      >hormone drug for the rest of your life and repeated hair transplant touch-ups to maintain
      hmm sounds oddly tranny

    • Anonymous says:

      hecking this
      I was between 2 and 3 but 6 months of fin has me firmly at 2.
      >tfw waking up with a clean pillow, no hair in sight
      I’m 29 and at its worst my pillows and sink would be covered in hair in the morning

    • Anonymous says:

      No, I’ll be shaving my head, applying a thick layer of bio adherent super molybdenum gel polymers to my scalp, and permanently infusing a wig to it because a bunch of weak fed honey pot hebrews conceived me hair loss pills are dangerous

    • Anonymous says:


      Best haircut for a Norwood 3?

      Get on finasteride. Take biotin supplements and switch to a sulfate free shampoo as well.
      You probably don’t need a transplant yet, but you will if you don’t do something soon.
      This is me in the pics. It’s been a full year now.

      • Anonymous says:

        biotin is overrated and will only help if your hair loss is due to a nutritional issue which is unlikely to follow the same pattern as classic male pattern balding. as for shampoo, ketoconazole is the way to go. also why don’t you like minoxidil, imagine actually shilling biotin over minoxidil wtf

        • Anonymous says:

          I just kinda forgot to mention min. I use a topical mix of minoxidil and finasteride daily.
          I think biotin helped me a bit. I started taking it well before the transplant and I believe my hair was falling out at a lower rate and generally looked a bit thicker than it did prior to taking biotin. As for the shampoo, that’s up to you I guess. I found that a hydrating sulfate free shampoo works very well for me.

          why did you wait so long yourself?

          I was just scared of drugs and in denial about how bad it was. I did try oral finasteride before getting a transplant and suffered negative side effects, so I ended up getting on topical after the transplant.

  1. Anonymous says:


    Then yes. All likelihood it’ll stop further receding. Try Minoxidil too as it may help regrow a few of the hairs that have not quite yet gone for good.

  2. Anonymous says:


    try it you are going to regret every living breath if you don’t

    there is 2% chance side effect could stay more permanent when you stop, it does not matter what side effect, that’s a fact

    there is also a low percentage chance that your hair will fall even faster because your follicles are also testosterone sensitive so testosterone bump will attack them

    what can you do, be 100% bald or take the pill and be 5% chance bald?

  3. Anonymous says:

    >born norwood 1/1.5
    >no signs of balding just huge forehead
    >panic every so often bc my hairline looks so shit
    >look at pics of me at 14 and it was still shit then

    • Anonymous says:

      yup. been had norwood 1.5 since atleast 15. atleast my hair is thick and i can grow it to hide my norwooding

    • Anonymous says:

      I also had Vegeta forehead since at least 6 years old, it spread a little bit though, but idgaf because I’m a buzzcut chad

    • Anonymous says:

      >norwood 3 for at least 6 years
      >non of my male relatives ever was worse off than a 3
      >panic everytime in the shower
      >then remember loosing 100 hairs a day is still normal

      • Anonymous says:

        Same here, probably a 2.5/3 depending on who’s estimating. My dad’s brothers are all pretty bald, but he’s just thinning/receding slightly at 60. My moms brothers all have full heads of hair in their late 60s, so I’m cautiously optimistic.
        I barely shed anymore though, almost wondering if my big recession in my early-mid twenties wasn’t from stress or diet or something weird.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Giga exagerated studies show that it is super rare ans you can go on lower doses and fin is still effective, ex i believe the normal dose in south korea is like a quarter of the normal dose in the rest of world and the results are basocally the same with even less sode effects.

    >born norwood 1/1.5
    >no signs of balding just huge forehead
    >panic every so often bc my hairline looks so shit
    >look at pics of me at 14 and it was still shit then

    Literally me i was rocking norwood 1.5 at 12 years old and hair is super fine so i looked like o have been starting to bald but never axtually started to bald for my entire life

  5. Anonymous says:

    Got a hair transplant yesterday bros and went from a NW 2 to a 1, wanted it made more square but then realised how stupid that would have actually looked. Doctor said that hopping on finasteride saved me from thinning further at the top so if your in doubt hop on early and save.

  6. Anonymous says:

    My hair started thinning a while back, and it turned out to be very low Vitamin D levels. Got on some supplements and now my hair is back to normal! I wonder how many other shut-in NEETs with poor diets/no sunlight get on fin/min without realizing 5,000 iu a day would set them straight lol

    • Anonymous says:

      This. Keep in mind that it would take months to see the improvements because of the hair growth cycle.

