67 thoughts on “Why is masculinity dying and femininity taking over?

    • Anonymous says:

      Then how come the right is praised for their youthful looks while the left is considered old and out of style?

      • Anonymous says:

        Are you on drugs? I’m bloatmaxxing with visible muscles and get good results in real life and dating apps.
        While feminine, skinny dudes literally are fragile and don’t have a healthy self esteem. They get crushed in a gym atmosphere.

        • Anonymous says:

          >in a gym atmosphere
          the world is not a gym. go to a typical concert, for example, and now they mog you. it’s all context

          • Anonymous says:

            i’m pretty sure you don’t look like the guy on the left. but my point was that alt girls of the type that go to concerts and especially diy shows have a pretty strong preference for prettyboys over gym bros. most people don’t walk around evaluating people by how they think they’d do in the gym

          • Anonymous says:

            Nah, it’s true. If you’d speak to women they’d tell you that gymbros are the most of the times the worst hookups in their lives.

            The ranking is sorta like
            Cool rich ppl
            Friends of the chads/prettyboys
            ———————————————- Tequila starts kicking
            Regular dudes
            Loser to creepy type men

            Some chads are gymbros but they are rarely hang out with a group of gymbros.

          • Anonymous says:

            This is from my observations as a schizo
            I feel like Alt girls hate prettyboys and gym bros tho
            Alt girls go for mid guys, guys that fulfill their niche fetish, other girls, druggies and older guys
            Normie girls usually like prettyboys and gym bros

          • Anonymous says:

            I only go to concerts of good artists so the average age is 40 and the most common hair color is bald

  1. Anonymous says:

    because it’s pretty and women like it too nowadays
    why not femboymaxx? it’s more fun and you can still be straight

  2. Anonymous says:

    People are staying younger for longer, hair loss is now a treatable disease, there’s basically no benefit to letting DHT ravage your body anymore.

  3. Anonymous says:

    it’s easy to make a point when you make up things nobody said. i don’t think anyone is saying 60s clint eastwood and marlon brando look old or bad, because they don’t. brando objectively did age like shit and though clint held on for longer he looks half-dead by now because he is. every guy on the right looks completely different from each other. ed sheeran is famously ugly, jonathan van ness is an abomination. people don’t like michael cera because he’s hot they like him because he feels accessible. and the kpop guy just looks good.

      • Anonymous says:

        he’s effeminate but has strong features. it’s disingenuous to pretend he’s ugly or anything, even though it’s probably surgery

    • Anonymous says:

      Too much microplastics and estrogen in the water is turning men into literal estrogenic trannies. So modern men not only dress feminine, but are actually more feminine and low T. Modern men in their prime have testosterone levels lower than men in their 60’s and 70’s from the 1950’s.

      Did Tolkien know something?

    • Anonymous says:

      Good. Elves are hot

      Nah, it’s true. If you’d speak to women they’d tell you that gymbros are the most of the times the worst hookups in their lives.

      The ranking is sorta like
      Cool rich ppl
      Friends of the chads/prettyboys
      ———————————————- Tequila starts kicking
      Regular dudes
      Loser to creepy type men

      Some chads are gymbros but they are rarely hang out with a group of gymbros.

      Gym guys are usually pretty desireable on the surface, it just so happens that the gym seems to attract aggressive insecure dudes who have nothing going on.
      Artistic gym bros are always lovely.

