How do you deal with the fact that Fashion trends have moved on and the Zoomer aesthetic makes everyone ugly af.

How do you deal with the fact that Fashion trends have moved on and the Zoomer aesthetic makes everyone ugly af. I’m struggling to be sexually people due to their clothing choices alone.

20 thoughts on “How do you deal with the fact that Fashion trends have moved on and the Zoomer aesthetic makes everyone ugly af.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Yes, I am a str888boi and can’t get attracted to young women these days.

    Baggy ass mom jeans, I can’t even see the shape of her body–how do I know they’re not fat? Have ugly ass shaped calves, no waist-hip-ratio, etc. etc.

    I look at these women and I don’t know how ppl find that attractive. "On-trend" maybe, but it’s just not sexually arousing in any way.

    Women must walk around looking like whores from a porno 24/7 or else men won’t pay any attention because there are a multitude of online distractions easily available on every mans phone instantly

    Women need to learn to cum-pete for mens’ attention

  2. Anonymous says:

    Do all people dress the same in the US? I’m in eastern europe and there’s no unified "zoomer" look. We do have people who I can imagine take all their fashion inspo from tiktok, but they’re as common as people who dress differently
    Yes, girls too

  3. Anonymous says:

    Fashion trends have always been shit and will always be shit. Build your own style based on basic fundamentals of dressing well, and you will always stand out without looking stupid.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I actually don’t hate a lot of zoomer fashion. I personally just wear whatever regardless of trends but I take inspo from a bit of everywhere anyways. I think zoomer fashion has so many ways it manifests itself, and most of what you’re refering to tends to be occupied by young girls anyways. I think you can find loads of people with great/unique styles if you’re open minded

  5. Anonymous says:

    If you’re 18+, you’re too old to be chasing zoomer trends. Carve out your own niche and cultivate your own style.

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