    • Anonymous says:

      thanks bro, I have been sitting in front of my computer since I was 7
      I am now 28, fug, should’ve listened to my mother every time she asked if I got enough sun when abandoning my cave

    • Anonymous says:

      i 100% believe this, after a few years of neeting i started to just look really really sick, like the way my face and hair looked just all thin and gaunt. take your vitamins bros!!

    • Anonymous says:

      I haven’t seen any regrowth, but I’ve been sitting steady at like a 2.5 since 2019 or 2020, and I’m 28 now.
      Also turns out I’m somehow iron deficient even though I’m a dude, so I’ve been supplementing iron and I feel stupidly good. Gonna see if that helps my hair thicken up at all, only been on iron for 8 weeks.
      Have fin on hand, but I haven’t started it yet, because idk if it’ll help regrow, and I don’t have further shedding. Very few hairs come lose in the shower or in the brush, etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      To anybody not going outside to get vit d at least eat some eggs i remember learning that 2 gives you 33% of your daily vit d, plus many other vitamins necessary for hair skin etc.

      • Anonymous says:

        I’m doing fin and min for over a year first to see where that gets me
        I’m about 6 or 7 months in and I can tell my hairline has improved but I’m not like a hyper responder like some people but it’s working so far
        Looking at my current progress I’m imagining NW2 is the furthest I’ll be able to get to naturally but I’ll know better within the next year

    • Anonymous says:

      19 for me.
      did you do anything about it? I was so young and ignorant I had no idea you could actually do anything about it til i was 23-24 and i was nw5, probably far beyound salvation. No that i do know, Im still not sure i would do anything cause of the sides, but i still have that what if in my mind.

  7. Anonymous says:

    >have really thick long hair
    >just noticed my hair started receding
    It’s not thinning, just receding. heck

  8. Anonymous says:

    Give it to me straight, is this bad or very bad?
    Supposedly both my dad and granddad had it far far worse at my age (25), which gives me some hope, but deep down I feel like this is a cope/I’m just told this to make me feel better

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes it hecking is true. It works on all hair, even the beard. It will not stop DHT destroying your hair but it can help cover it up and make weak hair look thicker.

          • Anonymous says:

            No they don’t the australian person responsible for getting it approved in Aus says the same thing (the hairloss show). The crown thing is a legal fda claim thing.

          • Anonymous says:

            Not true

            Fin+min combo (1 year on it) completely reversed my crown hair loss from being awkwardly noticeable to full hair, no bald. Like a miracle.
            But it basically did jackshit for my front hair, i dont think it even slowed down.
            So yeah, from my anedocte he is right.

          • Anonymous says:

            Hairline is more sensitive to dht usually depending on your balding pattern. I never said it didn’t work better on the crown but the idea it doesnt work on the hairline is total bull

          • Anonymous says:

            Yeah it is motherhecker. Depending on your balding pattern. The donor area that we harvest for transplants is DHT resistant at the back of the head. Some people lose hair from the crown than temples. SOME hair is more DHT resistant than other hair and this will effect how you bald and how effective hairloss drugs will be in those places. It varies from person to person. How are you so full of shit?

  9. Anonymous says:

    dont listen to all of those pharma hebrews, shave it off and lift weights. if you cant pull off a shaved head you are doomed anyway hair or not

    • Anonymous says:

      and having a lot of sex is somehow not doing it nigga..

      what you call "genetics" is nothing but having hair follicles under a certain skin area.
      Do you think minoxidil generates hair follicles out of thin air?
      No, it merely activates inactive follicles that are already there, if you don’t have them minoxidil won’t do shit.
      When you see great beard results with minoxidil it basically means the guy had lots of follicles in his face but they were all dorment, minoxidil activated them and they started growing. That’s why some people can only achieve a shitty mustache, some pubes in the chin and some sideburns, shitty "genetics" i.e. not having the hair follicles for minoxidil to activate in the first place.


