b-b-but MY booties are made from higher quality materials than y-your Doc Shitters!!!!! Ha!

>”w-why is that lady complimenting your boots!?? DOES SHE KNOW THEY HAVE NON-GUSSETED TONGUES!? Why isn’t she complimenting my simply exquisite shit-tinged “Leroy” 238s complete with golden freakin rivets??????? IM GONNA KILL MYSELF!!!!

27 thoughts on “b-b-but MY booties are made from higher quality materials than y-your Doc Shitters!!!!! Ha!

    • Anonymous says:

      Dude c’mon, be real. Probably close to 99% of the general population has no idea about boot quality/brands. Certainly not enough to eyeball a pair and come to a conclusion beyond their aesthetic appeal. /fashion/ggots are delusional if they think otherwise.

      I’ve literally gotten complimented on a $30 pair of chink Amazon "boots", back when I too knew nothing about quality

    • Anonymous says:

      Normies do because they’re "stylish" and hardcore. Clothing autists like us account for like 5% of the population.

  1. Anonymous says:

    >”w-why is that lady complimenting your boots!?? DOES SHE KNOW THEY HAVE NON-GUSSETED TONGUES!? Why isn’t she complimenting my simply exquisite shit-tinged “Leroy” 238s complete with golden freakin rivets??????? IM GONNA KILL MYSELF!!!!
    imagine caring about a woman’s opinion.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Shoes enthusiast are the dumbest moron out there, most of them are khv. gay no one cares if your shoe is some quality shit when they look like clown shoes with wooden soles lol.

    • Anonymous says:

      exactly lmao

      npcs consistently compliment my docs while ignoring my other (better) boots.

      the ultimate /fashion/ blackpill. no one cares about your “high quality” boots if they’re homeless-man-core.

    • Anonymous says:

      exactly lmao

      the ultimate /fashion/ blackpill. no one cares about your “high quality” boots if they’re homeless-man-core.

      It’s weird how the "no one cares about X" always translates to "consequently you shouldn’t be wearing X". I guess this is because some posters work heavily on external validation while others care more about internal. The external validators can’t comprehend wearing stuff for oneself, because you like it, it’s comfortable or makes you feel good. That’s why so many "girls don’t care about…" replies, as if the only reason for wearing a particular item is getting girls’ attention, or compliments from others.
      Cue the replies in the line of "what’s the point then" or "nah, you do care". It’s like trying to explain how the sun looks like to a blind.

      • Anonymous says:

        the ‘girls care about’ posts are the best because you can infer the anon typing it: has no gf, has no wife, and has trouble picking up girls. which leaves one wondering why they should take advice from a social reject on LULZ about getting girls to begin with.

  3. Anonymous says:

    doc martens have an association with punks which makes them cooler, fancy expensive boots with high quality materials have an association with dorks

  4. Anonymous says:

    this but unironically
    i was a GYW phase for a good couple years and spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on boots and shoes but one day i just woke up and realized it literally doesn’t matter

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