36 thoughts on “Absolute state of NPCs

  1. Anonymous says:

    I stopped visiting this board for 3 years and came back today to see you posting the same image that got spammed here years ago. Don’t you have any creativity?

    • Anonymous says:

      i just seek bar’d through all 30 fits and not one was normal looking
      hope that hecks up his watch time

  2. Anonymous says:

    wide leg is cool and all but if it composes 100% of your rotation you hecked up.
    he could at least have 1 straight cut normal pair of pants.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Non white people are getting totally out of pocket with the whole fashion influencing thing. Nobody wants to see it!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Is he confused? It’s like he just hucks on random shit hoping it’ll look good, but it never does. He’s very clearly trying to come off as interesting. The problem is that he’s not. There’s no real throughline other than he looks like a stupid hipster. I seriously hope none of you guys are like this.

  5. Anonymous says:

    is this guy really short or is his head disproportionally big? either way it’s a stocky peasant body more fit for toiling in a rice field than fashion

    • Anonymous says:

      probably both. he doesn’t quite have the proportions of a child more like that of a boy who just hit puberty or a woman’s.
      he’s exactly a 2.5:1 head to shoulder width ratio.
      >Average adults have a shoulder-width of a little under three heads, while children have shoulders that measure two heads or fewer.
      >Women run approximately 2 1/2 head widths in both the shoulders and hips

  6. Anonymous says:

    also fun fact the ratio of head width to shoulder width is the first things people consider when they look at someone and try to estimate their age & gender at a glance. with this guy your brain has to fill in the blanks on a more conscious level and you have to look at him longer before your brain’s like like ‘oh this woman/child frame with a lesbian haircut has a beard’ before you realize its a man. which can feel uncanny valley ish.

    • Anonymous says:

      these two posts, already answered

      Being 5’4 and wearing cropped pants is pretty insane

      wide leg is cool and all but if it composes 100% of your rotation you hecked up.
      he could at least have 1 straight cut normal pair of pants.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Rootless yuropoor brand clothes, no textures, no tradition, no different fabrics, no colour, they simply yearn to wear beige sackcloth like they used to and choose to overpay some Sw*debrand for a sack with a sans serif font logo sewn in

  8. Anonymous says:

    >fashion youtuber
    >all his clothes look out of place, un-lived-in
    >always trying to do something weird with the sizing, cut, cuffs etc which just looks… off
    many, many such cases

  9. Anonymous says:

    1 inch on pinch test is the absolute upper limit for a fit to be considered straight cut instead of baggy/relaxed or just the wrong size.

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