  10. Anonymous says:

    I have like a nor-2 but I’ve had it since I was like 12. I also don’t have reason to believe it’ll get any worse since my dad is in his 50s and has basically the same hairline. would min do anything for me

    • Anonymous says:

      Alfatradiol mixed with min would be better than min alone. Honestly I feel minox is the last resort drug not plan A. Fin is plan A since it actually gives you peace of mind. Kevin mann has a video on alfatradiol so watch that if you are interested. When min stops working and you stop taking it you may not be happy you didn’t actually cover the dht part of the problem. Min will work better with a dht blocker and vice versa.

      • Anonymous says:

        for me min did literally nothing until i hopped on fin, and i was on it for years before fin. i’m not sure it’s doing anything now, i think fin might be doing all the heavy lifting, and i’ve seen pretty good results.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I have nw3, I do no guard clipper or n°1 when feeling like it.
    Just go lift & make money. Nobody cares about your hair. Get your money up not yo funny up lil bro

  12. Anonymous says:

    One forehead coming through. This is more of a 3 than a 2 right? Fortunately I can usually hide it pretty well.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I have been nw3 since like 17, am 26 now.
    I always struggled with my shitty hairline. On top of that my hair is naturally flat, and kinda thin. Always walked around with hats. Torture for a young boy.
    During the pandemic i let my hair grow long (like 20 cm) and i tried so much different stuff. Different styles and products, trying to see what works for me.
    I am not sure if this can apply to anyone who has flat thin shitty receding hair, but this worked wonders for me. Ironically, the route with the best outcome was the lowest effort route.
    I noticed that my hair started laying down flat and ugly, if i didn’t use shampoo in the morning. However, after using shampoo: the less effort i put into hair care, the better my hair looked.
    I tried lots of products, conditioners, sprays, all that had the "volumizing" label but ended up having the opposite effect.
    I tried drying my hair in different ways, using different techniques and items. All ended up making my hair look worse than the alternative. Yes, even at a saloon.

    So in the end my routine became:
    1) wash hair with a natural organic shampoo. Its neither harmful or expensive when used everyday. Make sure when you wash you feel your hair thick, foamy, soft, else change shampoo.
    2) wash with water and get out the shower
    3) use a towel to remove a bit of water
    4) let the hair dry itself with time, usually takes 1 hour. Dont do anything fancy to it, just leave it wet and shitty on my head.
    5) once its fully dried, it will have amazing volume and texture and look so poofy. At that point i just use my hands and some fixating hair spray to give it the shape i want and hold it in place.

    And bam, from incel hair to hair that makes teen girls smile and hairlets seethe. In just a few easy steps.
    I will also mention that i am taking collagen supplements and bear gummies, but i am not sure if they actually did anything, when i don’t wash my hair it looks shitty as it always been.

  14. Anonymous says:

    started giving my hair a close buzz when i first saw signs of stage 3 and i never look back. probably helps that i never really liked my hair anyway (it has always been rather thin) and have a nice jawline & smooth shaped head.

    • Anonymous says:

      definitely don’t feel it negatively affected my attractivity towards the other gender at all either.

      • Anonymous says:

        Diffuse thinning is typically the most treatable form of hair loss. Are you using the big 3?

        I’m a nw2.5 and having my hair medium to long makes it hardly noticable. My hairline has been receded for so long now that I’m not depressed about it, I’m just happy to keep what I’ve got.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m not using anything, I’m just coping by saying I’ve always had thin hair and a big forehead. I remember being 13 and washing my hair at a place different than my house wherw in the mirror I could very clearly see my scalp

          • Anonymous says:

            How old are you now? Your hairline looks nw0, and It seems like the rate of thinning is slow if it started that long ago. You’re in the best possible position for recovery if you get on the big 3. It’s much more difficult to restore a hairline as in my case, rather than restore diffuse thinning as in your case.

        • Anonymous says:

          Mine actually looks a lot like yours, slightly receding temples but mostly just diffuse thinning at the temples and the crown. Doesn’t show much because my hair is pretty wavy and used to be stupidly thick when I was early 20s.
          Haven’t tried fin yet, keto shampoo dried the heck out of my hair so I dropped it, I have a naturally super dry scalp to begin with. Minix for about a year, but I didn’t notice much regrowth, maybe slightly more of those little white downy hairs along the hairline.
          Worth hopping on fin? Secondary, any advice about a super dry scalp? I’m already pretty much doing no-poo, just conditioner washing and using one of those silicone scrubber things to clean the crud off my scalp.
          And yeah, I know I should go see a dermatologist haha, got an appointment later in the summer, there’s always a big backlog in my area.