  4. Anonymous says:

    As gender roles were breaking down, masculinity had to be redefined and reinstated. For a while, this was a good thing for corps and producers because it could be used as a marketing tactic to sell things. Quickly, it got old and board rooms wanted to market towards younger and more progressive audiences. Now Gillette and Bud light are using the reverse to try and widen their audiences by targeting women and gays (women love the gays, and have a special soft spot for trannies.) So the thing that was holding together masculinity, is working to distance itself from it. The masculine (as an energy, symbol, archetype, principle, etc.) is not dying but it is less preferable and is often put down. I think this has to do with doting mothers, mostly female school teachers, a recent uncovering of male sex abusers in positions of power/powerful institutions (religion, politics, culture, arts, academia, etc.), and fathers working more and spending less time with their children. The sexual abuse scandals have caused most people to be highly skeptical of men in leadership positions. It has also given rise to a increased fear of pedos and groomers.
    We also live in an age in which flux and change (feminine) are tantamount so adaptation is held as more valuable than stability and firmness (masculine). This is an imbalance though. The pendulum is trying to swing, but instead you get e-celeb father figure stand-ins who cannot replace one’s real father or actual male mentor. They all turn out to be grifters and stupids, which further hurts the symbol of the father, as they turn out to be corrupt, ersatz fathers.
    Aesthetically, I don’t think the twinks on the right are always valued more than the men on the left. There is some serious cherry picking here. But Camile Paglia points out in Sexual Personae that towards the fall of classical civ warrior bodies were no longer being sculpted and instead the form of the beautiful young boy were the main subject to capture.

    • Anonymous says:

      smartest /fashion/ poster… unfortunately, I feel like you are an ugly incel and got lost based on your writing style… back to /his/ with you

  5. Anonymous says:

    this thread is dumb but i’ve thought about this before and the real answer is that social media basically exists to give teenage girls and women body issues so that they will spend money on ads. so thats the kind of stuff thats popular now because social media drives trends. its obviously way more complicated than that but i dont feel like writing a whole essay about it so thats just it in a nutshell.

  6. Anonymous says:

    do you autistic dudes not realize youthmaxxing is an op towards making you a tranny or is it you know that and that’s why you like it?
    people never disliked older handsome men. sure if you’re a weathered old fuggo that used to be a young fuggo: you might be up shit creek.
    but if you’re ugly youthmaxxing probably isn’t worth doing anyway.
    i guarantee you do not get enough sun that you will look like a 50 year old actor from 1950.

    • Anonymous says:

      not so sure about this "youthmaxxing" thing but it wasn’t the hebrews that gave me high cheekbones and delicate features

    • Anonymous says:

      It is,

      i’m touching grass and cute goth girls and i’m having a great time

      so called goth thot is literally a lesbian and have all kinds of mental illnesses.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Pretty boys have always been around. gays that heck women on the daily basis too. Read some books written by women from previous centuries and there are femboys everywhere. They are descrived always as a mommys boy prince with the facial gestures of a woman, their delicate hands as a silk touch but the body of a man, tall but skinny. They are almost always competing with the jock and its more of an authors taste or deus ex machina who gets to have the girl. So don’t act like this is a new thing just because you just found out that twinks are one of the two epitomes of male beauty for women and if you differ is because you are a gay that preffers strong manly men, simple as that.

  8. Pain says:

    he grew old in a bad way. literally got replaced by CG in the last indie movie.
    he was always an ugly skinny ass.
    good when young. got fat.
    >forgot name.
    ok he looked good. dunno wat became of him.
    >literally whos on right
    where Ryan Gosling? or even Simon/Garfunkel

  9. Anonymous says:

    An older black lady told me I looked like Ed Sheeran the other day. I almost let it ruin my day but I coped with the thought that all white people probably look the same to blacks.

  10. Anonymous says:

    femininity is fun and youthful, masculinity is boring and old. young guys are looking at how much fun and variety and creativity going on in women’s fashion and deciding to get in on that instead of caring that old men think less of them.
    masculinity "dying" is a symptom of your opinion being less valuable to the young.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have read gay porn that was less gay than your statement. Unless you plan on deleting yourself at 25 then you will age too. Why waste your efforts pursuing some that will not, can not last (youth)? You think those old men you refer to just recently materialized out of thin air? They were young too. You should care about their opinion, you’re going to be one of them.

  11. Anonymous says:

    New concept: in modernity Instead of “masculinity” we have “maxxulinity”, e.g., societal conditions have disincentivized traditional masculinity which has been replaced by superficial approximations of the masculine via various types of maxxing. In this context it doesn’t matter if if you’re a committed gymcel or twink. Both extremes are forms of maxxulinity, neither are true masculinity. Screen cap this.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you might be onto something. To me a lot of young men look like caricatures of the thing they’re attempting to be rather than actually being it. Like the thing they want to be is a product to be bought or a look to be imitated rather than actually being something one becomes.

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