Cavour has this linen suit that's probs going on sale sooner or later, I've been thinking of picking it up.

Cavour has this linen suit that’s probs going on sale sooner or later, I’ve been thinking of picking it up.

What do you guys think of the color?
I live in a hot country so a linen suit sounds cool, and I don’t want it to be a boring classic navy or dark grey since this is a linen suit so it’s special to begin with. But is it too weird?

55 thoughts on “Cavour has this linen suit that's probs going on sale sooner or later, I've been thinking of picking it up.

  1. Anonymous says:

    >go to
    >the site automatically types "wide fit white linen pants" into the search bar for you
    oh that’s why there’s 400 normie stupid threads about linen right now
    ~~*they*~~ are pushing it on social media to the normie drones right now
    i wondered why there are so many threads about linen all of the sudden

    go with tropical wool bro. linen is an awful material for suiting. not enough structure, awful drape, wrinkles and will only look like the pic you posted for 30 seconds after putting on. most importantly: it makes no hecking sense to buy a slim fitting suit in linen. linen isn’t inherently airy or breathable. if you wear a bunch of layers and its tight fitting like that slim fitting suit its going to be a sweat box either way. your end result is a suit that looks like shit, feels like shit to wear with awful burlap sack hand feel, and doesn’t perform the way you expected it to. there’s a reason its not a common suiting material. the idea of a ‘sleek slim’ suit thats made out of something that wrinkles like a ballsack is laughable.

    what you actually want is a tropical wool suit in a normal fit.

      • Anonymous says:

        nobody wore or talked about linen last summer or the summer before or the summer before or…
        if you’re not blindly following a trend explain to me:
        why in your right mind would you think linen is an acceptable material for a suit?
        you are like a little child, knower of nothing.
        here’s a great summer option you’ve never heard of that actually makes sense: pinwhale aka needlecord. thin corduroy.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m sure needlecord suits can be nice. But i own needlecord shirts and they are not remotely a summer choice. Theyre inherently going to be heavier and less breathable than an open weave fabric. I guess the benefit would be that they wrinkle less easily than cotton suiting typically does. Strange thing to recommend as an alternative to linen though.

    • Anonymous says:

      Okay anon you are probably right

      To be honest wool is a magical material, if tropical wool is good for summer it’d be great.

      • Anonymous says:

        i recommend getting your summer suits in… you don’t have to go full traditional cut but you don’t want a slim suit in the summer. its counter intuitive to staying cool. you need a bit of air circulation especially while wearing layers in warm weather. the billows effect dumping your body heat as you move goes a long way.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why do low tier men get so triggered about fabrics?
      Take your meds sperg

      • Anonymous says:

        my friend it is you who is trying to be a contrarian by wearing this shit because a chinese social media app is telling you its the hip cool thing to do right now:

        The most trying ordeal that I was forced to endure as a slave boy, however, was the wearing of a flax shirt. In the portion of Virginia where I lived it was common to use flax as part of the clothing for the slaves. I can scarcely imagine any torture, except, perhaps, the pulling of a tooth, that is equal to that caused by putting on a new flax shirt for the first time. It is almost equal to the feeling that one would experience if he had a dozen or more chestnut burrs, or a hundred small pin-points, in contact with his flesh. Even to this day I can recall accurately the tortures that I underwent when putting on one of these garments. The fact that my flesh was soft and tender added to the pain. But I had no choice. I had to wear the flax shirt or none; and had it been left to me to choose, I should have chosen to wear no covering. In connection with the flax shirt, my brother John, who is several years older than I am, performed one of the most generous acts that I ever heard of one slave relative doing for another. On several occasions when I was being forced to wear a new flax shirt, he generously agreed to put it on in my stead and wear it for several days, till it was "broken in." Until I had grown to be quite a youth this single garment was all that I wore
        – Booker T Washington

        • Anonymous says:

          i’m _absolutely_ right about the suit and saved op like a thousand dollars.
          you are a useless know-nothing.