  15. Anonymous says:

    How much maintenance is needed for a shaved head? I went from norword 2 to something like a 5 in less than a year

    • Anonymous says:

      I shave my head like once every 2-3 days. The third day is a bit iffy and my horse shoe starts to be faintly noticable so usually if im gonna meet with a grill or go out or anything I wont wait that long.

      Its definitely more maintenance than having hair. I used to just get my hair cut once a month and that was it. I mean does only take about 10 minutes to take my time and shave my head but it is annoying sometimes. My head is also kind of sensitive to shaving so I only ever do it in the evening a bit before bed. the feeling goes away after 30 minutes to an hour tho. Maybe im doing something wrong though i havent experimented to much with methods i just use some basic shave gel and a decent disposable(not gillete).

  16. Anonymous says:

    >norwood 3 by the time I was 18
    >now 30 and no sign of thinning on the crown
    >granddad went bald in the front but still had thick hair in the back at 90
    I’m actually cool with this.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I go for a short textured style. Brushed forward to help hide the receding corners.
    It’s really the only style I can pull off. I have a poor head of hair as it it with whorls on my neck and wiry bits above the ears

  18. Anonymous says:

    >normal hair threads die off in a day or two
    >hair threads for baldies who don’t even have hair stay up for weeks

    The heck?

  19. Anonymous says:

    I have a 2.5, receding from the front, top weak but not that bad
    I look decent, here’s what I do
    >cut: gradual increase from sides (start from 0.5), scissors on top, the higher ends before the tops need "extra attention" after gradual cut or they pop too fast, my guy knows what he does so I cant explain that part
    >minox daily
    >use a men’s vitamin, idk if it works but has biotin etc, should be OK
    most importantly
    >NEVER use shampoo if you wanna look good in the upcoming two days, natural oil makes hair thicker and better, shampoo is looks killer for men with gentle hair

    dont ever go full bald, consider going to Turkey if you cant grow nor maintain at least something that resembles this

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m not as bad as the guy in your pic but definitely between 2 and 2.5 I guess. I’ve been on finasteride for 4 months and I might just start to see some result on the thinning area.

      My question is, should I wait a little bit longer to start minoxidil if I want to recover my hairline or I should hop in asap? Also if I get a hair transplant later in life will I be able to stop using minox and only have to take finasteride?

    • Anonymous says:

      use shampoo if you wanna look good in the upcoming two days, natural oil makes hair thicker and better, shampoo is looks killer for men with gentle hair
      When do you use shampoo and if not, how do you wash it?
      >tfw both balding and seborrheic dermatitis so have to use medicinal shampoo constantly
      >both minoxidil and microneedling triggers my flaking extremely hard

  20. Anonymous says:

    >laffing at all these insecure gays recommending all that goddamn poison just for hecking hair, which is a girly thing to care about to begin with
    yall need to find something to do instead of shuffling your hair in front of mirror trying to cope with your genetics, holy shit, grow some balls

  21. Anonymous says:

    I was on the buzzcut + beard for the last 15 years just for being too lazy to groom. Now I’m old and decided to give hair a try again and it turns out I’m a severe nor-5. A part of me wants to shave it again, but for some reason the other says to start going to the hairdresser and start dealing with not giving a shit about what ppl think about my blatantly fisted hairline.
    I think it would be easier to ngaf if I was nor-8, but now I can still seem in denial. How can I style my hair in a way that at least shows I’m not trying to hide it?

    • Anonymous says:

      Do it for the eyebrows, I am seriously considering it now
      Would be so nice to have a 3 moustaches, it’s gonna be in soon, mark my word

      • Anonymous says:

        Does it work? My eyebrow hairs are soft and straight. I don’t want to end up sprouting pubic hairs above them lul

  22. Anonymous says:

    I’m 33 years old and my hair has been the same since I was 23. If it gets worse in this decade I’ll get a hair transplant when I’m 40 and then go on min n fin rest of my life.

    For now I don’t care to start having to take pills everyday. Most of you Might be wasting your money. But the companies don’t care

    • Anonymous says:

      I was 24 in pic related

      To all of you kids shitting bricks about you hair it probably won’t get worse within the next 10 years .

      think about it.I’m glad I skipped out on not taking pills everyday for the past ten years.

