impressing young nurses (HARD MODE)

i’ll work as a male nurse in a hospital for a month and there are young nurses that looked like they never had a man working with them before.
how can i improve my chances at impressing them? everyone wears a uniform and fragrances are banned, is the best i can do just working on my haircut, skin and physique?
or is there some secret alpha

54 thoughts on “impressing young nurses (HARD MODE)

  1. Anonymous says:

    Train your forearms a lot and get BF% low enough for the veins to bulge out, nurses are hecking weird and love a man’s forearm veins.

      • Anonymous says:

        i have heard the veins really do it for nurses because it gives them a feeling of euphoria when they need to draw blood or IV access and the patient has nicely defined veins so it’s easy for them.
        so thanks to the job their brain got programmed to feel euphoria when they see nicely accessible veins.
        or that’s the hypothesis anyway

    • Anonymous says:

      This, cannot recommend this enough. When I was a young RT, I had a summer where I spent my days doing nothing but lifting weights, watching Zyzz videos, browsing /fit/, swimming and getting sun. With my blue scrubs, my tanned arms really popped. My wife, now a nurse prac, was a nurse then would joke “God, your arms are like nurse porn.” Ten years later, she will still be holding my hand and I’ll slowly feel her running a finger over my vein, lol. They’re like vampires.

      Work on your arms, get fashionable shoes, rock a little stubble or a neat beard and work on your hair. That’s literally it.

      Also, be careful dude. Don’t get too many hookups at your workplace. I had dated two nursing students when I was in college. I thought I’d never see them again. I also dated a resident doc, thinking if it didn’t work out, it would be fine because she’d likely move away. None of this happened and I had four ex’s at my workplace. Do not recommend, lol. Thankfully, only one was a messy breakup. The others were because we were all so busy with school, so it was all very amicable. Still kinda weird working with/seeing people you boned a few years prior.

      Finally, nurses seem to like anyone but other nurses. I noticed a significant amount of attention when I got my paramedic license and joined a helicopter flight team. I ignore it all though, my wife’s attention is what satisfies me.

      But the single dudes on my team sure get some! I had a buddy who had an RN drive three hours to heck him all weekend lol. Wild.

      Just my advice!

      • Anonymous says:

        three* nursing students and a resident, math is hard

        Also, when you begin working on a new unit — be very mindful that these women have already combed over your entire social media. Even the married ones. I had a nurse once tell me two years later after working a NICU, “Yeah, I was asking you all of those questions to figure out which single nurse we could pimp you out to! We were so disappointed when we found out you were engaged!”

        IMO, the smartest way is to not to pursue nurses but to have them help you open up social avenues to date their friends. Hot girls tend to have hot friends. And most girls absolutely love playing matchmaker. Remember that.

      • Anonymous says:

        three* nursing students and a resident, math is hard

        Also, when you begin working on a new unit — be very mindful that these women have already combed over your entire social media. Even the married ones. I had a nurse once tell me two years later after working a NICU, “Yeah, I was asking you all of those questions to figure out which single nurse we could pimp you out to! We were so disappointed when we found out you were engaged!”

        IMO, the smartest way is to not to pursue nurses but to have them help you open up social avenues to date their friends. Hot girls tend to have hot friends. And most girls absolutely love playing matchmaker. Remember that.

        Dude coming in with the experience

      • Anonymous says:

        three* nursing students and a resident, math is hard

        Also, when you begin working on a new unit — be very mindful that these women have already combed over your entire social media. Even the married ones. I had a nurse once tell me two years later after working a NICU, “Yeah, I was asking you all of those questions to figure out which single nurse we could pimp you out to! We were so disappointed when we found out you were engaged!”

        IMO, the smartest way is to not to pursue nurses but to have them help you open up social avenues to date their friends. Hot girls tend to have hot friends. And most girls absolutely love playing matchmaker. Remember that.

        Dude coming in with the experience

        not sure if chatgpt but thanks i guess

        • Anonymous says:

          arms are literally a universal thing, bit of chest (not too much) shoulders, small waist, low bf% and good solid arms and forearms are what all women and even the lesbians like

      • Anonymous says:

        You won’t. You’ll be a noctor at best. You can tell a lot about a person based on their syntax, grammar and stylometry and it’s painfully obvious you have an average IQ at best. If you become a physician, you’ll be a liability and create poor outcomes for the patient and only really did it to get laid not because you’re interested in the material. Fortunately, that’s not going to happen. You’ll probably wind up with some blown out nursoid in the next few months, smoke weed with her and then not even amount to noctor status as your motivation wanes from waging, hecking, and weeding.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Try to appear smart/cultured but simultaneously caring and helpful.
    If they work as nurses the only men they are around in their private time are likely to be low income idiots and the only men they are around at work are smug ass doctors.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Do you have to wear hospital provided scrubs or can you wear your own within hospital guidelines? If it’s the latter wear Figs brand scrubs. Every nurse I know goes crazy for them.

    • Anonymous says:

      i was instructed to bring my own scrubs but they need to be plain white. from what i can see on the Figs website, they offer a lot of colors but not white (apart from memes like picrel)
      are they just fixated on the brand or should i bother looking for similar styles from other manufacturers?

      we assume all male nurses are gay and the ones that arent give us the ick
      >t. young nurse


      • Anonymous says:

        From what I understand figs is like the Lululemon of scrubs. Not sure what other similar brands are. I think it’s less about the look and more about showing that you care more to spend more money on higher quality scrubs.

