28 thoughts on “Why are third-worlders so obsessed with legacy designer brands?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Really nothing wrong with any of these labels, but vulgar plebs who wear anything with huge logos plastered across the garment are just low class and that’s that, and it’s not exclusive to brown people, just look at the British underclass chavs who dress like this on a daily basis.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s the text spam, having one logo or iconic pattern is fine like the standard Adidas stripes, but going into monogram territory is where the scale gets into red

    • Anonymous says:

      Inferiority complex

      I like wearing my huge INZER ADVANCE DESIGN shirts to the gym that cost $20 each.
      Only people who were into lifting before zoomers brought all their cringe gayry into gym culture know what’s up

  2. Anonymous says:

    It’s a status thing when you can be decked out in “designer” shit it’s a sign that you have made it blacks worship it cause all the rappers talk about it in there music. Arabs worship it cause they think it makes them look like a sheik everyone else looks upon most of these brands as gaudy tasteless shit.

  3. Anonymous says:

    >as you can tell by my $400 japanese denim pants and $2000 sweater where if you watch "the real housewives of the successor" you’ll know it’s Loro Paiana, I cannot possibly be poor
    also poors
    >why am I so much less aspirational and more old money than third worlders who bought sandals with a fake chanel logo?

    it’s aspirational and conspicuous consumption no matter how you slice it, hoping a rich person will recognize your "stealth wealth" is literally the same thing

    • Anonymous says:

      I wear good clothes because I like them, and I do not give a shit who recognizes what.
      It’s only since Succession and muh stealth wealth tiktok took off that people started telling me I’m being a tryhard for it, before they didn’t even notice it

  4. Anonymous says:

    It literally gets you laid.
    What i’ve learned from my last Tinder dates is that women look for a impulsive guy who takes what he want. Preppy and suits are literally the direct opposite of that.
    Golden rule for first & third world country.

    • Anonymous says:

      >Preppy and suits are literally the direct opposite of that.
      They all do coke drink and rape hot women

    • Anonymous says:


  5. Anonymous says:

    I’m noticing alot of brands are dead especially 90s brands
    They all turned into street wear brands and died lol

  6. Anonymous says:

    They are economic migrants. The whole reason they are in your country at all is because they are status and wealth obsessed shallow people out for a check and luxury.

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