    • Anonymous says:

      If your hairline is receding uniformly, then be a tad grateful. Mine’s done the Jude Law thing and make it a nightmare to style

  23. Anonymous says:

    I’m thinking about traveling to a different country to get SMP since all clinics around me seem to be utter shit despite being expensive and all. Hairtransplant doesnt seem like a good option to me for various reasons. Any opinions on SMP bros? I like the buzzed look anyways and a new hairline can take off decades from you i feel.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Just turned 30 and my hairline looks like this. What norwood would this be and is it worth getting on fin and min now?

    • Anonymous says:


      Norwood 2 maybe 2.5. Personally I think it’s just mature hairline for your age, I wouldn’t bother with fin and min unless someone else in your family looks like George Costanza.

    • Anonymous says:

      Mine was a lot worse than yours but fin kinda rescued it a bit. It’s still past the "its over" point though.

        • Anonymous says:

          Was too depressed for before pics but it was kinda the same shape as yours with a lot thinner hair.

          11 months on fin+min. No side effects but chance of dick not working isn’t something to take lightly so think carefully imo.

    • Anonymous says:


      You should have been on fin 5 years ago. You’re going to regret not getting on it hard if you don’t start now.
      I know I do.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Next time I visit my derm I’m going to have a long talk with him. Last time I did I had no idea about finasteride, the dude just told me to use min and some peptide serum that does nothing but make my hair fuller but doesn’t address the issue. Didn’t even told me I have to use min forever to keep what I have. Doctors around here treat fin like it’s taboo, pretend they don’t know what it is. I sincerely doubt that, so I will confront him about it.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree anon it’s pretty bad. Guy asks for a hairstyle, gets shilled products he’s not interested in instead. reddit is cringe a lot of the time but at least you would get something resembling what OP asked for

  26. Anonymous says:

    >pull hair back
    >looks like shit
    >pull hair back in the shower when it’s wet
    >looks ok
    So which one is it?

    • Anonymous says:

      obviously, it’s shit

      Day one on finasteride… I can’t get a boner now. heck

      and you never will

      imagine how much time you could save by not giving a heck


    • Anonymous says:

      Replace 10 mins a day spent styling, with 10 mins every other day spent shaving (only to end up looking much worse than the former option)
      Wow so much time saved….

      • Anonymous says:

        applying a bunch of weird chemicals, styling, stressing, posting about your insecurities on /fashion/ vs 90 seconds to shave your head

      • Anonymous says:

        takes me roughly 3min to buzz my head all over with a #0

        imagine how much time you could save by not giving a heck

        applying a bunch of weird chemicals, styling, stressing, posting about your insecurities on /fashion/ vs 90 seconds to shave your head

        they are correct, it really doesn’t take any time at all unless you are wet shaving every time. And even then

    • Anonymous says:

      this is precisely why i dont think it’s worth even starting
      i’m a fairly attractive guy at nor 3. currently 23 years old, making 75k, have a long-term gf who i intend to marry, and am in good shape. even if i’m totally bald by 29, the risk (no matter how small) of becoming totally chemically castrated and/or perpetually limpdicked is precisely why i will never consume that shit
      also, minoxidil causes gynecomastia and has been proven to lower T levels
      i’ll embrace/buzz before i do any of that shit

  27. Anonymous says:

    Has anyone on this board ever gotten a hair transplant? I really see people who actually go for it here

    No one in these boards every actually DOES anything. No surgery, no HT, no risks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because this board is full of useless poor gays, I got a HT a few months ago and went to NW0. If you want real advice go to a dedicated forum or a generalist lookism board.

          • Anonymous says:

            I was told hair transplants don’t require finasteride for the newly implanted hairs, was it bullshit?

          • Anonymous says:

            the hair that hasn’t fallen out in the front is transplanted hair, so that is resistant to DHT and won’t fall out, but the hair behind it isn’t, so when he stopped taking finasteride, the loss continued. this is why you have to stay on fin even if you get a transplant.
            he might have something other than normal androgenic alopecia. that doesn’t look like the typical norwood pattern unless it is literally the most aggressive case ever. he said he started noticing severe balding in his teens, he’s probably no more than his mid 20s in that video, so he either has some other kind of baldness or was personally cursed by god himself to have the worst hair genetics imaginable.

          • Anonymous says:

            >was personally cursed by god himself to have the worst hair genetics imaginable.
            That’s not as rare as you think, i have seen plenty guys who are like nw5 at 25 years old, maybe 1 or 2 men out of 100 end up like that.

