25 thoughts on “Has anyone ever encountred an alt trust fund baby in a city before?

  1. Anonymous says:

    stop making this stupid thread nobody cares about your woke little dumb tv slop and their fashion sucks cold shit

  2. Anonymous says:

    is jeremy allen white even a trustfund kid? i thought he was just some new york wananbe artist
    after googling, both of his parents were failed actors that got wagie jobs, dad doing court paperwork and mom working for dept of education.
    idk anything about the girl

    • Anonymous says:

      Also I don’t even think j.a.w.’s fit here very ‘alt’
      I live in Portland so there’s plenty of ‘alt’ stupids going to Reed or Lewis and Clark on their parents C-suite salaries, but the guys dress more like Mac Demarco, and the girls have ramona flowers hair, and either wear baggy jeans or slutty miniskirts.

  3. Anonymous says:

    “Alt” doesn’t even mean anything lol it’s a term advertisers invented to sell a fake subculture to dumbass consoomers like you. I hope trust fund kids come to your terrible shows and steal your small handful of non-busted women.

    • Anonymous says:

      Op here. I dont like alt culture at all tbh. Wheter they come from trust fund families or from broke ass families. But some of these trust fund hipsters that dress like homeless people come from serious money.

      • Anonymous says:

        By serious money. I mean billion dollar families. Sometimes even nobility.

        What are they supposed to do?
        If they dress like money, they are show off.
        If they dress alt, they are fake.
        If they dress normal, they are sneak luxury or some shit.
        If they dress old money, they are nepos and are just copying their parents

        Are they really the problem or are you the problem, being obsessed with them and envying their money/privilege?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Yeah I went to uni with a bunch of them. They have no understanding of reality or money. Money is like a theory they do not understand. They are shells of humans and lack substance. Their personalities lack depth. Some were nice but deep down there is always a disconnect. We live in different worlds.

    • Anonymous says:

      What are they supposed to do?
      If they dress like money, they are show off.
      If they dress alt, they are fake.
      If they dress normal, they are sneak luxury or some shit.
      If they dress old money, they are nepos and are just copying their parents

      Are they really the problem or are you the problem, being obsessed with them and envying their money/privilege?

      Trust fund gays. Your style sucks ass.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I was always comfortable as a child. No trust fund but my dad made low six figures and I was an only kid. Real good childhood, never went hungry.
    Now I make low six figures at a corporate office job. I have a nice car and a nice place to live.
    Wear heavy metal style clothing with leather and denim and band shirts and trenchcoats and skulls and skeletons and jack o lanterns. I don’t think it’s bad because I dig style and the music, but I meet lots of people in the "scene" who’ve crossed over from Punk, don’t have two pennies to rub together, and inevitably rant to me about Rich People. Most heavy metal guys don’t do this – they’re mostly heavyset men with 9-5s who couldn’t care less – buy some of the younger ones are adamant that it’s poser shit. Doesn’t mean much to me.

  6. Anonymous says:

    >when most of fa is trust fund gays
    As expected lol. I hate poor people but trust fund gays are annoying as heck.

  7. Anonymous says:

    If you’ve ever met a young hipster person in a city odds are their parents are paying them an allowance. It’s a tale as old as time.

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