    • Anonymous says:

      >linen doesn’t have enough structure
      structure in a jacket comes from its construction and lining, fine wool has less structure than linen
      >burlap sack feel
      the issue seems to be that you’ve never even seen a decent quality linen suit in real life
      >normal fit
      the picture OP posted is a normal fit in 2024

      nobody wore or talked about linen last summer or the summer before or the summer before or…
      if you’re not blindly following a trend explain to me:
      why in your right mind would you think linen is an acceptable material for a suit?
      you are like a little child, knower of nothing.
      here’s a great summer option you’ve never heard of that actually makes sense: pinwhale aka needlecord. thin corduroy.

      >my echo chamber didn’t feature a trend, therefore hebrews
      >why would linen be acceptable for a suit
      it’s a fabric, it looks good, it’s not too costly, it’s easy enough to care for…
      you could also ask the same question about any fabric, why would thin curdory be acceptable for a suit?

      • Anonymous says:

        >structure in a jacket comes from its construction and lining, fine wool has less structure than linen
        stopped right there.
        stupid ALERT!!
        stupid ALERT!!

        • Anonymous says:

          that jacket is not made of fine wool, nor it has much of a structure, mostly all of which comes from the upper back and shoulder

          looks so hecking bad

          jacket is completely unlined and it has a different shoulder construction – shirt, without a roll, with pleats

          >you could also ask the same question about any fabric, why would thin curdory be acceptable for a suit?
          are you blind? or just a stupid moron?
          look at the suit i posted from no time to die. then look at these linen suits? do you have eyeballs?
          >the issue seems to be that you’ve never even seen a decent quality linen suit in real life
          post one then?

          >look at the thin curdory suit I posted
          I’m looking at it, yes
          >post a good quality linen suit

          see the above, but the reason I typed that comment, which regrettable flew over your head, was that you said linen feels like a burlap sack, which even a half decent linen fabric does not, but to discover that you’d have to see one in real life, possibly even touch it

          • Anonymous says:

            so i think you’re missing a big key point that makes everything you just said stupid & pointless:
            why do you think a structured/lined linen suit is a good idea for the summer in the first place?
            you want a linen suit to have no lining no structure or as little as possible if linen irritates your skin, for the summer.

          • Anonymous says:

            >why would a lined linen suit be good for summer
            they’re going to be better than the average lined wool suit, just as much as an unlined linen suit is going to be better than the average unlined wool suit, because linen fibers are longer and so they can be woven into more breathable fabrics compared to wool before reaching a point where the fabric’s too fragile
            I didn’t say anything about summer or breathability before this post though, what I said was that linen suits can look good and linen is a perfectly good suiting fabric

            you notice you’ve posted substantially thicker suits that won’t retain that airy property op wants a linen suit for in the first place right? that’s the problem: when its thin it looks like shit for suiting. to make it look good it has to be too substantial to still be airy.

            >you’ve posted substantially thicker suits compared to what op wants, right?
            just stop posting mate

          • Anonymous says:

            you notice you’ve posted substantially thicker suits that won’t retain that airy property op wants a linen suit for in the first place right? that’s the problem: when its thin it looks like shit for suiting. to make it look good it has to be too substantial to still be airy.

      • Anonymous says:

        >you could also ask the same question about any fabric, why would thin curdory be acceptable for a suit?
        are you blind? or just a stupid moron?
        look at the suit i posted from no time to die. then look at these linen suits? do you have eyeballs?
        >the issue seems to be that you’ve never even seen a decent quality linen suit in real life
        post one then?

    • Anonymous says:

      >linen was invented by some temu app on my phone
      jesus christ you people really never do go outside do you

      • Anonymous says:

        moron show me in the archives another year where there’s 6000 threads about linen.
        face it, you fell for marketing, you’re not as smart or unique as you think you are and your own thoughts aren’t original.

        • Anonymous says:

          just because you’ve spent 10000 hours over the last few years discussing fashion with a bunch of other shut-ins doesn’t mean you have any idea what’s happening out here in the real world

    • Anonymous says:

      >it makes no hecking sense to buy a slim fitting suit in linen.
      you may not like this post, but anon isn’t wrong especially the slim fit part. wool/silk/linen is a nice fabric

      Cavour has this linen suit that’s probs going on sale sooner or later, I’ve been thinking of picking it up.