      • Anonymous says:

        Considering going to Eugenix or some turkroach HT place honestly. I don’t see how it would be that risky if you’re not >NW4

    • Anonymous says:



      Get on finasteride. Take biotin supplements and switch to a sulfate free shampoo as well.
      You probably don’t need a transplant yet, but you will if you don’t do something soon.
      This is me in the pics. It’s been a full year now.

      I think my text on the image is incorrect. IIRC it was actually 2800 grafts, not 2500. The transplant procedure itself cost me $6500 and took nearly 5 hours to complete(one session). If you go for one, I strongly recommend you take a week off work or whatever afterwards. My face was horribly swollen and my scalp hurt like hell for a few days afterwards.
      They told me at the clinic it would take about 4 months for my transplanted hair to really grow in, and they were right. My hair was pretty thin until after 4 months, and then it grew in properly.
      I will say that even after a full year I still have some partial numbness in my scalp at the implantation site above my brow. I don’t know if that will ever go away, but it’s not a big deal.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Get on fin and mix dipshits.
    I went from vertex 3 to 2 in 3 years. I’m turning this hecking franchise around.
    If you’re too much of a b***h to use drugs, accept your fate, keep it curt, and do your best Jude Law impression. Most men look just fine with a short, controlled cut no matter how bald they are.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Semi related, I have a huge forehead. Literally a 5head.
    What hairstyle do I want? Something with bangs that make it less obvious?

  30. Anonymous says:

    i gave myself a scar on my crown doing microneedling
    it’s not a huge scar but it’s annoying that hair seems to be continually growing around the affected area (so the other treatments are clearly working) but less hair is growing on the scar area (though less is not none, there is hair there)
    do you think a steroid shot from a derm might help it?

    • Anonymous says:

      Whew guess I won’t be ordering a dermapen lol
      Why don’t you ask a derm? That’s what they get paid the big bucks for.

          • Anonymous says:

            neither, i would hold it straight and press it into my skin (used a pen not a roller), lift it up fully, then put it back down and do another area, i never ever dragged it
            i believe what happened was that some bacteria or something got in before the wound was healed enough. i was usually extremely anal about cleaning everything, but i think i went to bed right after that application so maybe something got in off my pillow.
            i looked at my scalp the next morning and there was a tiny red bump, didn’t think much of it at first. it didn’t go away after like a month so started prodding it, that made it swell up and eventually it did turn into some sort of poppable zit-like thing, which is probably what scarred.

          • Anonymous says:

            disinfected my equipment with rubbing alcohol before doing it and would dab some on the scalp itself afterwards just in case

          • Anonymous says:

            Good. I really don’t know what happened to you then. Seems you’re doing everything right, just happened upon a bit of misfortune.

            I saw this guy on baldcafe, how does this even happen?

            Because the implanted follicles are resistant to DHT so they remain, whilst those follicles behind continue to miniaturise. And as he wasn’t taking Fin to prevent that, he lost those hairs.

  31. Anonymous says:

    I have a big ass forehead so I think I’m loosing my hair every few months when I get my self confidence questioned.
    If I ever actually loose my hair and am still at nor 2 do I go minoxidil or fin and what dosages? I remember someone telling me half a tab fin every day or every other day should already be enough to stop hairloss.
    No idea how Min works.

  32. Anonymous says:

    >both grandfathers died when I was young and there’s no photos of them
    >dad has perfect hairline so it skipped him
    >I’m at NW3 right now and have no idea if it’s going to stop here or continue
    >don’t know if I should hop on fin to stop it from getting worse

    The suspense is hecking killing me. I wish there was a way to do a blood test or something to find out how bald you’ll be.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get on fin, do it 3 times a week, get on minox, do it once a day after your shower, youll see improvements super quick and be relieved that you starter it

  33. Anonymous says:

    how often should you wash your hair if thinning? I heard you need a healthy clean scalp to promote hair growth.

  34. Anonymous says:

    My fear is that my norwood 3 hairline basically limits my haircut options to like buzzcuts or crewcuts. Medium length hair has always seemed the most aesthetic to me.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Why is this place so obsessed with hairlines? I was practically born with nw2-3 and never heard anyone comment on it in a negate way, it hasn’t affected me negatively either. I know this board is about looks, but are you gays really this insecure about you looks that something as trivial as a hairline makes you lose you shit?

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