How should I dress and act to attract women like pic rel?

How should I dress and act to attract women like pic rel? I’m more androgynous/feminine (as evidenced by the fact that basically only bi girls like me). Right now I just wear t-shirts and jeans, I feel like my fashion is super boring.

26 thoughts on “How should I dress and act to attract women like pic rel?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Be tall, good looking and muscular. Clothes literally don’t matter. All girls like the same shit and it has nothing to do with clothes

  2. Anonymous says:

    shor sleeve button up, white tee, small chain, vintage 501s with some break, gats, myabe a hat wife lookslike that

  3. Anonymous says:

    Her look looks closest to old money
    But doesnt mean girls like that can be attracted to people with other styles

    Experiment and find a style that you like and feel confident in

    • Anonymous says:

      She’s a model. You can’t trust that how she dresses for pics is how she dresses all the time.

      How should I dress and act to attract women like pic rel? I’m more androgynous/feminine (as evidenced by the fact that basically only bi girls like me). Right now I just wear t-shirts and jeans, I feel like my fashion is super boring.

      Just find out her name and google search “[name] boyfriend”. Dress like the result.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Interesting graphic tees and chinos for casual wear in summer, big jumpers in winter, slim fit turtleneck in autumn, patterned button down over t shirt in spring. Longer hair is probably better, a nice pair of glasses would probably go some way too, and get a nice simple skincare routine. Just my onion.
    >t. andro from tttt

  5. Anonymous says:

    I know a girl who looks just like that at work
    Her fiance is (light) brown, handsome, skinny, and has rich parents

    He dressed normal and wore a walmart watch

  6. Anonymous says:

    1) Dress like you’re a socialite into photography with a popular Instagram page and rich parents

    2) Dress like you have a highly paid but stressful job at an investment bank or a law firm (have to be tall and fit)

  7. Anonymous says:

    I don’t get these threads. You must either be autistic or stupid to actually think dressing a certain way is going to make all the women that look like her magically appear and be into you.

  8. Anonymous says:

    >Imagine being Camille’s neighbour in the upscale Parsian neighbouhood apartment you both live in. You have a well paying respectable job, you dress fashionably to impress people and want to make the best impression possible on her. When you see each other come and go, your eyes meet, and her warm smile makes you think you have a chance at something even though you are apprehensive and trying to find the right moment to say something which always seems to elude you.

    >Then one day you see an out of place character standing in front of her door. He looks like a West African migrant of some sort. His clothes look cheap and tacky, his face and demeanour have an unwelcoming quality to them, and he is empty handed. She opens the door and greets him with that same familiar smile you know. He glances at you before walking in. You wonder who could he be? A handyman? no, he didn’t have anything with him. You go inside and lean against your adjoining wall, waiting and listening. First you hear low talking. Her laughs punctuating the murmurs periodically. Then a notable silence. You wait and wait, wondering what is going on. Then you hear it.

    • Anonymous says:

      >The rhythmic rocking of her bed accompanied by gasps of air from her. This picks up slowly into a more vigorous assault that you can soon clearly hear from the other side. The sense of dread that fills you over realizing what is happening made sharper by the fact that you begin to feel your penis trying to break free from your trousers. You oblige it. The soft mellifluous voice you are used to has transformed into grunting primal wails as her partner next door responds in kind- calling her his "salope" and "chienne blanche" which receive enthusiatic cries of "OUI" from her. You don’t know how long you remained that trance of listening and stroking your cock until finally he announces he is going to finish and she manages to gasps for him to do it "dans la bouche". After a second of delay, you hear the unmistakeable sound of a long intense male orgasm follwed by an out of breath whisper of "merci" from her. The knowledge that the demure beauty of your dreams has just hungrily swallowed the flood of potent seed from an African thug is too much for your nerves to handle, and the slightest touch of you cock begins to make yourself orgasm uncontrollably, shooting cum further than you ever have before. After a few minutes of lying in such a comatose state, you hear the door shut and footsteps leading to the outside elevator.

      • Anonymous says:

        >A few days later you are out wandering the streets of Le Montmartre and see a familiar figure in the distance by the outdoor market. It is her this time accompanied by a handsome white man who comports himself in a very upper middle attire. They seem happy and affectionate, holding hands as they browse stall after stall. Occasional pecks on the cheek and whispers in each other ear. When you get closer you begin to listen to them speak. The craft vendor they are buying a wood carving for asks where they are going to put what they are buying. The man says when they find a place together they will put it on their coffee table. The vendor asks how long they have been together and she proudly answers two years. You just sigh in resignation and and accept what it is. Such is life with the sophisticated Parisian woman of today.

    • Anonymous says:

      >The rhythmic rocking of her bed accompanied by gasps of air from her. This picks up slowly into a more vigorous assault that you can soon clearly hear from the other side. The sense of dread that fills you over realizing what is happening made sharper by the fact that you begin to feel your penis trying to break free from your trousers. You oblige it. The soft mellifluous voice you are used to has transformed into grunting primal wails as her partner next door responds in kind- calling her his "salope" and "chienne blanche" which receive enthusiatic cries of "OUI" from her. You don’t know how long you remained that trance of listening and stroking your cock until finally he announces he is going to finish and she manages to gasps for him to do it "dans la bouche". After a second of delay, you hear the unmistakeable sound of a long intense male orgasm follwed by an out of breath whisper of "merci" from her. The knowledge that the demure beauty of your dreams has just hungrily swallowed the flood of potent seed from an African thug is too much for your nerves to handle, and the slightest touch of you cock begins to make yourself orgasm uncontrollably, shooting cum further than you ever have before. After a few minutes of lying in such a comatose state, you hear the door shut and footsteps leading to the outside elevator.

      >A few days later you are out wandering the streets of Le Montmartre and see a familiar figure in the distance by the outdoor market. It is her this time accompanied by a handsome white man who comports himself in a very upper middle attire. They seem happy and affectionate, holding hands as they browse stall after stall. Occasional pecks on the cheek and whispers in each other ear. When you get closer you begin to listen to them speak. The craft vendor they are buying a wood carving for asks where they are going to put what they are buying. The man says when they find a place together they will put it on their coffee table. The vendor asks how long they have been together and she proudly answers two years. You just sigh in resignation and and accept what it is. Such is life with the sophisticated Parisian woman of today.

      10/10 would read again

  9. Anonymous says:

    It’s not about dressing the right way. It’s about dressing in such a way that is true to the lifestyle, and thus living the right lifestyle. You can’t fraud your way into it.

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