25 thoughts on “Business Casual Inspo

  1. Anonymous says:

    Rolex isn’t business or casual it’s for classless plebs wanting to flex their wealth that they don’t even have

    • Anonymous says:

      Class is lame bruh.
      If all these trust fund hipsters larp as poor
      Then middle class guys like him can laep as rich

    • Anonymous says:

      Pretty much.

      Why do Rolex watches make low tier men seethe so hard

      Cope and seethe kid, I’m posting from a house with a valuation of about $3.2 million.
      Feel free to call me broke though, as if your dumbass opinion actually makes any adult give a shit. Good day rajesh or whatever your name is.

      • Anonymous says:

        >Cope and seethe kid, I’m posting from a house with a valuation of about $3.2 million.

        You are in no position to write anything about "cope".

  2. Anonymous says:

    >inspo is just a picture of a chunk of metal he’s grown emotionally attached to
    absolute state of watchbrains

    • Anonymous says:

      Yep that’s why I barely collect them anymore, these unbased boomers who have their identity wrapped up in watches and consumer goods and the smooth brains have turned a hobby into an npc thing. I’m deliberately buying shit tier watches and trolling over the internet to make them seethe. When they call me "poor" I often post one of my cars. lol at these clowns.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sometimes too formal. A nice oxford shirt and good pants are GOATed. Or pic related with the jacket on


      >60mm GUESS watch
      this is not the one sar

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m dressed like pic related for a business trip. Before the trip i tried on a blazer but looked too formal, almost like a politician.
    I’m working in an IT business company.
    IMO you can safely say that suits in big tech is pretty much dead.

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