18 thoughts on “why are male runway models twinks?

    • Anonymous says:

      this, also if you’re trying to show off clothes then skellymoders are the best people to do so because they essentially have the frame of a clothing hanger. same reason female runway models basically never have huge tits or really noticeable curves.

    • Anonymous says:

      >lets the clothes drape correctly
      this bother me, I love how my fits drape, but my sling bag hecks it up from one side, shit’s driving me nuts

    • Anonymous says:

      >a lot of designers are gay men attracted to twinks
      This is 80% of the reason and everything else is excuses. Same reason they use women so thin they have zero visible felmale secondary sex characteristics (breasts, hips)

      • Anonymous says:

        So that the gay men that are fashion designers have a surplus of heckable boys at their disposal and with the proper power imbalance for being coerced into sex.
        Hollywood does the same with women (and men), it’s just that the population of the designers it’s more gay men than straight.

        so cynical of fashion industry motivations :'(

      • Anonymous says:

        androgyny + skinny so clothes fit better + a lot of designers are gay men attracted to twinks

        based pizzagate-pillers

  1. Anonymous says:

    youthful aesthetics
    slim fit twink physique
    better draping of clothing


    superior showcasing + promo of designs

  2. Anonymous says:

    So that the gay men that are fashion designers have a surplus of heckable boys at their disposal and with the proper power imbalance for being coerced into sex.
    Hollywood does the same with women (and men), it’s just that the population of the designers it’s more gay men than straight.

  3. Anonymous says:

    >like the lean runway model physique
    >still trying to attain it, getting pretty close, abs are visible, shoulders and arms look good, very vascular etc
    >senpai doesn’t like it cause my ribs show somewhat

    how do i tell them they are just fat

  4. Anonymous says:

    Because at a lower body weight your face looks more angular. Also your body is wearing the clothes as opposed to the clothes wearing the body, if that makes any sense. What I’m saying is that muscular guys are all about the body even when they wear clothes. It’s harder to make the clothes itself the focus point.

    Of course some might say that there’s nothing more fashionable than a fit body, but anyway.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Funny thing is that every male model in the 90s were robust and looked… normal. Now it’s 120lb 6’2′ guys with school shooter haircuts wearing weird clothes


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