      What do you guys think of the color?
      I live in a hot country so a linen suit sounds cool, and I don’t want it to be a boring classic navy or dark grey since this is a linen suit so it’s special to begin with. But is it too weird?

      that color looks like one of those colors that looks good in photos but bad in real life. and if you don’t wear a tie you’re going to be all brown which is a bad look

      Simon Crompton mogs all of you

      color doesn’t even look good in the photos, imagine it irl

    • Anonymous says:

      every pic i can find of someone wearing a linen suit that isn’t a professional model or product photo looks like pure onions.
      here’s some dork wearing the linen suit jacket from spectre, widely regarded by most people as the worst bond suit ever, it even made daniel craig look like shit.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Color is fine if you like it, and linen is GOAT for hot climates. That said the shoulder-to-waist drop on that coat is far too large for it to be worn comfortably in hot weather; you want something that doesn’t cling to your body to allow the air to get through.

  3. Anonymous says:

    it might be because i’m in a cold climate but i’ve never seen someone actually wearing a linen suit on the street and i primarily see jeets wearing linen in general. its third world peasant attire.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Cavour -30% sale is live for previous customers (early access type shit)

    The only tropical suits they have are in navy, grey or cream (not my thing).

    I already have a navy suit so I’m thinking grey, do you think this type of grey or (1/2)

      • Anonymous says:

        Also, what’s the diff between "tropical wool" and "hightwist wool"?
        They’re both the same weight (240g)

        • Anonymous says:

          the high twist one will be a more open weave than the other one, so a bit more breathable. they’re both tropical wools.

    • Anonymous says:

      birdseye (first one) is more breathable than twill but either one’s fine in that regard. first one’s more modern/sleek and easier to dress down. personally i’d get birdseye.

  5. Anonymous says:

    wtf this could be a good thread, why are these schizos ruining everything

    it will be hard to pull off op, be sure the fit is perfect and it matches your skin color and you are attractive, otherwise you’ll end up looking like napoleon dynamite in his brown suit

    • Anonymous says:

      yeah tricking op into buying a $1500 memesuit would be funny but i had to steer him the right direction.

      • Anonymous says:

        These are like 650€ with the sale code now
        A bit expensive but it’s supposed to be decent quality, full canvas etc

        • Anonymous says:

          I have a few Cavour sports jackets. Great quality. I’ve never bought a suit from them because I don’t like their trousers (might try one with their new Mod3 cut).
          Also what’s the code? Didn’t get any email.

    • Anonymous says:

      thinking that linen is a conspiracy from temu is pretty bad I’ll admit but at least it’s a break from the "trannies and pajeets" spam

  6. Anonymous says:

    also it means its a plain weave usually.
    im too lazy to look up breathability index but if i had to guess, birdseye and high twist plain weave probably are abt the same.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I bought Cavour trousers once when I was really fat (over 100kg) and it was like size 58 or something on their scale (was 38 or 40 inches depending on brand)

    I’ve lost 25kg now and I’m down to like 76kg and I wear 32inch pants (I think I should be like size 50 on Cavour suits/trousers)
    I took the fat trousers to a tailor to see if I can salvage them because I paid like 150€ for them on -50% sale. But the difference is too big and they are unsalvageable.

    I bought some pants from Benevento recently, they are double pleated, high waist but really good as well. A bit less modern looking than Cavour I guess. But you can customize the inseam and get them perfect length with a 5cm turn up straight away, so that”s a plus.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I am interested in their solaro suit, it’s a meme fabric but it looks special and is a very rare find. I think it’s a tropical wool so despite solaro not working as a technology, I think it’ll be fine in the summer.

    • Anonymous says:

      >trousers are now 300€
      >suits are 950€
      wtf thats a 50% increase in not even a year and they switched to made in china in the meantime

    • Anonymous says:

      If you’re wearing a jacket they won’t even see the side adjusters. And if you’re a suspenders guy you won’t be wearing a belt either. Third, who gives a heck what normalfags think? Most of them can’t put together a tshirt and jeans outfit.

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