How could I make myself look better, what style would suit me?

How could I make myself look better, what style would suit me? I’m currently jobless and can’t seem to get hired or keep a job and I think my physical appearance has something to do with it. I can’t really perceive myself or how I look so I usually just wear black to obscure most of me, not out, out I would wear something like this.

I’m very poor so what could I wear that looks decent but isn’t very expensive? I’m 27 and want to get a decent office job or something.

0 thoughts on “How could I make myself look better, what style would suit me?

      • Anonymous says:

        get a beard, you look 17

        you look amazing for 27 ur not even balding. its not the looks, you look like a total normie in the best way possible.

        This. You look much younger than your 27 years, and this is Totally Awesome. Cultivate and guard your Youthful look and skin tone (***no smoking or excessive alcohol / drinking — ruins skin complexion***) because that’s a huge asset to keep for the future — when you’re actually of older years. 😉

  1. Anonymous says:

    get more sleep and sunlight, trim hair over your ears, less greasy looking hair product, trim outside edges of your eyebrows, play with a mustache,
    no more polyester, remove loose threads on button of shirt with a lighter, collar should be more properly kept
    cant offer much as far as fit suggestions because your body isnt in op pic; typical ivy league prep shit probably works with your childlike face

    • Anonymous says:

      I actually didn’t have any product in, I had just gotten out of the shower there. Alright, that’s not really my preference, the sort of golf shirt thing, polo shirts or whatever, but okay.

      • Anonymous says:

        >not really my preference, the sort of golf shirt thing, polo shirts
        you’re wearing a polo shirt in the only pic you’ve provided

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s the only shirt I own except for a long sleeve Grey shirt. I have been trying to find work but apparently live in a parellel universe from everyone else and cannot even get hired to be a dishwasher so I can’t afford new or expensive clothes.

          • Anonymous says:

            is there no places for poor people to find clothes where you live? with no job you could spend your time going door to door in a middle class area asking if theyve got any semi "dress" clothes they could give away so you can look good in a job interview you have coming up; come up with some bullshit backstory
            >worst case scenario
            police get called and youre asked to leave
            >best case scenario
            someone drives you somewhere, touches you inappropriately, and buys you new clothes

          • Anonymous says:

            Go to target and get their 3 dollar t shirts on sale right now, sale ends today. I personally think they’re too soft other people like them. Hey they’re okay actually, I’m wearing one right now.

          • Anonymous says:

            If you’re talking about those goodfellow tshirts they are absolute shit in my experience, the collar never fits right and bunches up, making it look like shit. Even if they fit well at first after a few washes they get hecked up, those shirts are some of the worst I’ve ever bought.

            The only tshirts I ever got that fit well and lasted a long time were the next level tshirts on Amazon, which used to be like $6 but cost a lot more now for some reason.

    • Anonymous says:

      Trim down the black articles of clothing and experiment with classic colors like shades of blue and grey. Buy or thrift some decent polo shirts and chinos of varying colors and make that your daily uniform. Dress it down with sneakers or dress it up with loafers. You’ll be better dressed than most 27 year olds.

      Get a couple of button down dress shirts in light blue or white if you’re serious about going white collar and need to look half decent without spending on a suit.

      dont listen to this neet gay. your eyes are nice and you dont need to lose weight.

      Your hair looks like Jude Laws in Talented Mr. Ripley. Your sideburns looks disgusting though show this photo to a barber.

      You look nice just the way you are, anon

      All of the above posts and remarks are solid advice. You look very presentable and handsome. Maybe you need to have a more confident and hint of smile on your face.

      Another aspect of your presentation to prospective employers is your behavior and personality. How do you project yourself in your manners and speech? Polished likeable personality and grammar – vocabulary are important for office environment.

      You look very attractive and presentable in your post image and text. Good luck anon!

    • Anonymous says:

      I had to google that, that’s a stranger things reference? I don’t watch stranger things or any of those shows so don’t understand.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m not into that at all but alright I will do that. Most of what I wear is like black overcoats and sunglasses.

          >not really my preference, the sort of golf shirt thing, polo shirts
          you’re wearing a polo shirt in the only pic you’ve provided

          I didn’t know that was a Polo shirt. I mean I had compared it to some but I suppose I see what you mean. I more just considered it a dress shirt so to speak, a work shirt.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Trim down the black articles of clothing and experiment with classic colors like shades of blue and grey. Buy or thrift some decent polo shirts and chinos of varying colors and make that your daily uniform. Dress it down with sneakers or dress it up with loafers. You’ll be better dressed than most 27 year olds.

    Get a couple of button down dress shirts in light blue or white if you’re serious about going white collar and need to look half decent without spending on a suit.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Your hair looks like Jude Laws in Talented Mr. Ripley. Your sideburns looks disgusting though show this photo to a barber.

  4. Anonymous says:

    you look super young. but you look good. the real problem is employers are less likely to give someone a chance that hasnt kept a steady job at that age. and youre not going to get an office job if you dont have higher education or a nepotism connection. try getting into a trade or a good union physical job like UPS guy

  5. Anonymous says:

    you look amazing for 27 ur not even balding. its not the looks, you look like a total normie in the best way possible.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Bats in the belfry, son
    Attention to detail is important to future employers.
    If you miss a booger in your nose you might miss $10k in profit for the company
    You need to look alert

  7. Anonymous says:

    botox could maybe help with the angst/pain of the forehead

    not bad-looking, just seems depressed and disconnected in this picture.
    what do you get excited about?
    think about those things when you take your next picture.
    the camera picks up your moods.

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