18 thoughts on “rescuecore

    • future wife says:

      these violate geneva conventions when not containing medical supplies/first aid kits. that symbol is so serious, don’t heck this up. you should carry a first aid kit either way so take this as your sign

        • future wife says:

          that goes for war crimes and the like. you can e.g. tear gas protestors domestically but use it in a war and it’s a warcrime persecutable in international court.
          the exclusive symbol designation however is to be upkept even in times of peace.

          • Anonymous says:

            many clothes come from professions that people don’t actually do. Jeans and cargos are "stolen valor" too

          • future wife says:

            math books never use red plus signs even tho that would be very convienient for early grades. this is not a coincidence.

          • Anonymous says:

            The red cross over a white circle is described as such in a specific protocol of the geneva conventions. But the other anon is speaking out of his ass. It’s not illegal to wear that around in times of peace nor during internal disturbances that don’t amount to armed conflict

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