        • Anonymous says:

          oh, thanks for clarifying

          >i’ll work as a male nurse
          How much money did that cost for your degree and how many years?

          I’m European, I study for free. I study medicine, I’ll only be a nurse over summer

          Real advice: never get into a relationship with a co-worker. When it fails it’ll be extremely awkward for you both and one of you will have to leave.

          this is a limited time internship

          theyre all maxvaxxed. you probably are too since you work in healthcare, so i guess it doesnt matter


  4. Anonymous says:

    Real advice: never get into a relationship with a co-worker. When it fails it’ll be extremely awkward for you both and one of you will have to leave.

  5. Anonymous says:

    don’t be fat. get in shape. if you show them something on the monitor at work and they stripper lean back into your shoulder to laugh at something that wasn’t funny then you’re on the right track

    • Anonymous says:

      sounds good, thanks

      You won’t. You’ll be a noctor at best. You can tell a lot about a person based on their syntax, grammar and stylometry and it’s painfully obvious you have an average IQ at best. If you become a physician, you’ll be a liability and create poor outcomes for the patient and only really did it to get laid not because you’re interested in the material. Fortunately, that’s not going to happen. You’ll probably wind up with some blown out nursoid in the next few months, smoke weed with her and then not even amount to noctor status as your motivation wanes from waging, hecking, and weeding.


      • Anonymous says:

        when they lean back into your shoulder so that their head is practically parallel to yours. like if you stepped away they might fall backwards or if you craned your neck forward a bit you might kiss them like a vampire

  6. Anonymous says:

    Here’s some advice: don’t date nurses. Keep them around and friendzone them, let them want to date you, but don’t date them. Don’t even have sex with them.

  7. Anonymous says:

    years ago i was having really bad vertigo attacks and ended up going to the emergency room during the worst one, while checking whatever they were checking a nurse reached into my pants and held my penis. is that normal?

  8. Anonymous says:

    I’m dating a female nurse and she is exactly what I expected a stereotypical female nurse to be, mind you I am an ex police officer so that also makes sense.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Dating a nurse would be disgusting. They’re around sickness and disease all day and are bringing all that bacteria home with them. Not to mention they’ve had their arms covered in piss and shit all day from changing old guys’ bed pans and you want to heck them?

    • Anonymous says:


      > this is a limited time internship
      Ok. And?

      i meant to say that i wouldnt worry about a "workplace relationship" because i won’t stay there for long. i thought this logic wouldnt be so hard to figure out for you

      I also worked in health care and met gf working in health care.

      "mens" scrubs are impossible to find decent fitting ones but if you can find some I guess that’s a plus. I am 6’3 and was 170lbs at the time wearing unisex large and the hecking shirt was too small and waste of my pants was built for a whale of a human.

      Really my best advice would be just appearing clean, respectful and not be too pushy about singling someone out because you want to heck. I’m sure as you know women in health care love to hecking gossip about anything even if it isn’t true and you don’t wanna be THAT guy.

      What worked for me I guess was just bringing up common interests and shit small talk like that when I was working and then you can ask if they have any plans on their days off or whatever. I’m not even great at talking but it worked for me somehow.

      im going shopping for scrubs tomorrow, will see what the fit situation is like.
      of course being pushy is not a good idea but i think occasionally throwing a little spark at an opportune moment that would get stuck in somebody’s mind, letalone that would be gossipped, cant be bad, can it?
      i dont see how people talking about me would be bad if its something tastefully playful, not them thinking im a weirdo. and i think i can avoid that irl, however weird i might seem over text.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah of course throwing a little hint in maybe. Before I met my gf there was a guy already working there everyone thought was a creep and asked people to come over relentlessly. I got on terms of talking to my gf because we just had each other on facebook and I said something like "that was a rough night for me thanks for making the shift a little easier" and then we started talking about work, what we do on our days off and stuff then we went out on a date. We worked nights together also so there was lots of down time to just sit around and chat so I don’t know your situation.

        Either way if you go out on a date just go with no expectations other than doing something fun. They’re smart and they’ll pick up on what you’re trying to get out of it.

        • Anonymous says:

          yes, that makes a lot of sense. the guy you described is obv way too creepy, but finding a way to cross or occupy a space in somebody’s mind is essential, nothing worse than being invisible.
          interesting point with night shifts, idk if i will be able to do those but that could be interesting with the right person.
          agree with the last paragraph, im obviously not owed anything and im not entering the workplace with the goal of walking away with a girlfriend but there’s just loads of potential fun because its a new clinic and most of the nurses are young <30yo

  10. Anonymous says:

    I also worked in health care and met gf working in health care.

    "mens" scrubs are impossible to find decent fitting ones but if you can find some I guess that’s a plus. I am 6’3 and was 170lbs at the time wearing unisex large and the hecking shirt was too small and waste of my pants was built for a whale of a human.

    Really my best advice would be just appearing clean, respectful and not be too pushy about singling someone out because you want to heck. I’m sure as you know women in health care love to hecking gossip about anything even if it isn’t true and you don’t wanna be THAT guy.

    What worked for me I guess was just bringing up common interests and shit small talk like that when I was working and then you can ask if they have any plans on their days off or whatever. I’m not even great at talking but it worked for me somehow.

    • Anonymous says:

      >women in health care love to hecking gossip about anything even if it isn’t true and you don’t wanna be THAT guy.
      All women in a workplace are like this, and no matter what you do you will be THAT guy
      >Did you hear? Anon has a cat…
      >I didn’t know he was gay!

      It doesn’t matter.

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